Author Topic: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!  (Read 84861 times)


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #300 on: June 23, 2009, 10:31:03 am »
Is there anybody you wish you could see ?? ( like how zainy wants to c her friend now  )

ya ...

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking ??

a lot

When was the last time you held hands with someone ??

hehe 2 weeks ago (if u mean held hands and walking around etc.) this morning (if u mean just holding a hand)

What thought made you cry last ??

failing all my IG subjects (but i didnt cry ... my heart skipped a beat  :P)

Whats one thing that makes u melt in opposite gender ??

lol i didnt understand ... do u mean what i like about girls? ahhm their laugh and their eyes

Do u write a diary/jornal ??


Have u ever lost track of what ur saying while u were talking ?? (happens A LOT to me,i feel like im drunk or sth)

ya many times ... but my friends help out

Which is more comfy ?? Sleeping on ur sides,back,or stomach ??

more comfy ... my sides

Whats one bad thing that u secretly have said to urself bout a friend ?? (umm. u cn go far if u want)

a bad thing about a friend? ooh i have many  :P last one was "wtf is wrong with this guy"

When was the last time you really wanted to punch someone in their face ??

last night ... instead i started ripping some magasines and books ... it felt great

Have you ever danced really stupidly and thought nobody was watching you but somebody actually was ??
danced stupidly - Ya  someone caught me - No way  :P

When is your birthday ??

12th of January

Do you like your name ??


What was the last lie you said ??

looool ok, my friend is travelling ... she asked if im gonna miss her i said yes  :P

Do u like the crunch sound when u eat chips or cucumbers ??

lol makes no difference

Apple juice or grape juice ??

apple juice !!

Sweetest person on this forum ?? funniest ??

sweetest - sweetsh (duuh from the name)

funniest - astar definatley !!

If i gave you a mic & i asked u to say ONE sentence to the WHOLE world what would it be?

Go to and enter a student's paradise (good advertising huh :P)

Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #301 on: June 23, 2009, 10:34:17 am »
Is there anybody you wish you could see ?? ( like how zainy wants to c her friend now  )

ya ...

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking ??

a lot

When was the last time you held hands with someone ??

hehe 2 weeks ago (if u mean held hands and walking around etc.) this morning (if u mean just holding a hand)

What thought made you cry last ??

failing all my IG subjects (but i didnt cry ... my heart skipped a beat  :P)

Whats one thing that makes u melt in opposite gender ??

lol i didnt understand ... do u mean what i like about girls? ahhm their laugh and their eyes

Do u write a diary/jornal ??


Have u ever lost track of what ur saying while u were talking ?? (happens A LOT to me,i feel like im drunk or sth)

ya many times ... but my friends help out

Which is more comfy ?? Sleeping on ur sides,back,or stomach ??

more comfy ... my sides

Whats one bad thing that u secretly have said to urself bout a friend ?? (umm. u cn go far if u want)

a bad thing about a friend? ooh i have many  :P last one was "wtf is wrong with this guy"

When was the last time you really wanted to punch someone in their face ??

last night ... instead i started ripping some magasines and books ... it felt great

Have you ever danced really stupidly and thought nobody was watching you but somebody actually was ??
danced stupidly - Ya  someone caught me - No way  :P

When is your birthday ??

12th of January

Do you like your name ??


What was the last lie you said ??

looool ok, my friend is travelling ... she asked if im gonna miss her i said yes  :P

Do u like the crunch sound when u eat chips or cucumbers ??

lol makes no difference

Apple juice or grape juice ??

apple juice !!

Sweetest person on this forum ?? funniest ??

sweetest - sweetsh (duuh from the name)

funniest - astar definatley !!

If i gave you a mic & i asked u to say ONE sentence to the WHOLE world what would it be?

Go to and enter a student's paradise (good advertising huh :P)

ahahahahahahahahhahahaa awesome advertise astar vill b v proud of u !!! :P

nd i cant believe u lied 2 ur friend... u wont miss !! :P
What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #302 on: June 23, 2009, 10:44:10 am »
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying ??

no ... actually i avoid people who are crying

Last kind of gum you chewed ??

Extra Mint (the blue one  :P)

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing ??

