Qualification > Miscellaneous


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--- Quote from: Khey on May 20, 2009, 07:15:06 pm ---ICT was not bad!!
but wat was the name of the verification??

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manual visual check...describe it
[OR](since they asked only one)Double entry data

Khey [Rainbow]:
I wrote re-check as i didn't knw da name
is dat a mistake??

sounds like the answer but actually depends on the examiners choice...dnt worry dey will take the average and it does sound like the answer


--- Quote from: Fibonacci on May 20, 2009, 07:22:17 pm ---What the hell was that exam?

It was so damn easy, OMG. Like, I thought I was in a multiple choice cause it had a loot of multiple choice. Also there were very few of those big essay questions. I was really surprised with the exam. There was one didfficult one which said: Give four features that allow you to switch between imput forms. It was kinda tough but I think I got around it.

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what did u write?

i wrote in verification proof reading against the original document.

and the one about the navigation i wrote Icon Menu FILE STRUCTURE(i had to write anything)lol and Pointer


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