Did you go to sleep happy last night ??
Kinda, compared to previous nytes, yea
1st thing u do when u open ur pc ?? ---
check virtual villagers

Who is one person u spoke on the fone with the longest ??
A friend of myne, almost a whole hour lol
Fav. childhood toy ??
hmmmm, i was more of a tv boi
Most difficult time u ever been thru was cuz of what or who ??
Between the beginning of August till the IG reports come out, and the UCLES as well as my parents are responsible for this
Monkeys or parrots ??
Can I pick both?
Avril lavigne or paris hilton ??
AVRIL LAVIGNE ALL THE WAY DUDETTE! (not that i hate dummies like Hilton, esp if they're rich

Do u have a secret ur ashamed of ?? Does nyone know it ??
Yea duh, and hell no, i dont trust no one in here
Ever had a rumor spread bout u ?? what was it ?? what did u do bout it ??
Yes, aint gonna mention it, but u can guess what i did to the guy
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online ??
if i got credit, on the phone, but otherwise online
Have you ever been on a diet ?? How did it go & did u give up too soon ??
Me? diet? ama proud of my shape (except the rib area maybe)
Have you ever stolen anything u can remember now?? What was it ??
Only if i'm pulling pranks, and then i return the thing
Who makes you laugh ?? Whats the funniest thing did that person say that u can remember now ??
Another friend, but not always, sometimes i get pretty down and nuthing makes me feel good, and that person just makes the situation look funny, which makes it easier to deal with, and helps me think straight and focus
Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit ?? If yes, who wa that someone ??
27em, i dont even clean up after my own!
How many cell phones have you had ?? Types ??
2, my first mobile was N-Gage QD and last year i got N-95 8GB
Would you wear the clothes from your childhood if they still fit ?? (aahahaha, bet most of u will say no)
why not? ama random silly boi aint i