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Anyone with a cd burner can create the cds

Example:5GB of IGCSE papers
$7 a cd
$50 for for all the igcse papers on fep
$5 for the cds and postage which leaves $45 per set for the student to spend on popcorn

ok so who is in this exactly .. we need to know who can do what .. im prepared to come up with designs for the cups and tshirts ..

and will we send the CDs over-seas? how use DHL?

yes use dhl. I am sure you can get a discount. The students can promote the shop themselves in addition to what we do on fep and the forum. If you all make a success of it it will be great to put on your cv


--- Quote from: astarmathsandphysics on September 11, 2009, 03:16:49 pm ---yes use dhl. I am sure you can get a discount. The students can promote the shop themselves in addition to what we do on fep and the forum. If you all make a success of it it will be great to put on your cv

--- End quote ---

well there is also another thing .. WE have to be unique ..

why will the student order from us when he can drive to the nearest bookshop and get them instantly ..? thus we need something different .. any suggestions?

The cds will make you unique. They are not available anywhere else. All the other past papers websites are down or not working properly.


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