Author Topic: Women and Parlimant  (Read 9910 times)


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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2009, 10:15:32 am »
MPs are like that in england too. And they steal too.

well ur MPs may steal thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions. Our MPs steal BILLIONS, how? by starting imaginary projects, we hear about them but never see them  :( and who pays? Us !!! (but thankgod we dont have taxes, they eat u alive !!)

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2009, 10:52:12 am »
Behind every great man, a woman  ;D
people say this sentence almost all the time so i guess women have a very effective role in our society and im not saying that just cuz im a women. History proved that women are cabable of ruling and they have that ability to do so. Giving permission for women to be elected in kuwait is such a big step and im glad that they introduced it. Women have many potentials exactly like all the men but never had the chance to prove it and even when they did it wasn't supported by many..
The only thing that women need to suceed in the parlimant is the support.People must believe and trust us.

I believe women will make a huge difference in the Parlimant and wish them all the good luck!!

« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 10:54:38 am by IG girl »
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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2009, 12:14:25 pm »
Behind every great man, a woman  ;D
people say this sentence almost all the time so i guess women have a very effective role in our society and im not saying that just cuz im a women. History proved that women are cabable of ruling and they have that ability to do so. Giving permission for women to be elected in kuwait is such a big step and im glad that they introduced it. Women have many potentials exactly like all the men but never had the chance to prove it and even when they did it wasn't supported by many..
The only thing that women need to suceed in the parlimant is the support.People must believe and trust us.

I believe women will make a huge difference in the Parlimant and wish them all the good luck!!

(1) i agree with u 100%, but do u think the kuwaiti voters (or any other voters in any other countries) will actually vote for women.

(2) When u said that women were rulers, they were appointed to this postion (e.g.  kuwait's miniter of education (female) appointed by the kuwaiti amir, margret thatcher ex british PM appointed by the queen etc.)

(3) do u think women will vote for women ?? cause from what ive seen theyre like "what !!! aaaaanaaaaa  a36y hathee !!! hatheey matiswa madreey shnoo etc. (translated to english: u want ME to give HER my vote, she is'nt worth blah blah blah)

(4) and no one has answered my question, do u think the men mps will give the women a chance to apply there views

(5) And in another story (related to women and parlimant):

Islamic leaders (m6aw3a) in kuwait are saying that giving ur vote to a woman is haram !!! wtf !!  :o

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2009, 09:01:52 pm »
Some men are convinced with women and one of them is my uncle...when i asked him about who is he going to vote for he mentioned 4 names and 2 of them were women!! Im sure that there are many people(men in particular) that are convinced in this idea exactly like my uncle!

But im not sure about women voting for another woman.Women doesn't like another woman to rise above her (in other words become better than her). From my prospective, Opposite genders attract each other. Women would definitely vote for men and men would definitely vote for women.It's a normal biological fact.

I totally disgree with those who think that voting to a women is 7aram. As i said before both genders should receive the same rights (no discrimination ;))

Answering ur question:u think the men mps will give the women a chance to apply there views
If a woman is able to reach that point i think nothing would stand in her way. (enah kydahonah la 3a'9eem ;D) It's even mentioned in Quran. Women will express their views no matter what..cuz one of the most important factor when considering to enter Parlimant is courage and if anyone fails to have it then i believe they dont deserve to represent us..Kuwait lool

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2009, 11:01:30 pm »
woow hold ur horses evry1, ho sed women will all b angels?? der r difrrnces evrywher.

look at da most rich nation in da wrld..da US. u cant deny it, der da powerhouse of this wrld, both economically nd intellectually (tho da latter is debatable). der nation has ALWAYS been run by men. nd watevr crap ppl say, dey r da most succesful.

on da oder hand, look at a country lik pakistan. deyr totally an unstabl nation wer entering da political arena means sacrificin not only yours, but ur whole familys life. and dev always been run by men.

look at jordon. queen rania has led jordon 2 amazing levels of economic stabily and social welfare. she was nominated by a global cnn survey 2 b da most 'inspiring leadr' of da decade, frm both male n female candidates. n woow, wen u hear her speeches....

n look at a country lik bangladesh, who've always been (as far as my knowledge goes) run by women. and look at da state of der country. men steal money?? hell look at dem!! not only da da WOMEN leaders pocket cash, but der sons, dere sons wifes, der sisters...evry1 gets in da act. da only negetiv feature is dey du not possess is any recent wars or hav da probability of 1 happenin.

ppl will choose whoevr dey want and whoevr DEY beleiv will giv dem an advantage. it doesn matter if da nominee is a male, female, ape or elephant, as long as personal interests r satisfied.

im not sure bout this, but regarding da quran, i think it says dat its not reccommended but is also not prohibited (once again im not sure).

so 2 answer ur question, i believ dat its ok if women get electd in kuwait. if da 1st 1 sux, den elect a 2nd. or a guy. doesn mattr. hoevr has da potential


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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2009, 07:04:52 am »
who said that the USA has been run by men ??? Condolisa Ryce ? Hillary Clinton ? Arent they considered leaders (theyre not presidents but they are (condolisa was) major leaders in the US.

