IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum
General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom => Funnies => Topic started by: Q80BOY on May 14, 2009, 09:40:23 pm
The person that posts the funniest EXAM joke will get a certiicate by email, and DONT copy and paste from Google, so come on, get started !!
gd luck ;)
It has recently been discovered that a lot ov paper is wasted on exams
If the situation remains like paper may soon become extinct
So come on Lets join our hands AND
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
i can ask a riddle..
wut is a dark dot on the wall?
A Cockroach ;D
i can ask a riddle..
wut is a dark dot on the wall?
an elephant... drawn from far away :D
watz de right answer
wait, what do u do when u have a physics problem to solve?
ask it on da student forum
A Cockroach ;D
that will do .. but actually its a killed cockroach .. ;)
ok then wut r 2 dark spots?
two cockroaches havin a gossip :D
nooo ... lol ..
its a PLUG ;D
Solve the physics problem!!?
two cockroaches havin a gossip :D
loo. u almost solved the mystery there !
I thought this was supposed to b an exam joke..
I thought this was supposed to b an exam joke..
it WAS an exam joke .. i guess no one won this :P
How cum u hav so little rep bars?
He used to have a high rep...but since the system changed...it goes with the posting i guess :-\
ya thats what ive been told .. and since the system change happened when i was abroad my posts were in a decline for around a month .. thus the low rep :)
Thats not fair...
It also matters on the quality of what u write, this way anyone can get or lose rep pretty easy....
wat abt the people who really give good advice?
well if u think a member gave u gd advice or provided u with gd resources .. there is a blue heart under the members username .. which enables u to add to his/her REP :)
Yes, but it decreases ur own.
who said ??
I saw by myself, my rep bar decreased after I sent some to astar.
can any admin confirm this .. cause its kinda stupid and will stop people +REPing others
It's the first time I hear about such a thing =S There might be something wrong your REP cannot be decreased in such away
How is it decreased then?
Loool..maybe someones -repped him at the same time :o
i want a t shirt which has a big black dot on it. and then i say, what do u see. and then it says u might see a big black dot, but i see a small black dot. and lots and lots of white around it. which makes it a special black dot.
sorry. i just thought id post here because it might make me popular.
im wierd sometimes. i dont know which personality to put up right now.
a sardaar ji ..came out of the examination hall.........
his friend asked him" how was the exam sardaar ji?" ???
He answered" .i could'nt remember the past tense of think, i thought n thought...and finally wrote THANK"
;) :P :P :P
<read it again ..i hope u understand it > :P
of course i understood :P
a sardaar ji ..came out of the examination hall.........
his friend asked him" how was the exam sardaar ji?" ???
He answered" .i could'nt remember the past tense of think, i thought n thought...and finally wrote THANK"
;) :P :P :P
<read it again ..i hope u understand it > :P
Ahahahahahahaha...I read it..that was funny and stupid...haha Nice one :P
tht was lame NO OFFENCE. :)
jokez r supposed 2 b lame :P
After the GCE Exams...
Dad:"How was the exams?"
-"Oh! I got borrreeedddd!!!"
Dad:"Why? Was it THAT easy???"
-"Oh yea! I could have brought my mosquito bat!"
Dad:"What did you do during the paper then?"
-"Euh... Well............. Nothing :-["
And then, you must be knowing...hehe :D
It gets funny when Dad starts abusing:
"Gaddhe ke aulaad!!! Ullu ka pattha!!! Sunwar ke aulaad!!#!" :D :D :D
***See who is getting abused.
:D :D ;D ;D :D :D
try it and see wat happens!!!
EXPAND: 2(x-1)
Student:2( x - 1)
2 ( x - 1 )
2 ( x - 1 ).......
Teachers comment:too funny - -100M
Find X?? ;D
Adi_Toxic, nice one!!! :D
adi_toxic good joke!!
i guess i ahd read it somewhere on internet!!
By the way good try!!
alpha u too!!
here it is
Shreycool... Yours is COOL as well!!! :) ;)
Hehe, there's something I cannot understand. How can your status be offline when you are always online?
Invisible browsing maybe...
alpha...he is invisible..
u can too chose to be appearing invisible from ur account settings...
bt i dont understand..wts the use??? :P
i dont like to tell others that i am online!!
By the way some tachers also keep patrolling to see whos online
so t is better to stay invisible!!!
:D :D :D
Shreycool is a HE??
I didn't notice that....
I didn't even check! And all this while I thought 'he' was a girl!! :P (Sorry, Shrey).
Okay, I see... Hiding away from cops. lol ;)
no probs i guess i have to be punishd cause in the same way i thought many to be girls when they were actually guys!!!
