•If you could cook for me what would it be? >>> i cant cook much..

•If you were any particular geometric shape what would it be? >>> triangle
•Which song best fits your image and why? >>> hmm.. i never knew the answer to this..

•Do you have a tattoo, where is it located and what does it stand for? >>> nopes..
•Who are your favourite author and your favourite book? >>> many actually..
•Do you believe in the afterlife? >>> maybe
•Do you believe in soul mates? >>> yes
•If God were a woman what would be the one thing she would change about the world? >>> i dunno..
•If you were to be reborn who would you want to be born as? >>> me but different life.. this ones gotten too boring..

•What is the thing you most like and dislike about me? >>> i dunno
•What would you do if your partner cheated on you? >>> get mad leave him..
•Do you believe human beings are monogamous by nature? >>> depends
•What is the one thing that you would want your children to learn about life? >>> i dunno..
•If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a 10 year old kid what advice would you want to give him/her? >>> soo many things to warn myself about.. hahaaha XD
•What would you like to change about the world? >>> war..more peace..no tragic bad stuff..

•If you were an activist what would want to protest against? >>> not interested ..
•If you could be the Prime Minister of your country for a day what would you do? >>> again not interested..politics..boring...
•What is the craziest thing you have done for your partner? >>> hahaa.. shuushh..
•If you could be any mystic or a holy or religious man who would it be and why? >>> i don't wanna be anybody..
wow.. these have got to be the worst answers ever.. lol