Children are a gift from God. Its as simple as that.
Anyways, I didn't see anything related to parents, decided to post it here, hope its fine with you people:
Pencil: I'm sorry....
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry cos you get hurt bcos of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad. 
I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way... they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad.
This is for all parents out there.....
That's a beautiful story and a very good example on how our parents treat us. =]
If you check my lessons...lesson 6 is about parents. This lesson is not directed towards parents mainly, but rather everyone and anyone who think children are not important enough, even us, as teenagers, got a responsibility towards every child we meet in our society.
I remember one of my students who is 5 years old when I worked this year used to love me a lot. She was a bit obese but she used to ask her mom that she gets on diet to become thin like me and wears the same clothes as I do.

Also my younger cousin used to admire me a lot so every day she would drink a cup of milk although she dislike it because her mother would tell her that I drink milk everyday. Just for our kind treatment to children in this world, no matter if rich or poor, ugly or pretty, we could be the reason for them growing up as good people. =]
Thanks for sharing that story though, it's simply great. +rep. =]