Comming just 4 zainy this time:
Is there anybody you wish you could see ?? ( like how zainy wants to c her friend now

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking ??
When was the last time you held hands with someone ??
What thought made you cry last ??
Whats one thing that makes u melt in opposite gender ??
Do u write a diary/jornal ??
Have u ever lost track of what ur saying while u were talking ?? (happens A LOT to me,i feel like im drunk or sth)
Which is more comfy ?? Sleeping on ur sides,back,or stomach ??
Whats one bad thing that u secretly have said to urself bout a friend ?? (umm. u cn go far if u want)
When was the last time you really wanted to punch someone in their face ??
Have you ever danced really stupidly and thought nobody was watching you but somebody actually was ??

When is your birthday ??
Do you like your name ??
What was the last lie you said ??
Do u like the crunch sound when u eat chips or cucumbers ??
Apple juice or grape juice ??
Sweetest person on this forum ?? funniest ??
If i gave you a mic & i asked u to say ONE sentence to the WHOLE world what would it be?