Author Topic: Should divorce be legal?  (Read 45996 times)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #75 on: November 26, 2010, 12:18:36 pm »
By the way, hormonal changes don't occcur that abruptly as you said.

In teenage the sex drive gets higher. It peaks at 23 for men and 28 for women and gradually falls afterwards. You thus, cannot blame hormones for the natural, gradual decrease of sex drives. The chance of divorce because of this gradual decrease in sex drive is very less. If it were an abrupt decrease, then it would've been a good reason for feeling that the other partner is less attractive etc.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #76 on: November 26, 2010, 12:19:56 pm »
haha  i too think alpha is just filtering of the word solution :P

n more over some hormonal changes last for long ! n may b if later inlife the partners think they made a mistake n can b back together  n both agree to 4 gt the past and move in together then its all fine !

at least it better than the idea of  being under hormonal changes n spoiling each others lives

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #77 on: November 26, 2010, 12:21:50 pm »
haha  i too think alpha is just filtering of the word solution :P

n more over some hormonal changes last for long ! n may b if later inlife the partners think they made a mistake n can b back together  n both agree to 4 gt the past and move in together then its all fine !

at least it better than the idea of  being under hormonal changes n spoiling each others lives

As I explained in my earlier post, hormonal changes is not the cause of quarrel between a husband and wife. These changes are gradual, not abrupt.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2010, 12:39:35 pm »
i know that too stylish ! but i took a just in case and answered alpha's question !    :P


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #79 on: November 27, 2010, 01:05:27 pm »
How many people here come from 'broken' families ?

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #80 on: November 27, 2010, 01:10:16 pm »
Good point. more than 95% of families I've seen get along well. Some of the points raised earlier makes it seem as if divorces are very common.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #81 on: November 27, 2010, 03:12:11 pm »
divorces r very common in the west  but i think not in the places where v live ! 


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #82 on: November 30, 2010, 04:45:13 am »
i cnt assure they wld b happier  but atleat they wont be in as pathetic state as they wld b in they r shouting n thrashing each other daily !

There you go wrong. Some people have so much of ego issues that they can even go to the extent of killing their partners.

ohkie n abt the thingi they do later on u cnt really count on every singel parent to do that !
not every single mother goes into prostitution !  they might as well find a good job  n live her life ahead !
n if the single dad becomes a alcoholic then what is the guaranty he might not become one cuz of the fights n pressure at home ! ??

Just like you can't count on every single parent who's already gone through lots of trouble to efficiently take care of his or her child.

At least they don't have the opportunity to quarrel, as they would have if they lived together.

Why wouldn't they? People fight everywhere, they don't even care about their surroundings. The streets, supermarkets, stations...

Explain hormonal changes. And how can you possibly CONTROL those changes, so as to prevent divorce? Inject them with supplementary testosterone/estrogen? ::) They are harmful.

That was not a solution, to be direct. That was just a sidetracked  reply, avoiding the keyword 'solution'. ;)

Okay, true, they cannot control changes... but as I said, it comes with time and age. Just like puberty. It's a phase of life that once gone, won't come back. Menopause doesn't come again and again now, does it?

By the way, hormonal changes don't occcur that abruptly as you said.

In teenage the sex drive gets higher. It peaks at 23 for men and 28 for women and gradually falls afterwards. You thus, cannot blame hormones for the natural, gradual decrease of sex drives. The chance of divorce because of this gradual decrease in sex drive is very less. If it were an abrupt decrease, then it would've been a good reason for feeling that the other partner is less attractive etc.

I don't remember I mentioned "abruptly"... And sex drives get low for women during menopause, and high for men, during their middle ages. This is when women tend to neglect their husbands. And as goes the common saying, "if biryani is not cooked at home, buy it from outside".  ::) They start having extra-marital affairs.

haha  i too think alpha is just filtering of the word solution :P

n more over some hormonal changes last for long ! n may b if later inlife the partners think they made a mistake n can b back together  n both agree to 4 gt the past and move in together then its all fine !

at least it better than the idea of  being under hormonal changes n spoiling each others lives

And no, I'm NOT filtering any word.

Made a mistake? That they divorced?
Then, why make the mistake in the first place itself?  ;)

By the way, divorce is a common play in Western countries, and if they are not popular yet in Eastern ones, at least, they are growing in numbers. All around the world.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 06:19:59 am by Cleo~patra »

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #83 on: November 30, 2010, 06:37:13 am »
Why wouldn't they? People fight everywhere, they don't even care about their surroundings. The streets, supermarkets, stations...

I wanna ask you a question , but please don't be offended:

How many of your family members have 'fought' in public places like streets, supermarkets and stations? ::) I think the most probable answer will be None.

Those who fight in public places are uncivilized. And they are, fortunately, a minority.

