I'm not going to lie to you and say that I hate anyone,and hating makes your whole life worse,but there comes a challenge,to divert you thinking,and its not easy at all :O
I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I'm an angel! I feel hate but that's where I try my BEST to get rid of it, LIKE not hate of a person but perhaps when I hear 'Israel' I feel hate but however I can't hate an entire race or an entire country when I don't know every single person of them. I hate what Israel is doing but I can't hate peaceful citizens because some of them are against what their own country is doing.
There were those who back stabbed me before..those who hurt me and those who made me cry a lot. Now..I don't hate them for what they did to me, in fact I thank THEM. Wallah..I thank them because they taught me the BEST lessons in this life, they were one of the main reasons that I changed and became who I am now.
It's always good to turn the negative energy into a positive one. Hating them, regretting the past and holding grudges won't do me any good and surely won't get me what I want. If I dislike someone..I try to fix them but if doesn't work out..I simply stay away and never think of them again.
@Angel, speaking about hate...
You sure hate your mouse now.