Do people consider you smart ??
Everyone except my family does
Name something good that happened this week ??
Me and me friends finally started hangin out!
What is the current colour of ur bedsheets ??
Its a Buggs Bunny bedsheet

Tv or pc ??
PC all the way!
Does lookin in the sun or just standing in place of sunshine make u sneeze ?? (cuz it does make me sneeze)
Not at all :S
Fav. footwear ??
i'd love to try those tap-dancing shoes
Or maybe rollerblades

American idol or so u think u can dance ??
Both r stupid, but So U Think U Can Dance is less stupid
Snow or rain ??
Hard to choose, not sure, but ill say rain just cuz it doesnt risk flu as much as snow
Funniest thing u have heard 2day ??
"Hey lets pose like,,,," not gonna finish it, and dont try askin me
Ever thought bout commiting suicide ??
A lot, but then i remember Islam forbids it
Ever bitten anyone ??

Not that i remember :S
Do you have a collection of anything?
I collect currencies, but havent been too active this last year
Do u remember ur dreams ??
Rarely, almost never
What are you afraid of ??
What's Your Favorite Scent ??
When is the last time you were in a swimming pool ??
this afternoon
Ever thrown up in public ??
Girls, Do you own a pair of Uggs ??
(representing girls) of course we do!
Guys: Whats an ugg?
Are you a fast typer ??
Do you find girls/guys with facial piercings attractive ??
Ears and MAYBE eyebrows