What do u think is one name that goes with a serial killer ?? Don't know.
Like jam ?? Ur favorite flavour ??YES. Mixed fruit.
Want ur partner to be shorter or taller than u ??Shorter
Whats one song u think of when i say 'favorite song' ?? Now its "Waving flag"
Longest u have ever slept 4 ?? Dont remember exactly. Maybe 14 hours
Whats sth that always makes u feel better ??Money
U like Will Smith ??
Have u ever got stuck in an elevator ??Yes...
Which bothers u the most, subways or public restrooms ??Public restrooms
U ticklish ?? Does being tickled annoy u ??YES. I'm afraid! Don't try it on me or I'll be rolling on the floor!

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ??tandard Nokia theme.
Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ?? No. That must hurt.
Can You Multitask?No.
Boys, are you taller then your fridge ??Yes
Girls, is it easy to make you cry ?? I'm not a girl.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ?? Yes...
If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers )In real life... Real life - Bill gates. Forum - lah, doesn't matter.
Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ?? Drink??
Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) NO!!!
Kittens or puppies ?? Puppies
Pickles or olives ?? None
Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac ?? No..
What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?Secret.

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?Secret

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)?? How many times do your mom gets angry at you i n a day?
What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ?? weakness - trusting everyone. Strength - concentration.
What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ?? Many...
Do u know ur blood-type ?? Yes.
If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ?? Summer