Author Topic: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!  (Read 84643 times)

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #135 on: June 19, 2009, 09:17:20 am »
What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ??My boat

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ??Uugh!

Can You Multitask?Yes

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ??No. My fridge is huge

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ??

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ??Politicians everywhere.

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers )Kate Bush

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ??One to think about

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !)

Kittens or puppies ??Kittens

Pickles or olives ??Olives

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac  Grin ??I crave to get things done.

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?Some girls intimidate with confidence

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?I was lost on my way to a University for a PHD interview once. I was obviously in a panic and was looking for the nearest cashpoint to get some money for a taxi. An old woman, very well spoken, gave me £10. If I ever give to charity collectors now, I give £10. She was so impressive.

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)??Why?

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ??Patience. Endurance

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ??sh*t! said Jo, the first time I showed her freeexampapers. Someone wrote this on their blog.

Do u know ur blood-type ??No

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ??Winter
« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 09:25:26 am by astarmathsandphysics »

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #136 on: June 19, 2009, 11:06:33 am »
What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ?? Nokias theme > Lights

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ?? Yes lol

Can You Multitask? You mean do 2 stuff at the same time ? Yep, as a matter of fact im doing that right now

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ?? Depends which one u talking about haha

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ?? N/A   :P

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ??  Many

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers ) You will never know  ;)

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ?? Drink eggs, done that too, dont try it :P

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) Read the previous question lol :P

Kittens or puppies ?? Umm, kittens i think

Pickles or olives ?? Both

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac   ??  Uhh no idea

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? Hmm, prob. tease me, but nothing big

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? Hmm, kissed me, hugged me, got me gifts, cake, etc

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)?? Ehh? Hmm, Am i stupid ?  ;D

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ?? Weakness idk, but one of my greatest strengths is tht im patient and intellegent

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ?? Many, but this is one of the best, - What would we do without u, lol

Do u know ur blood-type ?? O+ (i thnk)

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ?? Nothing perticular, but the time when its not too hot or too cold, and when it rains :)

When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)

Offline Zain-Xa

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #137 on: June 19, 2009, 11:16:41 am »

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ?? ---> itz red n white... but i alwayz change it  :D

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ?? --> No

Can You Multitask? ---> yaa...

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ??  :P :P

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ?? --> mm... sometymes  ::)

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ?? --> Yaaa

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers )  ---> my bff hoz in america ryt now  :(
nd frm the forum YOUUU lol  :P

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ?? ---> hot peppers i think

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) ---> noo i wont im nt tht crazyy

Kittens or puppies ?? ---> Kittens

Pickles or olives ?? ---> olives

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac  ;D ??  ---> Yeaa
What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? ---> ignored me like...

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? ---> there r loadz of stufff

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)?? ---> lol i wont tell u mwahaahaha

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ?? ---->
weakness uhh dunno
strength im patient

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ?? ---> dnt  relly remember

Do u know ur blood-type ?? ---> nope

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ??  ---> rainy, winter

What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?


I'll be strong.. I'll be wrong.. all the love goes on.. Oh im just a girl tryna find a place in this worLD..  Taylor swift <3

Offline Exam_Terrified

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #138 on: June 19, 2009, 11:50:10 am »
@ astar :
'''Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac  Grin ??I crave to get things done.''' >>> nice !

'''What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?I was lost on my way to a University for a PHD interview once. I was obviously in a panic and was looking for the nearest cashpoint to get some money for a taxi. An old woman, very well spoken, gave me £10. If I ever give to charity collectors now, I give £10. She was so impressive.''' >>> wow.

'''Can You Multitask?Yes''' >>> yeah, kinda expected ur answer

@ abdo :
'''Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ?? Yes lol''' >>> SAME HERE.

'''Boys, are you taller then your fridge ?? Depends which one u talking about haha''' >>> how many do u have ?? one for each type of food ??

'''If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers ) You will never know  Wink''' >>> annoyin u !  :P

'''Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ?? Drink eggs, done that too, dont try it Tongue

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) Read the previous question lol Tongue''' >>> hehe

'''What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? Hmm, kissed me, hugged me, got me gifts, cake, etc''' >>> hugged & kissed by who ??   ;)

@ zainy :
'''What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ?? ---> itz red n white... but i alwayz change it  Cheesy''' >>> yeah,i changed also bout everyday. dunno y !

'''If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers )  ---> my bff hoz in america ryt now  Sad
nd frm the forum YOUUU lol  Tongue''' >>> aww, sweet ! hehe  :P

'''Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) ---> noo i wont im nt tht crazyy''' >>> hehe, i was ! it was actually a dare, & u dunno me n dares, i WOULD do what is asked from me.

'''If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ??  ---> rainy, winter''' >>> YUP !! GO RAIN !  :P

Offline Exam_Terrified

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #139 on: June 19, 2009, 01:42:55 pm »
i think imma post some more :

Look to your left, what do you see ??

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ??

Can u whistle ??

One thing u wish u could have right now. & i mean sth tangible.

Music or movies ??

When u take ur shoes off, do u untie the shoelaces ??

