'''Best feature in you ?? Worst feature in you ??
My 'stash & triceps Tongue
physically idk, prolly my biceps
Best feature u like in opposite gender ?? Worst feature u hate in opposite gender ??
e7em, hmmmmmmm, having a 'stash? ''' >>> dude, whats stash ??

'''Who is the last person u fought with and about what ??
A friend, for ditching the crew''' >>> reasonable
'''Can u really distinguish between pepsi & coca-cola ??
yea, pepsi is more bitter''' >>> really ?? i can never distinguish
'''What is one thing u ALWAYS procrastinate about doing ??
what does procanstinate mean?''' >>> LOOK IT UP !
'''Do u normally fight with ur parents ?? If yes, usually about what ??
Yes, everything lol, but its mainly centered about the fact that they cant accept the fact that i aint a freakin kid anymore''' >>> Yeah, i fight with them bout almost everything !
'''Do u like random people ??
27em, I AM A RANDOM GUY!''' U R ?? 0_o
'''Congrat's ET, By the way, i already mentioned that ama sudani last week, cant believe u didnt notice it Tongue''' >>> walhi ana asln 7aseit.