Please can someone explain the role of hormones in controlling the menstrual cycle (6 marks).
Menstruation:the lining of the uterus breaks down due to a drop in the level of projesterone and the cells and the blood making up the lining are shed via the vagina:this is menstruation
Under the influence of oestrogen from the ovaries, the linig of the uterus starts to build up agen developing a mass of blood vessels ready to receive a fertilized ovum
FSH causes a follicle in 1 of the ovaries to develop into an ovum
About halfway through the cycle, the level of oestrogen drops, resulting in the secretion of the hormone LH triggerin ovulation.This is when the walls of the ovary ruptures ready to receive a fertilized ovum
The corpus luteum starts 2 secrete projesterone maintainin the uterus lining
at the end of the cycle, the corpus luteum breaks down due to a drop in the level of projesterone, the menstruation occurs agen