Okay, thanks... Gender confusion... Many people think Alpha is a boy too!! :D
Alpha blondi...LOL
ne one can make that out from ur d!!
a guy was caught passing papers
teacher asked what ere you doing
boy replied nothing!!
teacher said you were passing the paper rite??
boy(angrily)- If you know then why are you asking me???
in order to get full mark teacher gives away tmrs test papers to all the students!!
veryone reads it and then answerws the test next day!!
when the results come out they got to kow that highest was F
so teacher asked them what was the problem!!
a guy popped up an answered nothing much sir. u just gave us the question...we did not know its answers!!!!!
in order to get full mark teacher gives away tmrs test papers to all the students!!
veryone reads it and then answerws the test next day!!
when the results come out they got to kow that highest was F
so teacher asked them what was the problem!!
a guy popped up an answered nothing much sir. u just gave us the question...we did not know its answers!!!!!
This one nice... Better than previous one :D!
ya i know!!
this was a real time joke
my cousin's shool!!
ya i know!!
this was a real time joke
my cousin's shool!!
Oh sorry!! I didn't notice... You were in the chatroom... Was busy doing personal work... Sorry again :)
no probs!!
:) ALL Mauritians introduce yourself here! ANYONE doing IGCSE?
everyone!! i guess!!
By the way wrong thread dude!!
:) ALL Mauritians introduce yourself here! ANYONE doing IGCSE?
Ya, am Mauritian...
But doing O-Level. You do IGCSE? :-\ How come?
And yea, wrong thread... Go in the Introductions Section.
On the eve of the xms...
all preparations r done:
1. pencils
2. pens
3. eraser
4. calculator
5. ruler
6. uniform
uhmm nw am left wid the revision nly
Exams should be insured so tht we cn claim 4 insurance if we fail!!!!!!!
On the eve of the xms...
all preparations r done:
1. pencils
2. pens
3. eraser
4. calculator
5. ruler
6. uniform
uhmm nw am left wid the revision nly
Exams should be insured so tht we cn claim 4 insurance if we fail!!!!!!!
Hahaha :D :D :D
How about forming a Trade Union? ;)
We will have power!!
Can a cockroach carry the H1N1 virus if someone at the school gets it?
There is a serious debate in some website.
That website is specially made for swine flu.
Can a cockroach carry the H1N1 virus if someone at the school gets it?
There is a serious debate in some website.
That website is specially made for swine flu.
:o :o :o :o :o :o
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat t ?!!?!? vwhich website ?
its sounds kina funny though :P
i guess this was a joke!!
if not!!!
i have hit myself!!!
not joke
lol im the first one not to introduce a joke in the jokes thread
check for this question below.
i guess every living thing hat breathes can spread the virus!!!
A teacher gave a class test to students . everybody later submited their work!!
teacher found that one paper had come with a not and 100$ bill!
the note said: 1 dolar for each point!!
next day teacher gave back the papers.. the boy got back hi 99$ with it!!
thtz like relly weird :s
Maybe could b... But i dnt think so
watz wierd!!
the joke right???
It gets funny when Dad starts abusing:
"Gaddhe ke aulaad!!! Ullu ka pattha!!! Sunwar ke aulaad!!#!" :D :D :D
***See who is getting abused.
Once my dad said kothay de putar!
I was like "uhh dad, you're calling yourself a donkey..why?"
He's like jfosockwkcpqnnqcowncqmqoroqzbAss
many times my dad ends up callign my younger bro ulla ke pathe!!
i strat laughing!!
cause he calls himslef a fool!!
:D :D :D
The reverse cannot happen? Can it?
Ullu ka baap...? Gadhe ka baap?? :P :P
it can if he calls us so..!! :P :P
who won?
which match?? :P
i liked 3 idiots exam joke :P
Student:Sir do u knw who v r ??
Teacher: Even if ur PM's son i am not oign to accept this paper..!!
Student: teacher do u knw our names and/or roll numbers??
Teacher : No!! Who are you ??
Student(mixes all the papers) : He doesnt knw run guys :P
which match?? :P
i liked 3 idiots exam joke :P
Student:Sir do u knw who v r ??
Teacher: Even if ur PM's son i am not oign to accept this paper..!!
Student: teacher do u knw our names and/or roll numbers??
Teacher : No!! Who are you ??
Student(mixes all the papers) : He doesnt knw run guys :P
u know that exam joke was on an ad! i saw it on youtube before even that 3 idiots was released! raelly nice though! the face of that teacher being fooled by his students! ;)