IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum

Student Forum => Help, Complaints and Suggestions. => Topic started by: abdul on June 08, 2009, 10:23:05 pm

Title: Change in policies.
Post by: abdul on June 08, 2009, 10:23:05 pm
Brothers and sisters,

This forum is not helpful to any of us in any way possible. I suggest that a new forum be made, where people are free to discuss thier papers without any stringent rule. How much every i respect this forum, i have to admit, i do not appreciate its policies on discussion of paper.

Allah wants the world to share and care. please leave your suggestions.

God bless
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 08, 2009, 10:52:18 pm
Brothers and sisters,

This forum is not helpful to any of us in any way possible. I suggest that a new forum be made, where people are free to discuss thier papers without any stringent rule. How much every i respect this forum, i have to admit, i do not appreciate its policies on discussion of paper.

Allah wants the world to share and care. please leave your suggestions.

God bless

Abdul the policy is to PREVENT cheating-something your Allah does NOT LIKE-the forum is not the only one doing this EVERY forum out there does this as ALL examining boards prohibit discussion until 24 hrs after to prevent cheating...if you don't believe me check the cie website.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: past-papers on June 08, 2009, 10:57:37 pm
As was stated, this is a political rule, whether Allah likes it or not.

We have to take these rules into consideration or else the forum would be closed.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 08, 2009, 11:10:48 pm
As was stated, this is a political rule, whether Allah likes it or not.

We have to take these rules into consideration or else the forum would be closed.
thanks for reinforcing my point-support appreciated  :)
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Roza on June 08, 2009, 11:15:04 pm
As was stated, this is a political rule, whether Allah likes it or not.

We have to take these rules into consideration or else the forum would be closed.
thanks for reinforcing my point-support appreciated  :)

 we shouldn't even be dicussing this change in policies topic
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: examsaresoon on June 08, 2009, 11:19:34 pm
Also, Islamically, Cheating is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: sanity_master on June 08, 2009, 11:24:00 pm
Also, Islamically, Cheating is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

Simple, Straight, and to the point.

thank you.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 08, 2009, 11:53:12 pm
plz dont use Islam n try 2 change da rules.....da rules r made 4 our benefit....so plz follow dem. :)
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Dento on June 09, 2009, 12:25:55 am
whether allah likes it or not looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: .... on June 09, 2009, 12:31:27 am
i am fine with the rule, but isnt 24 hours, a little too much..
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: abdul on June 09, 2009, 05:34:53 am

this ignorant atitude towards the quoran is simply not acceptable.

furthermore, how is it cheating when the exams have been given by some people. they have become  past papers now. how is this forum helping others in any way if this 24 hour rule is going to exist.

God bless.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: QuickSilver on June 09, 2009, 05:40:29 am

this ignorant atitude towards the quoran is simply not acceptable.

furthermore, how is it cheating when the exams have been given by some people. they have become  past papers now. how is this forum helping others in any way if this 24 hour rule is going to exist.

God bless.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: abdul on June 09, 2009, 05:45:50 am
brothers and sisters,

it is wrong to only consider the benefits others will get and whether it will be fair towards you. at the end of the day if you share and help others, you will be blessed in heaven. Is that not the main goal of life?

God bless
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Friends on June 09, 2009, 06:08:05 am
brothers and sisters,

it is wrong to only consider the benefits others will get and whether it will be fair towards you. at the end of the day if you share and help others, you will be blessed in heaven. Is that not the main goal of life?

God bless

LOL... I dont believe in heaven and hell and certainly not the life after death. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: abdul on June 09, 2009, 06:11:39 am
you hurt my setiments brother. i am appalled.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Name on June 09, 2009, 06:29:49 am
abdul, you cant justify yourself by bribing the people to allow you to cheat. whether you like it or not, your not allowed to cheat, in islam and in the forum. stop twisting the words to make it sound like its completely acceptable!

take it this way, ur in an exam room, do u go tell your frnds the answers during the exam because you should think about the "benefits" for other people as well?

Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: abdul on June 09, 2009, 06:37:26 am

Not during, but if you happen to know the question before then why not, or you can discuss it right after u finish ur exams. Once it has been done it becomes a 'past' paper. so we are free to discuss it as and when we want. And i am not twisting the words of Islam. I take upon myself, this as a personal insult. I have not sinned in this aspect of Islam, it is not cheating if you help people after the paper. i beg to differ from your understanding of Islam.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Friends on June 09, 2009, 06:41:07 am

Not during, but if you happen to know the question before then why not, or you can discuss it right after u finish ur exams. Once it has been done it becomes a 'past' paper. so we are free to discuss it as and when we want. And i am not twisting the words of Islam. I take upon myself, this as a personal insult. I have not sinned in this aspect of Islam, it is not cheating if you help people after the paper. i beg to differ from your understanding of Islam.
OK if u want to cheat make ur OWN website and CHEAT there to see ur website being close down.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Name on June 09, 2009, 08:11:17 am

Not during, but if you happen to know the question before then why not, or you can discuss it right after u finish ur exams. Once it has been done it becomes a 'past' paper. so we are free to discuss it as and when we want. And i am not twisting the words of Islam. I take upon myself, this as a personal insult. I have not sinned in this aspect of Islam, it is not cheating if you help people after the paper. i beg to differ from your understanding of Islam.

here is where you are wrong. it only becomes a past paper when EVERYONE has done it, not half and half. if cambridge itself bans discussing the exam, how is this not cheating? then dont take IGs if you cant follow their simple rules

dont you also think its unfair if the first person to do the exam gets a much lower mark than everyone else because he didnt know what was coming on it? unlike everyone else?

you are twisting the words, how is cheating good?
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: CrEaTuRe_X on June 09, 2009, 08:33:31 am
brothers and sisters,

it is wrong to only consider the benefits others will get and whether it will be fair towards you. at the end of the day if you share and help others, you will be blessed in heaven. Is that not the main goal of life?

God bless

You are stupid and an extremely annoying person.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: X Abdulrahman X on June 09, 2009, 08:45:23 am
abdul please dont mix religion with this, we can not discuss exams until 24hrs after they have been done because some people could get information from this, and if boards like CIE or Edexcel find out they can press seriuos charges, this has nothing to do with Islam, please remember Islam informs us not to cheat, but as u said help each other, check out the section and you will see everyone is asking questions and giving information, this is the purpose of the forum, and with all due respect do not critisize the forums until you have been here long enough, then you would understand how helpful this is :)
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: X Abdulrahman X on June 09, 2009, 08:51:48 am
As was stated, this is a political rule, whether Allah likes it or not.

We have to take these rules into consideration or else the forum would be closed.

your right, but please respect god (allah) "whether u like it or not"
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Q80BOY on June 09, 2009, 09:06:12 am
lol abdul,

u remind me of all the people in speaker's corner (london)  :P

look, this rule has been put for a reason:

1. prevent cheating
2. prevent the forums being closed by exam boards
3. prevent grade thresholds going up (cause of cheating)

and abdul, the forums are not for exam discusion if u still have'nt noticed  :) if u need help in any topic, from any subject ask ... if u need help in any past paper ur doing, post the year of the paper and the question number, and u will be helped  ;)

the forums are a great place to study and have fun, abd in my opinion i think its very helpful,

if u need any help, dont hestitate to contact me at any time,

thanks  :)
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: QuickSilver on June 09, 2009, 09:08:23 am
lol abdul,

u remind me of all the people in speaker's corner (london)  :P

look, this rule has been put for a reason:

