Teachers and Students > Debates

Former President of Egypt

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The military leaders care a lot less about the future of Egypt than that their owners of not far short of half of the Egyptian economy should be preserved.
Frankly, those military leaders have bled Egypt dry since 1956.

You are right, that is why military leader only take control for a short period of time, because this is not their job, their job is to protect Egypt against military threats or terrorist attacks that the police cannot take care of, so don't expect the Sisi to be able to control Egypt, right now there is a threat on Egypt's safety and that is people out on the street causing trouble instead of being at work contributing in Egypt's economy or at home taking care of their families.

God support the Sisi in his job and may this be over soon and Egypt gets to be under the control of a proper President who will care for the welfare of the Egyptian's inside and outside and be a crutch for us in time of need. Egypt and all the countries suffering like Syryia, Palestine, etc. Say Ameen

It's strange.
I din't like Mubarak. I didn't like Morsi, and I don't likle the army.
I would have been out on the streets demonstrating against all of them, but at least I would have had the chance one day to throw Morsi out at the ballot box.

Every president has his faults, they are not Prophets, but we see now a days shows they do not even care, if we throw each and every president out, we will live maybe like animals in the jungle, maybe it would have been better to live as an animal in the jungle

Throw him out every four years and demonstrate at his door  in the meantime.


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