Author Topic: "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away", Ever wondered why?  (Read 5596 times)

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Re: "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away", Ever wondered why?
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2011, 01:35:57 pm »
I ate an apple today after reading this. ;)

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Re: "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away", Ever wondered why?
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2011, 01:54:22 pm »
I ate an apple today after reading this. ;)
Hehe thats good :D
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Offline EMO123

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Re: "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away", Ever wondered why?
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2011, 02:55:00 am »
We all have heard this phrase a lot since childhood and even now
I was wondering why is that so and therefore I researched the benefits of Apple
So here they are:

Apple contains Vitamin C: A lot of people who lack Vitamin C in their diet have poor healing, bruise easily and have bleeding gums. Vitamin C helps greatly to the immune system

Prevents Heart Diseases: The reason it can prevent both coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease is because apples are rich in flavonoid.
Flavonoids are also known for their antioxidant effects.

Prevent Cancers: Cancer comes in several forms and in different places. Apples target multiple cancers such as colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.

Apples contain phenols which have a double effect on cholesterol. It reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

Prevents tooth decay: Tooth decay is an infection that damages the structure of your teeth, which is caused primarily because of bacteria. Apple juice has properties that can kill up to 80% of bacteria.

Protects from brain disease: Apple has substances called phytonutrients, and these phytonutrients prevents neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonism.

Alzheimer's disease is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception

Parkinsonism is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system

Healthier Lungs: A research at the University of Nottingham Research shows that people who eat 5 apples or more per week have lower respiratory problems, including asthma.

Low in calories: A regular size apple has between 70-100 calories. Eating an apple when craving for candy or chocolate can make the desire disappear since apple in itself contains sugar, but gives you only ¼ of the calories.

AND It tastes GREAT :D


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
Apple in the morning - Doctor's warning
Roast apple at night - starves the doctor outright
Eat an apple going to bed - knock the doctor on the head
Three each day, seven days a week - ruddy apple, ruddy cheek ::)

thanxx for sharing
well never gonna forget to have a apple