help me with november02 question 14 paper 1 mcq
For the rule to be in equilibrium, clockwisew moments = anticlockwise moments
Taking moments about the pivot at 40 cm mark:
- Clockwise moments = (0.1kg x 10) x 0.1 m = 0.10 Nm *P.s: since the rule is uniform, the centre of gravity is on the 50 cm mark
- Anticlockwise moments = (0.02kg x 10) x 0.6 m = 0.12 Nm
Therefore we know that the 50 g mass must be hanged to the right of the pivot, hence :
CLockwise moments = 0.1 + 0.5x(distance from pivot)=0.12 ---> 0.5 x (d)=0.12 Nm --> d=0.04 m= 4 cm to the right of the pivot!
Therefore the 50 g mass must be suspended at the (40 + 4) cm mark= 44cm which is C!
I hope you got it! tried to make the explanation as simple as possible