Author Topic: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!  (Read 84906 times)

Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #375 on: June 27, 2009, 12:44:05 pm »

Do u look at ur keyboard when u type ?? --> ya sumtymez...

Ever witnessed a disastrous event (a tornado,hurricane,sandstorm,thunderstorm,etc.) while you were outside ??  ----> sandstormm all da tym  >:(

If u were to edit the Mona Lisa, what would u do ?? ----> lol i dont wanna be a painter.... maybe i would change her 2 my self :P

You are stuck with paris hilton in a lift, what would u do or say ?? ---> GOD WHY OUT OF A GAZZILLION PEEPZ IN DA WORLD I GET STUCK WID HER ..... AND MAKE DA ANNOYED FACE :D

Ur thoughts of the swine flu ??  ----> v freaakky nd scaarryy thought :)

Ever got lost when u were a kid ?? If yes, how & then what happened ?? ---> ahahahaha yea... lol i was lookin 4 sum gd toyz nd my mom went off... it iz funny when i think abt it ::)

Is there any specific dance move u wanna learn ?? ---> break dance...

Name one thing u never did, but would like to try at least once .. ---> hmm..... lotz off stuff... :D

Ever broke a window ?? How ?? ---> lol no buh a glass ::)

When were u born during the day ?? (in the morn.,noon,afternoon,etc.)  ----> evening :)

Imma let u take 1 thing of 3 things which i'd own ..  my mobile, i-pod, and laptop (with all the info. on them, i'm nt gonna erase a thing) .. Which would u take ??  ---> dependz which mobile u have :D or else da laptop... :D

Chocolate-chip cookies or a fruit tart ??  ---> chocolate chip coookiieeess :D yummmy xD

When u write 'lool' or 'hehe' or 'haha' or 'whatever laugh it is', do u actually laugh ?? ---> lol... ahahaha... sumtymes ;)

Can u accept people for who they are ?? ---> yup...

Ur stuck in a room with me, & all i'm doing is yapping, what r u gonna do wit me ?? ---> okaay umm... since u r my frend ;) imma join in wid u !! ;)

Ur stuck on an island, & all u have is a pen and a paper, what r u gonna do eventually with them ?? ---> draw nd doodle :D

If u were to thumbs-down a q. from these q., which would u thumb down ??  mmm... da 1 wid "can u accept who ppl are... " lol :)

What does "I.Q." stand for as in I.Q. Test ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP !!) ---> intelligent questions  :P lmao ahahahaha v weird.... i duunnoo buh wt i wrote makes sense :P ::)
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #376 on: June 27, 2009, 05:02:32 pm »
Do u look at ur keyboard when u type ??

ya ... im still not an expert

Ever witnessed a disastrous event (a tornado,hurricane,sandstorm,thunderstorm,etc.) while you were outside ?? 

ya a sandstorm ... and i was having a walk outside ... i didnt do much, just turned around and returned home 

If u were to edit the Mona Lisa, what would u do ??

let her wear another dress ... and maybe a new hair style

You are stuck with paris hilton in a lift, what would u do or say ??


Ur thoughts of the swine flu ??

was scared ... im not now ... i think its a hoax

Ever got lost when u were a kid ?? If yes, how & then what happened ??

ya many times ... i just start screaming and my mum comes and get me

Is there any specific dance move u wanna learn ??


Name one thing u never did, but would like to try at least once ..

sky diving

Ever broke a window ?? How ??

no never

When were u born during the day ?? (in the morn.,noon,afternoon,etc.)

lol i dunno

Imma let u take 1 thing of 3 things which i'd own ..  my mobile, i-pod, and laptop (with all the info. on them, i'm nt gonna erase a thing) .. Which would u take ??

ur laptop

Chocolate-chip cookies or a fruit tart ??

chocolate-chip cookies

When u write 'lool' or 'hehe' or 'haha' or 'whatever laugh it is', do u actually laugh ??

lol sometimes (eg. now i just smiled  :P)

Can u accept people for who they are ??

ya .. sometimes

Ur stuck in a room with me, & all i'm doing is yapping, what r u gonna do wit me ??

punch u and leave u unconcious ... lol jk i will just listen to ur yapping and hope i go to sleep

Ur stuck on an island, & all u have is a pen and a paper, what r u gonna do eventually with them ??

write a diary

If u were to thumbs-down a q. from these q., which would u thumb down ??

this one

What does "I.Q." stand for as in I.Q. Test ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP !!)

