Qualification > Miscellaneous


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--- Quote from: Fatema on May 21, 2009, 06:48:40 am ---the topology was hybrid and the other two were star and bus........

does anyone knw how 2 navigate into the input forms i wrote stylesheets bookmark hyperlinks and anchor is that correct????

And yah........wat were the advantages of using chip and pin systems over magnetic stripe.....

plz answer my querries some1..............

thank u in advance

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I wrote that it's more secure,  has a larger capacity.....

said that the chip readers are more common and we can find them every where.. (this is wrong, I asked abt it)
and wrote another reason that I forgot....

What abt u?


--- Quote from: annie_angel on May 20, 2009, 08:49:05 pm ---
--- Quote from: Khey on May 20, 2009, 07:15:06 pm ---ICT was not bad!!
but wat was the name of the verification??

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manual visual check...describe it
[OR](since they asked only one)Double entry data

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YES!!! I dint write double entry data exactly, but I wrote that 2 ppl can enter the same data.

okek well first anchor is the same as bookmark..but u can rite scroll down..the "next " button...the "back" button.."the cancel" button..u know other stuff..so i think u got one mark there.
advatages of chip is: it has more larger capacity..it doesnt get damaged by magnetic fields, ....and the other thing  u wrote....i wrote 3 only and left one blank.....i have a question myself..for the last question about emails and faxes...is it ok to write in points?????


--- Quote from: halosh92 on May 21, 2009, 07:36:54 am ---okek well first anchor is the same as bookmark..but u can rite scroll down..the "next " button...the "back" button.."the cancel" button..u know other stuff..so i think u got one mark there.
advatages of chip is: it has more larger capacity..it doesnt get damaged by magnetic fields, ....and the other thing  u wrote....i wrote 3 only and left one blank.....i have a question myself..for the last question about emails and faxes...is it ok to write in points?????

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i always rite in points...and i think da 4th point could be tht chips and pins r more secure as they require a PIN no for identification...but magnetic stripes r directly used


--- Quote from: DE on May 21, 2009, 07:06:07 am ---
--- Quote from: Fatema on May 21, 2009, 06:48:40 am ---the topology was hybrid and the other two were star and bus........

does anyone knw how 2 navigate into the input forms i wrote stylesheets bookmark hyperlinks and anchor is that correct????

And yah........wat were the advantages of using chip and pin systems over magnetic stripe.....

plz answer my querries some1..............

thank u in advance

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I wrote that it's more secure,  has a larger capacity.....

said that the chip readers are more common and we can find them every where.. (this is wrong, I asked abt it)
and wrote another reason that I forgot....

What abt u?

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For the chip thing i wrote
1)more secure
2)larger capacity
3)more robust
4)less chances of it being misused by fraudsters as pin is required.It is double checked(but i think this point is similar to saying its more secure....so i don't think ill get a mark for this.


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