1. prevent cheating
2. prevent the forums being closed by exam boards
3. prevent grade thresholds going up (cause of cheating)

and abdul, the forums are not for exam discusion if u still have'nt noticed  :) if u need help in any topic, from any subject ask ... if u need help in any past paper ur doing, post the year of the paper and the question number, and u will be helped  ;)

the forums are a great place to study and have fun, abd in my opinion i think its very helpful,

if u need any help, dont hestitate to contact me at any time,

thanks  :)
Ofcourse it is helpful, and who ever thinks the opposite has some mental retardation LOL

Good Work Mods And Admins

Keep It Up ;)
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 09, 2009, 09:41:55 am
Dear brother abdul.... plz understnd der is a difference in an xam n a past paper, once v hv don't a ppr it bcums a past paper not 4 ppl sitting da same xam in da same session itself......otherwise hw wud u define an xam if da ppl alredy no da questions......this is not called helping........

this is a forum wher ppl help eachother alot n i hv nvr seen a forum like this......plz dnt try 2 change it.......if u wanna use da forum plz follow da rules.....do not try 2 change dem by bringing in Islam

it ll b appreciated.......n guyz letz just end da topic here plz :)

thnku....Take care
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: guru007 on June 09, 2009, 10:23:51 am
Dear brother abdul.... plz understnd der is a difference in an xam n a past paper, once v hv don't a ppr it bcums a past paper not 4 ppl sitting da same xam in da same session itself......otherwise hw wud u define an xam if da ppl alredy no da questions......this is not called helping........

this is a forum wher ppl help eachother alot n i hv nvr seen a forum like this......plz dnt try 2 change it.......if u wanna use da forum plz follow da rules.....do not try 2 change dem by bringing in Islam

it ll b appreciated.......n guyz letz just end da topic here plz :)

thnku....Take care

Well Said !

A good end !
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 09, 2009, 10:28:13 am
Hey Abdul, the 24 hours are over-it seems that you really wanna discuss the paper so just click the "IGCSE" forum and you can click on a Bio discussion thread.

Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: MR.BooMBastiC on June 09, 2009, 10:29:37 am
hey ppl......

be cool....

and how r ur prep. going 4 mcqs
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 09, 2009, 11:09:57 am
thnkz guru007

n mr.bombastic.....rely gud idea...letz change da topic......well after bio p3....i feel xams r over so im soo relaxed wen i shud not b :P

so 4 p1's haha not studied much :D

hw abt u?
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hummer618 on June 09, 2009, 11:12:30 am
i say we bomb this site, my brother work in the international site Security, i can say this is a threat and he will bloc hows tht !!!

i go with allah not with u insentegrates
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 09, 2009, 11:14:09 am
i say we bomb this site, my brother work in the international site Security, i can say this is a threat and he will bloc hows tht !!!

i go with allah not with u insentegrates

Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 09, 2009, 11:16:25 am
huh :o.....guyz if u dnt like da site den leave it...nobodyz forcing u 2 cum here......let da others help n benefit each other
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 09, 2009, 11:20:22 am
huh :o.....guyz if u dnt like da site den leave it...nobodyz forcing u 2 cum here......let da others help n benefit each other
well said-+rep mate-(congrats also on ur 300th post :P )
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: MR.BooMBastiC on June 09, 2009, 11:24:48 am

the problem is if u take benefit of da time differences!!!!!!!!

many can benefit except U!!!  so the others will do well and the thresholds overall will be higher culminating into less a* for others as well as u!!

so please follow da RULES!!!!! even though they maybe harsh........

but please dont violate them...........or u could get banned as many users got!!!!

i am not joking........  :-\ :)

so follow da rules and keep benefiting 4rm da site!!!  ;)

Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 09, 2009, 11:30:05 am
huh :o.....guyz if u dnt like da site den leave it...nobodyz forcing u 2 cum here......let da others help n benefit each other
well said-+rep mate-(congrats also on ur 300th post :P )

thnkz m8.....lol didnt evn notice :D....haha......+rep 2 u 2... ;)

n mr.bombastic letz just leave it....sum ppl just dnt understnd sumtymes.....rely no use arguing :)

so hw r ur guyz prep's goin 4 da mcqs? ;)
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: abdul on June 09, 2009, 11:32:33 am
brothers and sisters,

i do not see why i cannot help you do better, i am confident of my papers and do not mind if u do well. i will be happy if i have helped u do well. for example i am planning to write ddown all my answers on the calculator for tomoro's MCQ paper and then put them up here later for everyone. they can see the answers, memorise them if thier brain capacity allows them to and do well.

