1) Which part of Kashmir do u exactly stay in?
2)Which school do you go to? How far is it from your house? How do you travel to school?
3) Which board are u doing?
4) What do your parents do for a living(in general)?
5)Do you have any friends who do not follow ur religion?
6)Do your parents vote during elections?
7)Do you have a passport? If yes, then what is the nationality that u belong to, according to the passport?
1) Occupied side. the "pakistani" kashmir people arent real kashmiris. i dont want to go into that now...
2) Manarat al riyadh. about 1 hour away. by bus. (why do u ask? honestly, idc)
3) IGCSE's finished. (not straight A*s, 6A*s, 2 A's

4) kind of personal... my mom is a doctor by profession but stays at home kind of thing, and my dad is a manager. if i be more specific, you would be able to find out exactly who i am. yes. google. suffice to say, he is a big manager. for a lot. yeah.
5) uhh yes. i have christian friends, and some hindu friends. none of who truly believe in their religions. but yeah. yeah. i dont have any friends who are media thugs and believe islam is a terrorist religion and all tht bs.
6) vote in what? saudi elections? no. kashmiri elections? my dad does, and so does my dad's family. truth is, there is no enforced "democracy" in kashmir. there is a guy, who first became CM, then his son became CM, then his son. you know, farooq abdullah. corrupt guy. he was a decent person, then messed up. how do i know? OH I KNOW. cahoots of power? whats the terM? the "revolution" kind of thing? which is now corrupt too? my grandparents and that whole generation were into that. oh i have like the best ancestry in kashmir. a bit. and you know what? i dont think it makes a darn difference. not anymore. mom's side, my mom, and my bros/sisters are all
7) british. british passport. i dont see how u should care...