CIE was in a sorry state. Everybody was switching to study the IB instead, and with the recession and the credit crucnh, well, CIE was bankupt. To pay their debts, there was to be a public auctioon to sell off CIE.
The interested parties - blackpapers, xtremepapers and freeexampapers crowded into the auction hall and the bidding started.
My Dad's a Sheik said blackpapers. He owns 1000 oil wells and runs the biggest hotel chain in Kuwait. I bid $100000
My Dad's a media magnate, said xtremepapers. He is very pleased I managed to bankupt CIE. He says it is training to take over the newspapers and TV statins. I bid $10000000000
Times are bad said freeexampapers. We lost $100000 last year and my country has to import the leftovers of the dinner tables of Saudi Arabia to feed the people. I can only bid 50p.
On the other hand, I have the money now.