And i do not recall and IGCSE rule stating that doing this is a crime, if IGCSE wanted they could ensure that the timings of the papers are suitable for everyone and everyone does it at the same time. i am on the first perople to do IGCSe and i do it extremely early in the morning, at 6 am, which is quite insane.

I do not see why my views are being demeaned and peoples sentiments are being hurt. the tone which i infer is that of hared and anger towards my comments. u do not have to comment if you wish to demean me.

Yours fathfully,

Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 09, 2009, 11:37:35 am
Hw abt this brother abdul.....only help da ones who want ur help.....i find knowing da answers a form of cheating....as wat im goin 2 giv is den not classified as an xam if i no da ans alredy......

anyone who wants da answers 4rm his dear bro, abdul....plz pm abdul.....he ll help u.....thnku!
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: sweetsh on June 09, 2009, 11:39:50 am
How can an exam be held at night on a side and in the morning of another side?
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 09, 2009, 11:41:56 am
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: beanii on June 09, 2009, 11:42:30 am
How can an exam be held at night on a side and in the morning of another side?
i was thinking the same thing!
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 09, 2009, 11:42:57 am
brothers and sisters,

i do not see why i cannot help you do better, i am confident of my papers and do not mind if u do well. i will be happy if i have helped u do well. for example i am planning to write ddown all my answers on the calculator for tomoro's MCQ paper and then put them up here later for everyone. they can see the answers, memorise them if thier brain capacity allows them to and do well.

And i do not recall and IGCSE rule stating that doing this is a crime, if IGCSE wanted they could ensure that the timings of the papers are suitable for everyone and everyone does it at the same time. i am on the first perople to do IGCSe and i do it extremely early in the morning, at 6 am, which is quite insane.

I do not see why my views are being demeaned and peoples sentiments are being hurt. the tone which i infer is that of hared and anger towards my comments. u do not have to comment if you wish to demean me.

Yours fathfully,

Abdul-I realise that for you the only place that exists is where you live, but there are people that live in places like Australia and The Sandwich Islands that also take these exams-if you have it at 8 AM in the morning, they'd have to get up at like 2 in the morning-which would be highly unfair.

What you said about putting the answers on the calculator is downright cheating, especially since you plan to publish them on this site.
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Priceless on June 09, 2009, 11:45:22 am
exactly...i completely agree hdbkiwi......dear bro abdul can u plz xplain da definition of cheating in ur dictionary n hw it differs 4rm da definition of helping in ur dic.?
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 09, 2009, 11:47:35 am
exactly...i completely agree hdbkiwi......dear bro abdul can u plz xplain da definition of cheating in ur dictionary n hw it differs 4rm da definition of helping in ur dic.?
haha good one-thank you  :)
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: Freaked12 on June 09, 2009, 12:12:02 pm
Hey leave God out of this.. >:(
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: MR.BooMBastiC on June 09, 2009, 12:15:06 pm

THE BOTTOM LINE IS: do watever u want........BUT OUTSIDE THIS FORUM!!

Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: examsaresoon on June 09, 2009, 12:16:44 pm
This thread should be locked...
Title: Re: Change in policies.
Post by: hdbkiwi on June 09, 2009, 12:19:27 pm
What should happen is that we make sure that abdul does not ruin this site by posting up the physics answers tomorrow-this is a serious future problem