Do u look at ur keyboard when u type ??
I take a glance sometimes, but usually no
Ever witnessed a disastrous event (a tornado,hurricane,sandstorm,thunderstorm,etc.) while you were outside ??
Yea, in sudan, pretty much every vacation i go to must have one of these

If u were to edit the Mona Lisa, what would u do ??
Put crazy frog instead of her

or restore the amulet, and make her a woman (u'd understand this if u read DaVinci code)
You are stuck with paris hilton in a lift, what would u do or say ??
Trick her into making me her therapy and charge her a few thousand bucks per half and hour :p
Ur thoughts of the swine flu ??
Chill y'all its just a freakin flu!
Ever got lost when u were a kid ?? If yes, how & then what happened ??
Yea once, my friggin big sister go us lost for like half an hour, but then she somehow lead us back to our parents
Is there any specific dance move u wanna learn ??
Breakdancing, Kalinka, or Bahavian

Name one thing u never did, but would like to try at least once ..
*tryna test everyone's sudanese-arabic* Wallahi haggo al wa7ed yeshekkis we law marra gabl ma yeglib jid ma3 al shiksoyat

Ever broke a window ?? How ??
Nah, not personally, but yea when am with my friends they do it and am usually covering up the traces

When were u born during the day ?? (in the morn.,noon,afternoon,etc.)
4:45 pm (according to my mommy

Imma let u take 1 thing of 3 things which i'd own .. my mobile, i-pod, and laptop (with all the info. on them, i'm nt gonna erase a thing) .. Which would u take ??
Care to give me the specifications? i aint just gonna choose one and i dont noe if the camera is just 1 megapixel, or ur ipod is ipod shuffle, or ur laptop having a 128 MB RAM

Chocolate-chip cookies or a fruit tart ??
Choclate chip cookies, at least they dont spill all over your shirt
When u write 'lool' or 'hehe' or 'haha' or 'whatever laugh it is', do u actually laugh ??
not really, sometimes i just smirk, but i rarely actually laugh
Can u accept people for who they are ??
Depends on who they are, for example, i aint gonna accept a wannabe for being himself, or a bighead for being himself,
but yea ok i myte accept people who lied a few times, or failed to make a commitment (but not too much(
Ur stuck in a room with me, & all i'm doing is yapping, what r u gonna do wit me ??
You're a girl, ill be nice enuf not to headbutt u or masterlock you, but ama give u one hell of a bitchslap

Ur stuck on an island, & all u have is a pen and a paper, what r u gonna do eventually with them ??
Write my plans for spending my life on the island
If u were to thumbs-down a q. from these q., which would u thumb down ??
Me being stuck with Paris Hilton, since its obvious what ama try to do
What does "I.Q." stand for as in I.Q. Test ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP !!)
Intelligence Quantity?