New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
LOOOOOL. Yuh always looked like the odd one, then. Oh cmon. Boys know what they like.
I NEVER looked odd. Oh yeah? Boys like marrying thin carrots?
Depends on how much muscles and fat you have. But I'd say 7-8 more kilos would make you looker fitter. =]
^ Stop giving wrong advices. She looks fine. Don't make her look fat.
LOL nice one
Nah, I dont marry Carrots, I eat them, and you know "Elgazar ye2awy el Nazar" +rep, Alrighty Edit: Please spread the love before giving it to this user again.
LOOOOOOOL wl gazar ya2wey el nazer! Spread the love then. @Crooked, this means many will be jumping off the cliff then! Death rate will INCREASE.
@Crooked, this means many will be jumping off the cliff then! Death rate will INCREASE.
yes maybe. but she is not a guy
Shortie guy in a black suit is youAttachedEdit: forgot to add