Qualification > Miscellaneous


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Locke Lamora:

--- Quote from: Khey on May 20, 2009, 07:15:06 pm ---ICT was not bad!!
but wat was the name of the verification??

--- End quote ---

yes i wasnt........ i went 2 gamenet 4 about 3 hours rite after xamzz, den took my mother to the superstores.... 1 hour.....and generally wasted time  :D :D ;D ;D

verification= either proofreading, thats where u re-read nd check against actual document
                      or double entry......

how much do u think the thresholds for a A would be this year

the Grade Threshols are 85% or more for ICT 0417 gets you a guaranteed A-satr - >> My uncle is the Chief Examiner, so he knows approximately

???What were The Network Topologies & Features in an Input Form????

???Network Topologies???   ???Input Forms???

the topology was hybrid and the other two were star and bus........

does anyone knw how 2 navigate into the input forms i wrote stylesheets bookmark hyperlinks and anchor is that correct????

And yah........wat were the advantages of using chip and pin systems over magnetic stripe.....

plz answer my querries some1..............

thank u in advance


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