Author Topic: First time giving exams How ?  (Read 4237 times)

Offline guitarbuddy

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First time giving exams How ?
« on: May 25, 2012, 05:20:29 pm »
Guys i am giving the as level exams for the first time. and my exams are currently exams going on.
However i need to ask how do cie give marks ? do they give grades or marks ? do they give it per paper or marks ? is there a star in cie ? if yes form what percent ? If i need to repeat a subject like i get in a in paper 2 and paper 1 and c in paper 3 ? so do i need to give all the papers again or only paper 3 because i need to score a ?

Thankyou guys for reading these question and answering them

Offline kaipai

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 05:32:46 pm »
Every year, grades are awarded on the basis of relative grading scheme, which means that there is no fixed 80/90% or something similar for any grade. You should download old papers from xtremepapers and markschemes and then u will know that how grades are awarded . Also u should download gt i.e grading threshold or grading chart which tells u how many marks are needed for A/b/c/d grade.They give grades only and A* exists!!

(NO marks would be deducted for wrong answers., so u should attempt all!!!!)YOu will have to appear in whole AS/ A level, if u want to latter improve your grades. Individual components/ papers are not allowed to sit for in CIE(however Edexcel the other board allows this). If your As level grade is poor, you could work very hard because you will be able to latter try and cover it at Alevel(i.e. the A2 level - after AS level)

Tell me how are you studying? Self/ school? Any tutors? What subjects? Physics/Chemy/what? The questiosn u have asked indicate that u are really new. Do you attend school formally? Please reply me...

Good luck for your all papers.
TAke care.


Offline guitarbuddy

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 11:12:19 am »
Every year, grades are awarded on the basis of relative grading scheme, which means that there is no fixed 80/90% or something similar for any grade. You should download old papers from xtremepapers and markschemes and then u will know that how grades are awarded . Also u should download gt i.e grading threshold or grading chart which tells u how many marks are needed for A/b/c/d grade.They give grades only and A* exists!!

(NO marks would be deducted for wrong answers., so u should attempt all!!!!)YOu will have to appear in whole AS/ A level, if u want to latter improve your grades. Individual components/ papers are not allowed to sit for in CIE(however Edexcel the other board allows this). If your As level grade is poor, you could work very hard because you will be able to latter try and cover it at Alevel(i.e. the A2 level - after AS level)

Tell me how are you studying? Self/ school? Any tutors? What subjects? Physics/Chemy/what? The questiosn u have asked indicate that u are really new. Do you attend school formally? Please reply me...

Good luck for your all papers.
TAke care.


I am studying in a school. And my AS LEVEL exams are going on now. I have taken Physics, Chemistry, Maths (Statistics and Pure Maths ) and English Launguage.
According to me , I think i should get an A in Physics Chemistry and Maths because i have done really well. But is A grade well enough ? Generally A * grade is from what percentage ?

Thanks. Please Reply me

Offline kaipai

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 09:13:08 pm »
A*  :)doesn't exist at at an individual component or at as-level - only at whole a-level.  So, whether you get A* will depend on your getting atleast an A at As-level. You can get the marks required for obtaining A* at A-Level (any subect) from The A* grading marks were formally anounced at May 2011 exams and will continue onwards.

I just want to know that do you not have any friends/fellows who know about such grading information? Or they new as well?

thank you for replying.

good bye,

kai pai  ;)

Offline guitarbuddy

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 11:07:01 am »
No one knows. Everyone one is new. I need to ask one more thing- I am from india and would like to go to USA or UK for universities. If i get a C in english and A in maths,physics, chemistry will i get admission ? Do the universities consider english grade or do they consider IELTS AND SAT ENGLISH ?

Offline kaipai

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 03:42:47 pm »
Thank youfor reply.

Yes a C in As level English shoud work since even at Olevel/IGCSE
usually a B/C grade is accepeted by most universities as equivalent to IELTSl particularly in UK.
Yes, even IELTS/TOEFL are accepted.Yes englsh grade is considered.
Moreove, in UK an 'A' grade is considered by most univesiteis as very good. NOt all demand A grades many would agree on B/C at Alevles in 3 required subjects. You can visit any UK university website to get basic information.

Now plz. tell me a simple thing. What do the CIE examiners provide in practicals of Physics when circuits knowledge is tested. I particualry want some idea of the resistors they provide? Do they provide a circuit board? What is the size of resistors?Tiny?for exampel if 47ohm ressitors conected in series?then which resistor will teh student get?
Thank you. Reply pleez.
Good bye.
Do not hesitate to ask more. ...
Take care

Offline guitarbuddy

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2012, 03:51:53 am »
They can give any type of resistors. They can give a small wire as a resistor for 47 ohm or they can give even a large board as a resistor of 47 ohm.. For my exam i got a small wires as resistors of 1 kilo ohm , 3kilo ohm etc.. Mostly they will give short wires

Offline kaipai

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2012, 07:49:47 am »
THanksssssssssssss a lotttttttttttt.
Thank you Guitarbuddy!YOu re very nice person.

Plz tell me how much help do the supervizor in the practical exam provide?I know they help but they deduct marks for that but i want to know how much helpful they were in your case, or your friends's case?
How long did you take to preapre for all the subjects AS level? And how long in particular did you practice the AS level physcis and chemy practicals, i am afraid that they are boring and difficult????
Did your tutor taught you from past practical papers or something else??

