Look to your left, what do you see ??
--> my cupboard 
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone ??
---> my frnd Can u whistle ??
---> Yaa (sort of lol )One thing u wish u could have right now. & i mean sth tangible.
---> wt do u mean by tangible
nd i wish 4 a gd day 2 day...Music or movies ??
--> i cant choose 1 
When u take ur shoes off, do u untie the shoelaces ??
--> noo 
Have u ever seen a dead body there in front of u ??
---> nooEver faked sick ??
---> Ya lol If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go ??
----> mm... 2 do my ig'z again lol because i would knoe everythin mwahahahahaLast thing you bought at the grocery store ??
---> Ice Cream 
Have you been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
----> No Ever broken a bone ?? How ??
---> Ya my toe
i gt hurt frm a table 
What three possessions could you could not live without?
---> My mobile, laptop n gd books 2 read 
Do you like Lost or Heroes more?
---> okie i didnt get u ??What weird habits did you have when you were younger?
---> mm... i dnt relly remeber lolll 
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
---> ya i think so... nt sure lol Name one irritating thing bout the way i write ??
---> i dnt think i find anythin irritatin lol Girls, do u think brad pitt looks hott ??
---> NOOGuys, do u think jennifer aniston looks hott ??

Do you know how to change a baby's diaper? --> No
Has anything scary ever happened to you that was hard to believe? ---> nooppee