Do u consider urseld smart/wise/clever?

(choose one)
---> smart
What do u think about Mana n E_T?

? Language hahaha!!!
---> where am i
Five things u cant live without ( plz don’t end up saying family bcuz they aren’t “things”;))

---> cell phone.. laptop.... bookz... uhh food nd water

4 People u cant live without?? ----> my mommy nd daddy... my bro(cant believe i said tht

) nd uhhh i dunno maybe my soulmate
If u had a chance to eliminat 5 things from the world what would they be??? ---> y would i want to do tht...
When u look at a stranger whats the 1st thing u notice?( facce,dressing etc) ---> face

Things which u hate about urself( don’t say nothing cuz no1 is perfect):p -----> i m nt saying im perfect but i dnt hate anything

Loreal or Herbal Essence shampoo( don’t ask where did that come form) -----> herball essence...

I MUST thing U HAVE TO HAVE while going out( plz Not clothes its That NECCISTY) ----> hmm.... ppl would prefer naked though
mee my mobilleee

3thing u hate about guys ---> mm... 1) they r rude n spoilt jerkz (NOT ALL)
2) they r sooo annoying sumtymez
3) nd hmm.. i think selfish lool
3 thing u hate about girls -----> attitude problem
self obbsessed
describe urself in 5 words
1) happy
2) fun
3) cute
4) smart

5) mm... dunno !!