I hope you understand all my questions (whic may seem rather odd!)Pls try to reply all questions, you may ask your friiend/teaher if you can. ONe more question: Which variant of Practical AS physcis/chemistry you chose/ your teacher chose? I have heard that the student gets the chance to decide whic variant they want of practical paper.
Tahnks buddy,
Take care

Best wishes,

Kai pai.

Offline guitarbuddy

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2012, 05:22:55 pm »
Actually, even i am weak in practicals. In the physics practical i couldnt connect the circuit so the teacher help me by telling where to connect the wires. I dont know about the marks they detect but i think they will detect 2 marks in case of major help. The tutor taught us from the past papers. And the paper is of 2 hrs. We practiced around 10 papers. It depends on the person how is their ability to prepare for all the subjects at AS level. I am very good in maths so it took less time. Overall i took around 1.5 weeks to learn all the chapters and other i just solved all the past papers. About the variant i didnt get to choose the variant , the school only chose it and gave so i dont no.

Ask anything you want .

Take Care

Offline guitarbuddy

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2012, 08:17:28 am »
I would also like to ask one more thing... What is a good pass grade in a levels ? I am looking at NUS university. They say  A good pass in at least 3 ‘Advanced’ Level subjects is required for candidates to submit an application. Many applicants submit good passes for  4 or more ‘Advanced’ Level subjects for our consideration.
So basically what is considered a good grade for most good to best universities ?

Offline kaipai

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2012, 06:10:21 pm »
Thank you vv.v.v much for replying me. You are replying me very rapidly which is encouraging me to write more.It makes me feel good that someone else like a nice person like you also feels that practicals are difficult. Your information has proved very valualbe and important to me.You are such a nice person.

My dear buddy! see if teh university is asking for good pass at A level, it means simply that the university has not fixed criteria so is asking 'for good pass' however, I believe that A combination of A and B grades at A level is very good. You could get two A and one or two Bs, i guess usually. If you have A* in any, it is a very good pass. Personally, I don't call any grade a bad pass unless it is below Cs!

NOw coming to NUS, my idea shud work. But you can contact the univesity becoz most univesiteis are helpful and will tell you their general requirement. But your NUS, i think, will not ask specifically for A or A*! Basically, they want to keep place open for many candidates so that enough students arive. Many universiteis in Uk, consider AAB or ABB(meaning one A grade + two Bs) as a general requriment, for instance. Others ask for even low. for exact info, you plz contact your NUS uni. Visit their website and take their e mail, so that no risk.

By the way, Where is NUS uni? In india? USA?UK? I gues USA?

Now my new Question:How long u took to prepare for AS practical or Physics and Chemy? Some idea? 1 month , two month? I ask becoz I could then apply for taking exam and my time would not be wasted. Did your tutor start practical at the end of year, or did they keep it teaching to students with the common course or class???I have bio also.

Plz tell me how many years past paper u use to prepare for practical??i mean form 2006may jun to 2011may june???

Tell me if i can ask you any query abot past paper mcq of physic or chemy????
(When i write something, take this whole message for you, for example, I often write very long. sorry but u know it just hapens automaticaly.)

Thank u once more for listening to me,
Your frank reply makes me delighted,
I hope i gave you good reply also,
May YOU Achive A* and A grades is all subjects!
Good bye and take care,

yours sincerely,

Kai Pai

« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 06:19:23 pm by kaipai »

Offline guitarbuddy

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2012, 04:04:53 am »
Thank you for your reply. For practicals it took me 1 week. In physics practicals i just solved the practical paper My mother wrote the readings and i then did the other questions. In school we solved papers from 2005 to 2011. The teachers taught the practicals to the whole class..
NUS is in Singapore.

Offline kaipai

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2012, 11:46:04 am »

Thanks a loooooot for ur kind reply. Are your papers of may june over???
Do u mean that u only took 1 week from start to master practicals, i mean in so short time???or do u mean that you revised in one week???Did ur mom design some practice paper for practicals or is she a tutor????I mean how she mangaged to help u in writing readings and of what???

Plz, also tell me while identifying different ions in chemy practical question 2, how do we add NaOH or NH3??I mean drop by drop, or by 1ml or 2ml ??my tutor says that drops not require???I am afriad he is wrong???PLz help.
If u can plz visit the below link me answer a question....(ask ur friend if u can)

Thanks a looooot,
Good by and take care,
Best regards,
Kai Pai.

Offline guitarbuddy

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2012, 03:34:39 am »
My exams are over. In the chemistry practical it is given in the question if we have to add drop by drop or 1 ml.. In qualitative analysis we mostly need to add drop by drop. However it is given in the question.

Practicals i revised in 1 week.. For theory papers i need more time...

Offline kaipai

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Re: First time giving exams How ?
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2012, 07:01:53 am »
Dearest Buddy,

THanksssssssssssss a lotttttttttttt for your kind reply.  ;D
Now please kindly tell me how to attach a fiducial mark in a pendiulum practical becoz my teacher says no need of that but I have heard that is necessary???Where should the mark be attached???
Dear gbuddy, you are my hope...

Good bye and take care,

yours sincerely,

Kai Pai