Inteligance Quote ... i dont remember but i think thats it
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 10:37:51 am by Q80BOY »

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #377 on: June 28, 2009, 12:01:11 am »

Do u look at ur keyboard when u type ??
I take a glance sometimes, but usually no

Ever witnessed a disastrous event (a tornado,hurricane,sandstorm,thunderstorm,etc.) while you were outside ?? 
Yea, in sudan, pretty much every vacation i go to must have one of these :D

If u were to edit the Mona Lisa, what would u do ??
Put crazy frog instead of her :P
or restore the amulet, and make her a woman (u'd understand this if u read DaVinci code)

You are stuck with paris hilton in a lift, what would u do or say ??
Trick her into making me her therapy and charge her a few thousand bucks per half and hour :p

Ur thoughts of the swine flu ??
Chill y'all its just a freakin flu!

Ever got lost when u were a kid ?? If yes, how & then what happened ??
Yea once, my friggin big sister go us lost for like half an hour, but then she somehow lead us back to our parents

Is there any specific dance move u wanna learn ??
Breakdancing, Kalinka, or Bahavian :D

Name one thing u never did, but would like to try at least once ..
*tryna test everyone's sudanese-arabic* Wallahi haggo al wa7ed yeshekkis we law marra gabl ma yeglib jid ma3 al shiksoyat :P

Ever broke a window ?? How ??
Nah, not personally, but yea when am with my friends they do it and am usually covering up the traces :D

When were u born during the day ?? (in the morn.,noon,afternoon,etc.)
4:45 pm (according to my mommy :D )

Imma let u take 1 thing of 3 things which i'd own ..  my mobile, i-pod, and laptop (with all the info. on them, i'm nt gonna erase a thing) .. Which would u take ??
Care to give me the specifications? i aint just gonna choose one and i dont noe if the camera is just 1 megapixel, or ur ipod is ipod shuffle, or ur laptop having a 128 MB RAM :P

Chocolate-chip cookies or a fruit tart ??
Choclate chip cookies, at least they dont spill all over your shirt

When u write 'lool' or 'hehe' or 'haha' or 'whatever laugh it is', do u actually laugh ??
not really, sometimes i just smirk, but i rarely actually laugh

Can u accept people for who they are ??
Depends on who they are, for example, i aint gonna accept a wannabe for being himself, or a bighead for being himself,
but yea ok i myte accept people who lied a few times, or failed to make a commitment (but not too much(

Ur stuck in a room with me, & all i'm doing is yapping, what r u gonna do wit me ??
You're a girl, ill be nice enuf not to headbutt u or masterlock you, but ama give u one hell of a bitchslap  8)

Ur stuck on an island, & all u have is a pen and a paper, what r u gonna do eventually with them ??
Write my plans for spending my life on the island

If u were to thumbs-down a q. from these q., which would u thumb down ??

Me being stuck with Paris Hilton, since its obvious what ama try to do

What does "I.Q." stand for as in I.Q. Test ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP !!)
Intelligence Quantity?
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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #378 on: June 28, 2009, 09:18:22 am »
Do u look at ur keyboard when u type ??

yeah sometimes..

Ever witnessed a disastrous event (a tornado,hurricane,sandstorm,thunderstorm,etc.) while you were outside ??

yeah..the 2004 tsunami..i was near the harbor when it hit our island..:D

If u were to edit the Mona Lisa, what would u do ??

change the shape of her face..

You are stuck with paris hilton in a lift, what would u do or say ??
run away..:D

Ur thoughts of the swine flu ??


Ever got lost when u were a kid ?? If yes, how & then what happened ??

nop..havent been to a place large enough to get lost..

Is there any specific dance move u wanna learn ??


Name one thing u never did, but would like to try at least once ..

bungee jumping

Ever broke a window ?? How ??

yeah..accidentally threw a stone at it..

When were u born during the day ?? (in the morn.,noon,afternoon,etc.)

morning i think..

Imma let u take 1 thing of 3 things which i'd own ..  my mobile, i-pod, and laptop (with all the info. on them, i'm nt gonna erase a thing) .. Which would u take ??


Chocolate-chip cookies or a fruit tart ??

chocolate-chip cookies

When u write 'lool' or 'hehe' or 'haha' or 'whatever laugh it is', do u actually laugh ??

most of the times..

Can u accept people for who they are ??

yeah..most of the times..

Ur stuck in a room with me, & all i'm doing is yapping, what r u gonna do wit me ??

put a sock in ur mouth..:P

Ur stuck on an island, & all u have is a pen and a paper, what r u gonna do eventually with them ??

write a letter n put in a bottle n throw it in to sea..:D

If u were to thumbs-down a q. from these q., which would u thumb down ??

7th one..:P

What does "I.Q." stand for as in I.Q. Test ?? (WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP !!)

Intelligence quotient..i thnk..
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Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #379 on: June 28, 2009, 04:41:25 pm »
heey beebz me cant wait 4 ET 2 post some more.. so i have dunnit  ::)

1) would u rather study or clean?

2) would u rather eat pizza or chocolate cake ?

3) do u like being smart or cute... ?

