Which are more annoying, flies or mosquitoes ??
Did u realize that the word 'mosquitoes' have the 'toes' word ??
Does coffee make u more wakeful or sleepy ?? (cuz with me, it gets me sleepy)
ya sleepy and also a headache
Which super-power would u choose, telekinesis (moving things by mind) or flying ??
Is it easier for u to trust a good-doing stranger or a friend who betrayed u once ??
a friend who betrayed me once
If i was giving away penguins, would u want one ??
yea why not, unless my monkey hates penguins
Girls, prefer a mustache on teens or the slight beard ??
(representing girls) oooh tha moustache is soooooo hott, makes the guy looks so mature!, the beard makes him look like a mutawwa

What do u think of barney ?? (yeah, the kids' one)
FInd it a mystery why kids love him
What is the meaning of ur name ??
Omer, i heard it is he who piligrims (makes Omra) a lot, but i aint sure
What name rhymes with u ??
Amr, Samar, can't think of any other ryte now
How do u define an adorable person ??
Juicy cheeks, a bit shy, funny, and a soft laugh i guess
How do u defina an annoying one ??
Look at E-T :p
kidding, actually, someone who naggs, doesnt shut up, and also a big-head
Favorite 3 names of the opposite sex ??
Chelsea (duh), Nadia/Nadine, Lillian
Name something red in the place ur sitting in ..
Nothing, just my blood vessels i guess
If u dropped a 100(whatever currency used n ur area) n a CONTAMINATED public toilet, would u get it out ??
Yes duh, there is three funny lil things called detergents, soap, and shampoo
First thing that comes to mind when i say 'heaven' ??
Which of the five senses u wouldn't want to lose ?? & y ?? (PLEASE PICK ONE!)
Sight, i am too dependent on it, and one of my top choices for post-highschool studies is Aviation
Which would u want to improve n urself, patience or social relations ??
Social relations, da hell with my temper