OK ManA has Prepares some questions…. I speant nyt ..actlly I was unable to sleep n then I was thinnknig abt q So yaa!!!
Do u consider urseld smart/wise/clever?

(choose one)

What do u think about Mana , E_T N ZAINY?

? Language hahaha!!!

language? ok
mana: o5ot zarifa shadid ma3 enno mamkin tikon moz3iga 3al a5er
E-T: wallaila, sha5siyya moz3iga li daraga la 6as6a6ee3 al kalimat 23ta2 qadraha al kafy

Zainy: walla sha5siyya zarifa bas ya reet law tigiy online belliel aktar

we b3dein ferrgha al bet shagi3o dah fariiq ta3ban we mahzala

Sudani-arabic ^^^ lets see y'all try to make sense out of it

Five things u cant live without ( plz don’t end up saying family bcuz they aren’t “things”;))

My laptop, my mobile, my tv (including football, showcomedy, etc), pizza, and burgers

4 People u cant live without??
Don't need anyone in my life

If u had a chance to eliminat 5 things from the world what would they be???
University of Cambrdige, Mutawa3s, All rules that stop me and my crew from entering places such as malls, restaurents, etc
All wannabes in the world, oh, and i almost forgot, manchester united

When u look at a stranger whats the 1st thing u notice?( facce,dressing etc)
Face, idk why, but whenever i meat someone i always try to make out what country/race hes from (i aint racist, but i have some preassumptions that havent ever been proven wrong until this moment

Things which u hate about urself( don’t say nothing cuz no1 is perfect):p
My poor social skills i guess, and those headbutts and matsterlocks didnt exactly help in that sorta skills lol
Loreal or Herbal Essence shampoo( don’t ask where did that come form)
shampoo? anything that has the label "For Men"

I MUST thing U HAVE TO HAVE while going out( plz Not clothes its That NECCISTY)
my mobile (and its camera)
3thing u hate about guys
(representing girls)
They are so much smarter than us
They have got lives that are waaaay cooler than ours
oh, and they are sooooo sexci

3 thing u hate about girls
They never admit when their wrong or when they loose
They are unforgiving, and never look at our point of view
They are obsessed about power, and want us to think just like them!
describe urself in 5 words
Crazy (sometimes good, sometimes just evil