Marks and Spencer

What movie did you see in theaters that you didn't like ??

Disney's/Pixar's   UP

Have you ever had an imaginary friend ??


First thing that comes to mind when i say 'it was her/him,not me' ??

trouble !!

Who is one person u r just most of the times impatient with ??

im mostly impatient with my family

Ever spin around in circles until you got so dizzy you fell ??

used to do it a lot when i was younger ... i stopped now that i realise what happens when i stop  :P

Do you like wearin the hood on your hoodie ??

no ... i LOVE hoodies but never wear the hood

Have you ever kissed someone who's name starts with a J ??

ya my baby cousin ... Jana

Pizza or pasta ??


What would u sell your soul for ??

i'll never sell my soul !!

Name three things you could reach for.

right now i can reach for 1. the box of tissues  2. blank CDs 3. a pencil

What's the taste in your mouth ??

i dunno ... i never tasted it  :P

Best present anyone ever gave u OR u ever gave ??

given to me - my Laptop

given from me - a card, a box of chocolates and a perfume (last mother's day)

Without looking it up, which country features a maple leaf on its flag ??  Grin (testing ur general knowledge)

im not into flags ... so i would never have thought of Canada ... i would have said Lebanon (cause of the tree in the middle)

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #303 on: June 23, 2009, 10:46:27 am »
heheeh.. q8oboy, u know ??
i was gonna say the lebanese flag too .. bt then i found out its the canadian flag ..

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #304 on: June 23, 2009, 01:05:42 pm »

Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ??

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ??

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? (cuz with me, it gets me sleepy)

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ??

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ??

If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ??

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ??

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one)

What is the meaning of ur name ??

What name rhymes with u ??

How do u define an adorable person ??

How do u defina an annoying one ??

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ??

Name something red in the place ur sitting in ..

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??

First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ??

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!)

Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ??

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #305 on: June 23, 2009, 01:27:47 pm »

Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ?? both :)

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ?? oh our teacher told us that b4 so i knew it :P

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? (cuz with me, it gets me sleepy) wakeful

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ?? telekinesis- so i can tidy my room all the time with no effort lol

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ?? i would trust a good-doing stranger cuz who betray u once can betray u twice

If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ?? oh yes...i love penguins

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ??  slight beard

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one) he was my fav. when i was small..adored him

What is the meaning of ur name ?? i think u know ;)

What name rhymes with u ?? i think u know 2 loool

How do u define an adorable person ?? incredible...just an angel

How do u defina an annoying one ?? annoying lol

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ?? jasem,yousef (my bro's name),.... cant think of a third one :P

Name something red in the place ur sitting in .. my mat

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ?? hell's not worth it :P lool

First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ?? a river of honey

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!) my eyes..cuz i would like to see everything around me...eye contact lool

Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ?? patience...i sometimes lose it very quickly
If i fall along the way pick me up and dust me off...and if i get too tired to make my breath so i can walk!!


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #306 on: June 23, 2009, 01:56:58 pm »

Is there anybody you wish you could see ?? ( like how zainy wants to c her friend now  ;D)ya..

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking ??very often

When was the last time you held hands with someone ?? don't remember

What thought made you cry last ??i didnt cry lately...loll...

Whats one thing that makes u melt in opposite gender ?? i dont....theyr all one...

Do u write a diary/jornal ?? used to

Have u ever lost track of what ur saying while u were talking ?? (happens A LOT to me,i feel like im drunk or sth)ahaan

Which is more comfy ?? Sleeping on ur sides,back,or stomach ?? sides

Whats one bad thing that u secretly have said to urself bout a friend ?? (umm. u cn go far if u want)don't wanna reveal....

When was the last time you really wanted to punch someone in their face ??just an hour ago

Have you ever danced really stupidly and thought nobody was watching you but somebody actually was ??  ;Dloll....yes....most embsarassing moment of m lyf...

When is your birthday ?? 25 apr

Do you like your name ?? yup

What was the last lie you said ??dat i was reading sum imp article on pc while i was actually doing sumthing personal....which i didnt want ne1 to kno....

Do u like the crunch sound when u eat chips or cucumbers ?? yup....luv it!!

Apple juice or grape juice ??Apple

Sweetest person on this forum ?? funniest ?? loll....theyr many..

