Thank you vv.v.v much for replying me. You are replying me very rapidly which is encouraging me to write more.It makes me feel good that someone else like a nice person like you also feels that practicals are difficult. Your information has proved very valualbe and important to me.You are such a nice person.
My dear buddy! see if teh university is asking for good pass at A level, it means simply that the university has not fixed criteria so is asking 'for good pass' however, I believe that A combination of A and B grades at A level is very good. You could get two A and one or two Bs, i guess usually. If you have A* in any, it is a very good pass. Personally, I don't call any grade a bad pass unless it is below Cs!
NOw coming to NUS, my idea shud work. But you can contact the univesity becoz most univesiteis are helpful and will tell you their general requirement. But your NUS, i think, will not ask specifically for A or A*! Basically, they want to keep place open for many candidates so that enough students arive. Many universiteis in Uk, consider AAB or ABB(meaning one A grade + two Bs) as a general requriment, for instance. Others ask for even low. for exact info, you plz contact your NUS uni. Visit their website and take their e mail, so that no risk.
By the way, Where is NUS uni? In india? USA?UK? I gues USA?
Now my new Question:How long u took to prepare for AS practical or Physics and Chemy? Some idea? 1 month , two month? I ask becoz I could then apply for taking exam and my time would not be wasted. Did your tutor start practical at the end of year, or did they keep it teaching to students with the common course or class???I have bio also.
Plz tell me how many years past paper u use to prepare for practical??i mean form 2006may jun to 2011may june???
Tell me if i can ask you any query abot past paper mcq of physic or chemy?
(When i write something, take this whole message for you, for example, I often write very long. sorry but u know it just hapens automaticaly.)
Thank u once more for listening to me,
Your frank reply makes me delighted,
I hope i gave you good reply also,
May YOU Achive A* and A grades is all subjects!
Good bye and take care,
yours sincerely,
Kai Pai