Okay, true, they cannot control changes... but as I said, it comes with time and age. Just like puberty. It's a phase of life that once gone, won't come back. Menopause doesn't come again and again now, does it?

In my own observational estimate, the % of couples who divorce at the time of menopause is relatively less compared to the % of people divorcing within a few years of their marriage.

Anyway, by the time the woman reaches 45, the men will be around 50 and his would've been reduced  by that time too. And also, after so many years of marriage, they would've developed a special bond. :P


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #84 on: November 30, 2010, 06:47:25 am »
I wanna ask you a question , but please don't be offended:

How many of your family members have 'fought' in public places like streets, supermarkets and stations? ::) I think the most probable answer will be None.

Those who fight in public places are uncivilized. And they are, fortunately, a minority.

Should've asked how many I saw fight in public places. My friend witnessed a murder; a husband struck his wife with a knife 18 times because she was divorcing him.

In my own observational estimate, the % of couples who divorce at the time of menopause is relatively less compared to the % of people divorcing within a few years of their marriage.

In mine, the % of people having extra-marital affairs are far greater at their middle ages than within a few years of their marriages. The first few years of marriage is called the "Honeymoon phase". It's the time when everybody is happy; both husbands and wives enthusiastic about the idea of getting to know each other and start a new life together. It is later that they start having problems.

Anyway, by the time the woman reaches 45, the men will be around 50 and his would've been reduced  by that time too. And also, after so many years of marriage, they would've developed a special bond. :P

Exactly, the time. Most women reach menopause at 40-50 now... and they find themselves with husbands at their middle ages too.

Yes, they would have developed a special bond. But just a few minutes can ruin everything. :)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2010, 07:15:10 am »
Should've asked how many I saw fight in public places. My friend witnessed a murder; a husband struck his wife with a knife 18 times because she was divorcing him.

In mine, the % of people having extra-marital affairs are far greater at their middle ages than within a few years of their marriages. The first few years of marriage is called the "Honeymoon phase". It's the time when everybody is happy; both husbands and wives enthusiastic about the idea of getting to know each other and start a new life together. It is later that they start having problems.

Exactly, the time. Most women reach menopause at 40-50 now... and they find themselves with husbands at their middle ages too.

Yes, they would have developed a special bond. But just a few minutes can ruin everything. :)

Wow. Bangladesh and Mauritius are so different. :P

Here, I've never seen any couple fighting in a public place. At least, not where I live. ;)

But still, what your friend noticed is a very rare occurance. Most people would never go to such extreme lengths.

I don't know about others. But here, if divorce occurs, it occurs within the first five years of marriage. Divorce occuring around menopause is very less. So, cant speak about others. ;)


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #86 on: November 30, 2010, 07:37:01 am »
Wow. Bangladesh and Mauritius are so different. :P

Here, I've never seen any couple fighting in a public place. At least, not where I live. ;)

But still, what your friend noticed is a very rare occurance. Most people would never go to such extreme lengths.

I don't know about others. But here, if divorce occurs, it occurs within the first five years of marriage. Divorce occuring around menopause is very less. So, cant speak about others. ;)

Yup. Size doesn't matter.

I see couples fight everyday. Sometimes, it's cute. But sometimes, dreadening.

Nah, crimes of this sort are common in Mauritius. Ask King if you want to confirm. And read le Defi if you wanna check yourself. Our good patriots are bent on making Paradise Island little Matto Grosso.  ::)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #87 on: November 30, 2010, 09:24:55 am »
Yup. Size doesn't matter.

I see couples fight everyday. Sometimes, it's cute. But sometimes, dreadening.

Nah, crimes of this sort are common in Mauritius. Ask King if you want to confirm. And read le Defi if you wanna check yourself. Our good patriots are bent on making Paradise Island little Matto Grosso.  ::)

How can fighting ever be cute? ::) :P

I still get the feeling that you are exaggerating. ::) You see couples fighting everyday? This is not good. :(

Conclusion: Divorce should be made illegal only in Mauritius. :P :D


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #88 on: November 30, 2010, 10:24:11 am »
How can fighting ever be cute? ::) :P

I still get the feeling that you are exaggerating. ::) You see couples fighting everyday? This is not good. :(

Conclusion: Divorce should be made illegal only in Mauritius. :P :D

Apologizing is. Besides, it doesn't make life boring. ;)

Okay, they may have petty fights... that's normal. But really serious ones aren't that recurrent, but no rare either.

Only Mauritians don't fight. Realization.  :P  ::)

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #89 on: November 30, 2010, 12:12:49 pm »
Apologizing is. Besides, it doesn't make life boring. ;)

Okay, they may have petty fights... that's normal. But really serious ones aren't that recurrent, but no rare either.

Only Mauritians don't fight. Realization.  :P  ::)

The rotating pyramid on your signature is cute. :P :D

You're right. Marriage is boring without some spice, like petty fights. :P