Teachers and Students > Debates

Former President of Egypt

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I don't like Presidents and Prime Ministers anywhere full stop. There must be something wrong with someone who can tell enough lies to persuade so many people to vote for him.
Once he has done that however, it is up to people to work out for themselves the mistake they have made, and wait for the next opportunity to throw him out with a new vote, not drag him out of his luxury palace and hang him, however stupid, incompetent, corrupt and immoral he may be.

I am totally with you on that, i think every president even if there were no charges against him he should be taken to court and they make sure there is nothing wrong with his history before he gets voted another round. Truthfully i am totally against presidents being hanged for being bad, but in Morsi's case i heard that on his last day he had telephoned the US president's secratary and asked for military support, and when that didnt work he called the same terrorist group that killed more than 7 Egyptian soldiers and or 2 officers during Ramadan while they were waiting for the Maghreb Azan so they can break their fast.\ and he asked them too  for help against the Egyptain army. So if this was true, do you think he deserves to be in jail and get treated as if he is a theif not a traitor or do you think he should be sentenced to death like a the previous traitors.

The man was forced to be bad I think by people not any better than he was.
How can the military leaders of Egypt support the result of any election after what they have done?
The fact is any President in power can gather enough opposition to make millions of people turn out on the streets to demonstrate and call for his overthrow.
George Bush and Tony Blair were probably the most deserving of this, but people still supported the system that elected them, be the leaders ever so bad and stupid.

Personally i think no one and one should oppose any decision made by the military leaders, because all they care about is the safety of Egypt and all their decisions concern the safety of the egyptian citizens......... I support the SISI for all his decisions because he never takes his decisions alone, he doesnt have the authority to do so, he is in control of the number 1 army in power due to pentagon research, number 4 in air defence, why would he ever want anything else, why would he serve Israel as some people say. Please help me on this, and a request to all Egyptians, please go back home and and back to your jobs, wether you were a supporter or an opposer, they do not make up the country, it is us the people we build it not the Sisi. you do not work you are the one destroying egypt not him.


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