If i gave you a mic & i asked u to say ONE sentence to the WHOLE world what would it be?PEACE PEOPLE!!!HELP EACH OTHER AND LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!!!ALWAYS HAVE +VE THINKING!!!!!(lol...dats 3 sentences) :D


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #307 on: June 23, 2009, 02:09:21 pm »

Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ?? both

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ?? yup....just

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? (cuz with me, it gets me sleepy)wakey wake

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ?? if ur askin frm these two...then flying....other than this>>>to chnge ppls decisions!!!

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ?? i think ill go for m frnd

If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ?? yup.....theyr soo cute... :-*

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ?? slight beard

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one) childhood i don't watch now..

What is the meaning of ur name ??Princess..;D

What name rhymes with u ??dunno

How do u define an adorable person ?? hmmm....don't hv the exact wrds atm...

How do u defina an annoying one ?? simply annoying...

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ?? Ali, Husnain & Kazim

Name something red in the place ur sitting in .. nuthing red room's tone is black!!!

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??neva!!!

First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ?? a really peaceful luxirious place for free!!!loll

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!) if u lose it then theres nuthing left.....ur whole lyf goes in darkness and dats the end!!!

Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ?? patience


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #308 on: June 23, 2009, 02:34:30 pm »
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying ??nopes....i feel like crying i prefer to stay away.....
Last kind of gum you chewed ??

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing ?? carrefour

What movie did you see in theaters that you didn't like ?? i hardly go in there

Have you ever had an imaginary friend ?? yup
First thing that comes to mind when i say 'it was her/him,not me' ?? sum kinda bad thing....trouble?

Who is one person u r just most of the times impatient with ??my sibs

Ever spin around in circles until you got so dizzy you fell ??yup... :D

Do you like wearin the hood on your hoodie ??sumtyms..

Have you ever kissed someone who's name starts with a J ?? no nt J

Pizza or pasta ?? both plzzz

What would u sell your soul for ?? im still nt dat dumb

Name three things you could reach in things?? cell....Cds...and my choclate...;D

What's the taste in your mouth ??of Bounty

Best present anyone ever gave u OR u ever gave ??my best frn>>gave me a diary of our memoriable tyms together....(she rote the whole lot herself!!!)ah i luv it soooo much!!!!!the bestest present ne1 cn giv me!!!

Without looking it up, which country features a maple leaf on its flag ??  ;D (testing ur general knowledge)no idea!!

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #309 on: June 23, 2009, 03:10:48 pm »
Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ?? both

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ?? Yup i did

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? Nathing i stay the same?

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ?? Flying

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ??welll none.....But in case of question ill goo for a frnd
If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ?? i would be the first one on ur door:D

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ?? slight beard

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one)heheh he's cute loll:D
What is the meaning of ur name ??i dont think it has a meaning

What name rhymes with u ??None..soo far i know

How do u define an adorable person ?? cute,funny,charming !!

How do u defina an annoying one ?? UGH!

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ?? Mohammad,Ibrahim,Abdulla

Name something red in the place ur sitting Flowers

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??neva!!!

First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ?? haaa peace .luxurious beyong imagination

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!)Sight,life would be going through darkness!!!
Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ?? Patience
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 03:41:01 pm by ManA »
All ur dreams are made,when you're changed to a mirror and the razor blade!!!

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #310 on: June 23, 2009, 03:15:15 pm »
blonde hair and blue eyes OR brown hair and brown eyes on the opposite sex ??
-brown hair and brown eyes

Be laughed at and made fun of for something you are proud of OR not noticed at all ??
-be laughed and made fun of...
ever stepped on a cockroach ??

do u love or hate simon cowell ??
-no feelings...
are you a 'that 70s show' fan ?? and if u r, who of the characters do u love the most ??
are you a 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' fan ?? and if u r, who of the characters do u love the most ??
lets assume u have a pet (if u dont) & IT (not 'he' & sanity will understand me) started talking, what would u do ??
-I'll just talk back...
what language do u wish u could speak ??
-French and italian...
what color are your eyes ?? 

millions of ways to die, choose one ??
-plane crash...
favorite ice-cream colour ??
& finally, did u realize i put 2 question marks in the end of my questions ??  (cuz I just realized that)
yes...I do...