4) fav all time book..?

5) laptop or pc ?

6) describe ME in a sentence in a language other than english :P

7) mee runnin out of quesstttiioonnzzz.... !! ::)

mmm...i dunno anymore noww... lol  :D
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #380 on: June 28, 2009, 04:44:28 pm »
heey beebz me cant wait 4 ET 2 post some more.. so i have dunnit  Roll Eyes

1) would u rather study or clean?


2) would u rather eat pizza or chocolate cake ?


3) do u like being smart or cute... ?


4) fav all time book..?

dont have an all time fav..

5) laptop or pc ?


6) describe ME in a sentence in a language other than english Tongue

zainy akee varah bolah undhagu vaa faadu suvaalu kuraameeheh..:P 
lol figure that out..

7) mee runnin out of quesstttiioonnzzz.... !! Roll Eyes

mmm...i dunno anymore noww... lol  Cheesy
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Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #381 on: June 28, 2009, 04:47:51 pm »
heey beebz me cant wait 4 ET 2 post some more.. so i have dunnit  Roll Eyes

1) would u rather study or clean?


2) would u rather eat pizza or chocolate cake ?


3) do u like being smart or cute... ?


4) fav all time book..?

dont have an all time fav..

5) laptop or pc ?


6) describe ME in a sentence in a language other than english Tongue

zainy akee varah bolah undhagu vaa faadu suvaalu kuraameeheh..:P 
lol figure that out..

7) mee runnin out of quesstttiioonnzzz.... !! Roll Eyes

mmm...i dunno anymore noww... lol  Cheesy

answer q6 properly...  >:(
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3

Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #382 on: June 28, 2009, 05:12:24 pm »
lol okie i gt it... u r rude though.. !  ::)
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #383 on: June 28, 2009, 05:15:40 pm »
1) would u rather study or clean? clean ofcourse..this only requires physical effort not mental :P

2) would u rather eat pizza or chocolate cake ? pizza

3) do u like being smart or cute... ? oh both wont hurt anyone lool

4) fav all time book..? dont have any specific reading 1 at the moment

5) laptop or pc ? laptop

6) describe ME in a sentence in a language other than english :P sh59ytech wayed mar7ah wo astanes lama atkalam m3ach :P

7) mee runnin out of quesstttiioonnzzz.... !! ::)
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Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #384 on: June 28, 2009, 05:28:34 pm »
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #385 on: June 28, 2009, 05:29:13 pm »
damn zainy thats loud n big..:P :P
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Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #386 on: June 28, 2009, 05:30:25 pm »
damn zainy thats loud n big..:P :P

i knoww lmaoo... so ppl take it SERIOUSLY
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #387 on: June 28, 2009, 07:08:58 pm »
1) would u rather study or clean? study

2) would u rather eat pizza or chocolate cake ?  Chocolate cake

3) do u like being smart or cute... ? smart, cuz cute ppl wont have a "future" ppl can figure out a way to be cute :) ;) (thank God im both) :P

4) fav all time book..? mmm, not a fav one, but "Thirteen: 13 tales of horror by 13 masters of horror" is a gd book

5) laptop or pc ? Laptop

6) describe ME in a sentence in a language other than english :P....du bist sehr lustig, freundlich, und nett, und ich mag dein Freund sein :)
7) mee runnin out of quesstttiioonnzzz.... !! ::)


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #388 on: June 28, 2009, 07:21:57 pm »
1) would u rather study or clean?study...duh!!

2) would u rather eat pizza or chocolate cake ? pizza

3) do u like being smart or cute... ? smart

4) fav all time book..?don't hv ne favs...

5) laptop or pc ?laptop

6) describe ME in a sentence in a language other than english :P hmmm.....yaar mein bohot buri hoon "description" mein...waise jahan tak mein tumhe jaanti hoon tum ek friendly jazbati larako aur bohot hi active larki ho....loll....waise maf ki jiye ga k mein ne khalis urdu mein nai likha...lollzz....

7) mee runnin out of quesstttiioonnzzz.... !! ::)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 07:31:17 pm by zara »

Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #389 on: June 28, 2009, 07:24:25 pm »
1) would u rather study or clean? study

2) would u rather eat pizza or chocolate cake ?  Chocolate cake

3) do u like being smart or cute... ? smart, cuz cute ppl wont have a "future" ppl can figure out a way to be cute :) ;) (thank God im both) :P

4) fav all time book..? mmm, not a fav one, but "Thirteen: 13 tales of horror by 13 masters of horror" is a gd book

5) laptop or pc ? Laptop

6) describe ME in a sentence in a language other than english :P....du bist sehr lustig, freundlich, und nett, und ich mag dein Freund sein :)
7) mee runnin out of quesstttiioonnzzz.... !! ::)

hey snitty wht language is that ???::)
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3