Author Topic: 3 ALEVEL subjects??  (Read 3604 times)

Offline S.M.A.T

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Re: 3 ALEVEL subjects??
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2010, 02:26:25 pm »
I think Further Maths is only taught in year 13 and hence finishes in one year.

Yes,you are right.Normal maths is easy to finish in a year But further maths ....its really tough to finish in a year.
By the way is there anyone who is giving M2,M3(EDEXCEL) in the coming january ???
I need help in both of these unit.

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Offline Chingoo

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Re: 3 ALEVEL subjects??
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2010, 02:43:22 pm »
Correct. However, I think Further Maths is only taught in year 13 and hence finishes in one year.

He means he's not answering in several exam sessions - he's answering all subjects in May/June.

1-So Maths and Further Maths count as two different subjects?
*She :P
2-Is it common practice to answer all subjects in just one session?

Firstly-- :'( When will I be seen as the beautiful, innocent girl I am? ::)

Secondly, @Dibss:

1) Yes. Mathematics and Further Mathematics are two different subjects.
2) Depends on where you're from. Also, I'm not sure what you're trying to ask via this question i.e. are you asking if AS+A2 are usually appeared at the end of year 13 or is it common to appear in a full AS at the end of year 12 and in the A2 part at the end of year 13? Regardless, to both the answer would be yes with regards to my location, though the former is more in vogue in contrast with the latter.
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Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny?

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Offline Dibss

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Re: 3 ALEVEL subjects??
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2010, 02:53:36 pm »
Firstly-- :'( When will I be seen as the beautiful, innocent girl I am? ::)

Probably when you change your name ::)

-Thank you, Chingoo and Ari, for your help (:

Offline Chingoo

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Re: 3 ALEVEL subjects??
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2010, 03:36:37 pm »
Probably when you change your name ::)

NEVER! I will never submit to the will of a Kenyan Kangaroo!  >:(

PS: I have no idea if Kenya has kangaroos. ;D
All that is on earth will perish:
But will abide (forever) the Face of thy Lord--full of Majesty, Bounty & Honor.
Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny?

Qura'n, Chapter 55: The Beneficent, Verses 26-28

Offline Dibss

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Re: 3 ALEVEL subjects??
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2010, 04:19:36 pm »
NEVER! I will never submit to the will of a Kenyan Kangaroo!  >:(

PS: I have no idea if Kenya has kangaroos. ;D

I know you're a girl... But the rest of the world doesn't. Suit yourself. ;)
P.S. No kangaroos ::)