Have u ever seen a dead body there in front of u ??

Ever faked sick ??

If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go ??

Last thing you bought at the grocery store ??

Have you been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?

Ever broken a bone ?? How ??

What three possessions could you could not live without?

Do you like Lost or Heroes more?

What weird habits did you have when you were younger?

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?

Name one irritating thing bout the way i write ??

Girls, do u think brad pitt looks hott ??

Guys, do u think jennifer aniston looks hott ??

Do you know how to change a baby's diaper?

Has anything scary ever happened to you that was hard to believe?

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #140 on: June 19, 2009, 01:55:33 pm »
Look to your left, what do you see ?? TV

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ?? Cousin

Can u whistle ?? Yes

One thing u wish u could have right now. & i mean sth tangible. None i can think of

Music or movies ?? Both but Movies more

When u take ur shoes off, do u untie the shoelaces ?? Nope

Have u ever seen a dead body there in front of u ?? Yes

Ever faked sick ?? Yes

If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go ?? Restart my IGCSE's :D

Last thing you bought at the grocery store ?? A drink

Have you been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? Nope, hope i never am too

Ever broken a bone ?? How ?? Nope

What three possessions could you could not live without? Other than the basics, nothing really, can live without TV Music Movies Laptop etc :P

Do you like Lost or Heroes more? LOST <3

What weird habits did you have when you were younger? Cant remember any

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? Nope

Name one irritating thing bout the way i write ?? i usually change ideas or have writting mistakes, so i scribble alot

Girls, do u think brad pitt looks hott ?? N/A :P

Guys, do u think jennifer aniston looks hott ?? Out of 10, with 10 being highest,  6.5/10

Do you know how to change a baby's diaper? No lol

Has anything scary ever happened to you that was hard to believe? Hmm, i know some ppl who have died, and was hard to believe..

When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #141 on: June 19, 2009, 01:57:00 pm »
Post more Qs, makes me less bored :P
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #142 on: June 19, 2009, 01:59:49 pm »
i think imma post some more :

Look to your left, what do you see ??books

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ??Myself. I lost my mobile phone so I called it from my house phone to find it.

Can u whistle ??No

One thing u wish u could have right now. & i mean sth tangible.lots of money

Music or movies ??Watch "Bad boy Bubba" very funny

When u take ur shoes off, do u untie the shoelaces ??no. i have no shoelaces

Have u ever seen a dead body there in front of u ??No. But if I did I would have to try and save it. You never know, they might be rich and VERY GRATEFUL!

Ever faked sick ??yes

If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go ??To when I couldnt be told apart from the best mathematician of the 21st century

Last thing you bought at the grocery store ??salmon paste

Have you been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?No

Ever broken a bone ?? How ??Yes. When I was 10 I broke my arm playing footbal

What three possessions could you could not live without?all the things in my loft

Do you like Lost or Heroes more?

What weird habits did you have when you were younger?My brother had an onnoying habit of releating the last word of every sentence.

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?no.

Name one irritating thing bout the way i write ??What??

Girls, do u think brad pitt looks hott ??

Guys, do u think jennifer aniston looks hott ??no.

Do you know how to change a baby's diaper?no

Has anything scary ever happened to you that was hard to believe?Car crashes

Offline Exam_Terrified

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #143 on: June 19, 2009, 02:00:37 pm »
hehe. k abdo.

Offline MR.BooMBastiC

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #144 on: June 19, 2009, 02:08:39 pm »
ET..i hav posted new riddle..........

Offline Exam_Terrified

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #145 on: June 19, 2009, 02:10:09 pm »
What are you currently listening to ?? (doesn't need to be a song By the way)

When u get dressed, do u put on ur bottoms or tops first ?? ;D

Who was your last missed call from ??

If you could become famous for anything, what would it be ?? (& omAr, say sth else than ur head-butts)

Would you take someone back if they betrayed you ??

Favorite accent ??

1st thing u do when u wake up in the mornin ??

Pick one emoticon from the above to describe ur current feeling & mention y!

One person u trust the most ??

Did u ever try a cigarette ?? & r u a smoker ??

Meanest thing u ever did to nyone ??

Have any hidden talents ??

Can u roll ur tongue ??

Are you happy with the life you have ??

If u could change sth bout urself , what would u change ??

Worst nightmare u had ??

What do u daydream mostly bout ??

How do u try to abate ur anger ??


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #146 on: June 19, 2009, 02:12:39 pm »

Look to your left, what do you see ??wall

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ??frn

Can u whistle ??yup :D

One thing u wish u could have right now. & i mean sth tangible. nuthin

Music or movies ?? movies

When u take ur shoes off, do u untie the shoelaces ?? nope

Have u ever seen a dead body there in front of u ?? yea :'(

Ever faked sick ?? really bad at it (hv tried mny tyms)

If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go ?? back on m orientation...