Great...U must have been extremely bored...

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #311 on: June 23, 2009, 03:52:31 pm »
Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ??  flies      

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ??  yeah..when u said it

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? wakeful

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ?? flying

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ?? im not very trusting but for this question i ll say a good doing stranger

If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ?? no

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ?? slight beard

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one) annoying..:D

What is the meaning of ur name ?? wind

What name rhymes with u ?? figure it out..:P

How do u define an adorable person ?? umm..cant think of a good definition

How do u defina an annoying one ?? barney

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ?? aisha, shiuna, (secret)

Name something red in the place ur sitting in .. chair

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??  hell is a tip for the cleaner..:D

First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ?? will i b able to go

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!) sight

Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ?? social relations
Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam..

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #312 on: June 23, 2009, 05:36:01 pm »
Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ?? ---> mm... both r annoyin i would say Mosqitoes

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ?? ---> Duh !! :P

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? (cuz with me, it gets me sleepy) ---> Sleeppyy...

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ?? ---> flying...

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ?? ---> stranger.. :P

If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ??  ---> Yaaa....

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ??  ---> slight beard..

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one) ---> bla bla.... (how annoying)

What is the meaning of ur name ?? ---> dunno

What name rhymes with u ?? ---> u know i dnt relly care..

How do u define an adorable person ?? ---> sum1 cute.. relly sweet...

How do u defina an annoying one ?? ---> mm... bla bla...

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ?? ---> Muhammed, Hammad, Abdullah...

Name something red in the place ur sitting in .. ---> my shirt :P

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??
---> ummm... nooo...

First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ?? --> sumwhere relaxing peace nd a nyc place 2 chill

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!) ---> dude i luv all my senses i vill not lossee any :P buh 1 i guess my eye sight...

Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ??  ---> patience because im alreaddy social enough...

What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #313 on: June 23, 2009, 06:11:51 pm »

Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ??

mosquitoes ... they're stealling my blood !!  >:(

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ??

ya i did when i wrote it above  :P

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? (cuz with me, it gets me sleepy)

there isnt a difference ... i drink it for the taste only

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ??

telekinesis ... sometimes i cant be bothered to get up and get stuff

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ??

it depends on what im trusting him with ...

If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ??

no ... i dont think he can live in kuwait ... too hot

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ??

i dunno ... girls what do u prefer?

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one)

i used to like him ... but then i discovered Desperate Housewives and i got hooked  :P

What is the meaning of ur name ??

its the name of a prophet

What name rhymes with u ??

no name rhymes with mine ... im unique  ;D

How do u define an adorable person ??

cute smile and short fair hair

How do u define an annoying one ??

messy hair and doesnt stop talking

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ??

Jennifer ... Amy ... Sandra

Name something red in the place ur sitting in ..

the couch  :P

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??

i'll tell whoever is in the toilet to get it for me and i give him half ... something better than nothing   ;)

First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ??

bikini babes  :D lol jk

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!)

my sight ... cause i dont want to live in darkness

Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ??

patience !!

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #314 on: June 23, 2009, 08:23:43 pm »


Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ??

Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ??

Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? (cuz with me, it gets me sleepy)
ya sleepy and also a headache

Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ??

Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ??
a friend who betrayed me once

If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ??
yea why not, unless my monkey hates penguins

Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ??
(representing girls) oooh tha moustache is soooooo hott, makes the guy looks so mature!, the beard makes him look like a  mutawwa :P

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one)
FInd it a mystery why kids love him

What is the meaning of ur name ??
Omer, i heard it is he who piligrims (makes Omra) a lot, but i aint sure

What name rhymes with u ??
Amr, Samar, can't think of any other ryte now

How do u define an adorable person ??
Juicy cheeks, a bit shy, funny, and a soft laugh i guess

How do u defina an annoying one ??
Look at E-T :p
kidding, actually, someone who naggs, doesnt shut up, and also a big-head

Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ??
Chelsea (duh), Nadia/Nadine, Lillian

Name something red in the place ur sitting in ..
Nothing, just my blood vessels i guess

If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??
Yes duh, there is three funny lil things called detergents, soap, and shampoo
First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ??

Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!)
Sight, i am too dependent on it, and one of my top choices for post-highschool studies is Aviation

Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ??
Social relations, da hell with my temper :P
Nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and yet you still feel lonely