i see ok thank you
Can u help with W09 P11 Q 14, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28
Thank you.. and sorry if its a lot of questions
Nov 09 p1111. The centre of gravity of an object is defined as the point at which the weight can be
considered to act.
Answer is
C14. Initial k.E is given to be
Since the angle of projection is 45
o, the initial kinetic energy will divide equally to give the final P.E and the final K.E.

So final k.E will be
0.5EAnswer is
22. Youngs Modulus is given as Y = TL/Ae where
T : Tension in the string
L : Length of the string
A : Area of cross-section of the string.
e : extension produced.
You're asked to find the % length the string contracts. Hence you need to find the percentage of e/L which is also equal to F/AY. (from equation above)
Hence replace the values given to you to get 20/(pie*(diameter/2)
2*2.0 x 10
11) x 100
It will come out to be 0.051%.
Hence answer is
B23. You should know this from the elctromagnetic spectrum.

Max wavelength of U.V = 10
-13 and c = 330ms
-1Hence c = f(lambda) -----> f = 330/10
-13 = 10
15 Hz
Answer is
B26. You should use the formula dsin(theta) = n(lambda) where d = 1/N. Since the beam of light is parallel, theta will be 90
o. You should also convert the wavelength into millimetres since N is given as 300 lines/
(1/300) x sin 90 = n(450 x 10
-6) ----> n = 7.5
Hence there'll be 7.5 lambda above and 7.5 lambda below. This makes
15 lambda. Each lambda will form one maxima.

Answer is
D27. Force = Electric field x charge
Electric field = Force / charge = F/q
Answer is
D28. Equilibrium => Electric force = Weight
Hence QE = mg ----> Q/m = g/E
Electric force is upwards(opposite to the weight). Since it is attracted towards the positive plate, it has to be negatively charged.

Answer is
BHope it helps