Last thing you bought at the grocery store ?? drink

Have you been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? nope

Ever broken a bone ?? How ?? yea...twice...once> i was a hand came in that automatic door(in airport)...n second in march 09> my fingers came in the fan(on full speed)....both r f9 hand n

What three possessions could you could not live without? prayers....pc...books...cell....(dats 4)

Do you like Lost or Heroes more?neither

What weird habits did you have when you were younger? feeding m younger sis with different types of poisons..loll..

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?nope

Name one irritating thing bout the way i write ?? i or u? dunno abt u...abt me..well i scribble a lot..

Girls, do u think brad pitt looks hott ?? kinda

Guys, do u think jennifer aniston looks hott ?? .....

Do you know how to change a baby's diaper?yup.. :D

Has anything scary ever happened to you that was hard to believe? grandpops death..

« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 02:14:32 pm by zara »

Offline X Abdulrahman X

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #147 on: June 19, 2009, 02:21:29 pm »
What are you currently listening to ?? (doesn't need to be a song By the way) Someone talking from the characters of shrek 3 :P (showmovies 1 XD)

When u get dressed, do u put on ur bottoms or tops first ?? bottom

Who was your last missed call from ?? Maid

If you could become famous for anything, what would it be ?? (& omAr, say sth else than ur head-butts)Richest person alive

Would you take someone back if they betrayed you ?? Maybe

Favorite accent ?? Fillipino lol, among many others..

1st thing u do when u wake up in the mornin ?? Try to sleep again  :D

Pick one emoticon from the above to describe ur current feeling & mention y! theres no above .. ?

One person u trust the most ?? A good old friend

Did u ever try a cigarette ?? & r u a smoker ?? Yes,- not really, smoke once in a while with friends :P

Meanest thing u ever did to nyone ?? Kick their A** and emberass them alot :P

Have any hidden talents ?? If their hidden ill never know  ;D

Can u roll ur tongue ?? Yes

Are you happy with the life you have ?? Yup and im very grateful

If u could change sth bout urself , what would u change ?? I have a slightly pointy noise, so i wanna make it shorter :P

Worst nightmare u had ?? Me dying painfully

What do u daydream mostly bout ?? What imma do today  ;D

How do u try to abate ur anger ?? Keep it all in until into a fight :P
When they talk about me they say I be trippin
What they say about me doesn't make me mad 
I think they hatin cause they see me when I'm rollin
Man I can't help it that they really doin bad  =P

Big cars, Big wheels, Big chains, Big pimpin', Big money, Big Dreams ;-)


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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #148 on: June 19, 2009, 02:24:54 pm »
What are you currently listening to ?? (doesn't need to be a song By the way)my lil bro excited voice(hes playin ps)

When u get dressed, do u put on ur bottoms or tops first ?? ;D

Who was your last missed call from ?? frnd

If you could become famous for anything, what would it be ?? (& omAr, say sth else than ur head-butts) studies

Would you take someone back if they betrayed you ?? it depends...if that person is realli sorry...(ill kno dat if he/she's fakin or not)

Favorite accent ?? British

1st thing u do when u wake up in the mornin ?? open m eyes... :D

Pick one emoticon from the above to describe ur current feeling & mention y!  :D dunno y..

One person u trust the most ?? dad

Did u ever try a cigarette ?? & r u a smoker ??nope

Meanest thing u ever did to nyone ?? ahem....i didnt share sum realli imp notes with m frn....(actually i was angry dat tym)

Have any hidden talents ??    hidden? no...theyll r open... :D

Can u roll ur tongue ?? yup

Are you happy with the life you have ?? alhumdullilah

If u could change sth bout urself , what would u change ?? my short temperness

Worst nightmare u had ?? my bro's death...(but l8r came to kno dat it means hell live longer)

What do u daydream mostly bout ?? it always chnge...loll

How do u try to abate ur anger ?? i go sumwhr els...away frm that site...

Offline Exam_Terrified

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Re: i am bored & here are some random questions :D ! NEW Q. !!
« Reply #149 on: June 19, 2009, 02:26:41 pm »
What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ?? >>> a drawing my lil sis drew 4 me

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ?? >>> yeah i do,& i just love the cracking sound.

Can You Multitask? >>> no, never.

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ??

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ?? >>> at certain times, yeah, anything, & i mean anything wil make me cry.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ?? >>> yeah !

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers ) >>> in real life : it would be my aunt. in this thread : secret ;D

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ?? >>> HOT PEPPERS DEF.

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) >>> UHUH !

Kittens or puppies ?? >>> kittens

Pickles or olives ?? >>> pickles

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac  Grin ?? >>> yeah? cerelac  :-[ !

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? >>> ignoring me, i mean pple could do nything, & i'd be fine with it, bt nt ignore me

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? >>> some1 bringin me a chocolate cake while we were on a fight

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)?? >>> imma assume that its not me who did this quiz, so dont want some1 askin me my name

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ?? weakness : cant take nything seriously enough
strength : very strong (not physically of course)

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ?? >>> dont have a best.

Do u know ur blood-type ?? >>> nope

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ?? >>> diff. one with a lot of rain