@ IG Girl - u said it ur self, women dont like other women to be on top of them (forget the biology u metioned, were talking politics here baby !!  8)) this will mean that women in the parlimant (lets say 3 or 4 win) wont cooperate, they wont vote for each other, they wont consult each other all cause they think that THEY are the best human being in the world. And from what u said "my uncle will vote fro 2 women" it appears that ur in the 3rd Constituency (il da2ira il thaltha) cause thats were the best women have nominated themselves, the other constituencies have one or two niminees that dont know what theyer talking about (except ma39ooma il mbarak - she has my parent's vote  ;D)

Lets all hope that our next parlimant will be trouble free and will actually LAST for 4 years so we could see what the mps can or can not do.

 And good luck in ur exams  ;)

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2009, 08:53:32 am »
i agree with what you said about Queen Rania.

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2009, 09:15:24 am »
I agree 100% with Q8Oboy about the fact that many countries including USA were run by women. One of the most powerful countries(as i believe so) Uk was lead by Queen Elizabeth II and saw many achievements since the day she took charge of leading.
Women will never co operate with each other but surprisingly they do sometimes "Your fingers are not all equal" translation in arabic"mo kil a9ab3ek metsawya"  ;) So even if i confessed that women will not co-operate some will actually do!!!
U r right..we are in (il da2ira il thaltha) 3ajeeb how u knew!
Bs i have 1 comment about everyone wants a vote so all Candidates try their best to get our votes.They convince u that they will accomplish ur desires and make ur dream come true but what happens after they win(and after giving ur vote to them)is way different. Sometimes they tend to ignore ur requirements and they even pretend that they dont know u when u need them. This is the majority but yet not all.Look at the streets..u find such a huge poster saying alot of things that im convinced that they will never do! It's just words no real actions :-[
but even though i still have faith that "mojtam3nah"our society will improve. It doesn't matter whether  women or  men wins in this parlimant what really matters is who can improve this nation.Who is cabable of representing our nation and who will make a difference after all!!!!!!!

Ur mind is great and i like the way u think! I was actually surprised to find out that u are only 15 yrs old..U r a great prove that age doesn't determine your mind!
Good luck for u to!!
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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2009, 12:28:00 pm »
Thanks for the compliments IG girl, im blushing  ;)

What u said about the mps ignoring u is 90% right, but many mps (the good ones) care for their voters and there needs (e.g. after last years elections, one of the winners came to our house, had lunch with the family, and listned to all our needs and wants). But u are right, i was reading the newspaper this morning and reading all their claims, be6ay7oon il 8uroo'9 (pay the citizen's loans (we have a LOT of them  :() be3aljoon moshkilat il bidoon (solve the problem of the people with no nationality) byabnoon mustashfayat (build new hospitals) but guess what ?? they said all this in their previous campaigns, some of them became an mp but they didnt do anything, Kuwaitis dont look at the nominee's plans, or qualifications, or background, they look at the name, and appearance and the unnecesary stuff.

When our amir came on TV and read out his announcement of dissolving the parlimant, he personally instructed the voters to vote for the best, the ones that YOU think are the best, not ur friends or ur family YOU, but i think i was the only one watching cause all i hear now is the same old names and faces.

Oh well, what can I do, after all i AM just 15 years old :D

God bless you all  ;D

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2009, 08:00:06 pm »
Anyways let the best of them win inshallah
(ely estahel yefooz)
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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2009, 08:11:39 pm »
Actually I dont live in Kuwait.But,I believe that people will choose the best ones. Il nas il mne7a ra7 te5tar il mna7 elhom...La masale7hom...

Good luck!

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2009, 08:25:04 pm »
Thanks sweetsh for ur support!!
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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2009, 08:37:20 pm »
Im democratic! But I say GO for every woman who will benefit her nation or her society


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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2009, 05:57:45 pm »
Im democratic! But I say GO for every woman who will benefit her nation or her society

I say were too younge to politics, and lets concentrate on our IGCSEs (lol just kidding  :P , i agree with u)

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Re: Women and Parlimant
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2009, 05:58:21 pm »
Good point.