IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum

Teachers and Students => Debates => Topic started by: $tyli$h Executive on February 24, 2010, 10:58:09 am

Title: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 24, 2010, 10:58:09 am
Should men and women have equal rights? If so, why or to what extent?
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on February 24, 2010, 12:05:13 pm
Oh I like this topic...
i'll be back for my next break with the points....cuz i have a phy paper tom...i gotta study....
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: invader on February 24, 2010, 09:26:46 pm
women dont want sexual equality
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on February 25, 2010, 12:46:47 am
Battle of the sexes, this had Borakk name written all over it i knew it was him before i even read the author name  :D
well hmm, do i believe they should be equal? no, some things women should have more rights in and other things men should have more rights
p.s. what women demand as equality is basically women having an advantage on everything over men, so its not exactly equality :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on February 25, 2010, 05:50:34 am
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on February 25, 2010, 06:02:50 am
no omer...not always :P

I believe they should both be treated with dignity and respect. Freedom to speech, choice etc. should be common to both the sexes. Sometimes women are treated miserably and have no say whatsoever in certain matters. Women should be free to choose the man she wants to be with, irrespective or caste or creed. She should be able to voice her opinion and also confront men in arguments without any fear.

Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on February 25, 2010, 06:58:30 am
Yes agreeing twice as before, esp abt the discretion in choosing life partners.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 25, 2010, 11:47:49 am
I think yes, men and women should have equal rights. Women should be able to work just as men in all occupations. Just think of the financial benifit. We employ several building designers and have to pay them high salary. However, if it were for women designers, it would have been possible to pay them much less. In the same way, a country's labour force substantially increases once women are allowed to work in occupations just as men. This brings more investment and more GDP, not to mention the unfoldment of possibilities for the country.

Women have a potential too. If this potential is exploited by giving them equal rights, it can bring prosperity for the country.

Also considering the family level, a family in which both men and women works is likely to be financially well off for obvious reasons.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on February 25, 2010, 12:25:54 pm
Yes also working of women...I second that...but they should be paid equivalent to the work they do....or their output....if they r as good as the men, they should be paid equally well
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on February 25, 2010, 02:40:00 pm
I did this debate thrice already.  :P Twice pro-equality and once, against.

And personally, I find 'against' a more realistic approach.

Women should have their rights, men as well. But to the point of equality, it just cannot be. Any ship would sink with two captains on board. Don't fool yourself with an idealistic world, it exists only in our mindset. Everything cannot be perfect. But it can only be 'good' to a certain degree.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 25, 2010, 02:57:40 pm
Yes also working of women...I second that...but they should be paid equivalent to the work they do....or their output....if they r as good as the men, they should be paid equally well

In most cases they are not. They usually have family commitments and other issues.

Its better if they are paid less. This means more profit and revenue for us. And pay should match productivity. Women are usually less productive.  I do not think that men are any superior, but this is the truth.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on February 25, 2010, 03:52:52 pm
I think you've mistaken......do you want me to give you names of women who have outdone men in many fields...

Women may not be as productive in physical labor......but for work requiring only your thinking skills and qualifications, women are as good as men and most of the times better
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on February 25, 2010, 04:58:35 pm
I did this debate thrice already.  :P Twice pro-equality and once, against.

And personally, I find 'against' a more realistic approach.

Women should have their rights, men as well. But to the point of equality, it just cannot be. Any ship would sink with two captains on board. Don't fool yourself with an idealistic world, it exists only in our mindset. Everything cannot be perfect. But it can only be 'good' to a certain degree.

alpha takes my side again  ;D
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on February 25, 2010, 05:08:22 pm
alpha takes my side again  ;D

Goodness.  :o  :P :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 08:15:48 am

On a general level, there should be some differences over wages. Women often take more days off. They take pregnancy leaves and also maternal leaves. So this lower pay cannot exactly be called discrimination.

Women are not better than men as you claimed. It depends on training. A designer who is trained is more productive and efficient regardless of the gender. They are equal. I am for equality, but not to say than men are inferior like you claimed.

If women are paid wages lower than men for no reason, this is of course unfair and should not happen.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 08:18:05 am

The word is 'should' not 'does'. :)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 08:38:38 am
Oh Hello OT13 (Omer)!

You saw $tyli$h Executive, not Borakk. Get your eyes checked. :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on February 26, 2010, 09:03:35 am
Oh Hello OT13 (Omer)!

You saw $tyli$h Executive, not Borakk. Get your eyes checked. :P

its not the eyes, its the brains :P
my brain has this advanced converter belt in it that converts several variables into other ones
example: yesterday my friend was saying "I'm going to foyer to study now, Omer PLEASE Do NOT Come" you know how did my brain process this? it was like this: Omer PLEASE Do *BUZZ* Come"  ;D
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: holtadit on February 26, 2010, 09:06:41 am
Pardon my candor but the MAIN difference between men and women is that we have something hanging down there and that we have higher testosterone levels. Women dont have these

From a scientific point of view women may not be able to accomplish physical tasks as well as men, BUT when it comes to use of the brain.... women are just as good maybe better. KEVLAR, FIREESCAPES, discovery of RADIUM are some things women have been credited with.

So if anyone here thinks women are inferior to men... just remember your mothers and the sacrifices they have made for us 'SUPERIOR' men.

to all the LADIES in the house: WOMEN ROCK THE ROOF OF MY HOUSE !!!
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 09:10:16 am
I like ladies company. Makes you feel kinky.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on February 26, 2010, 09:18:03 am
Ok the subjects now taking a pornographic turn.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 09:30:34 am
Ari Ben Canaan,

I opt for EQUALITY. For every women scientists and toppers, there are 10 other men like that.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 10:51:51 am
Ok everybody. Lets not forget the topic.

Should men and women have equal rights? Not 'is men/women superior to the other?'
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on February 26, 2010, 11:17:13 am
Ok everybody. Lets not forget the topic.

Should men and women have equal rights? Not 'is men/women superior to the other?'

Well, overlooking the fact that men are superior to women :P ...
no women and men should not have equal rights
Men and Women are NOT the same, i dont care if we're both homo sapiens, that doesnt mean we're exactly the same thing
Men are more physical and are thus more powerful, theres a reason why Olympic competitions are classified by gender (except horse riding, since its the horse and not the jockey who does the actual work).
Women are better listeners, this is a FACT, i would love to see someone prove me wrong
Women are more emotional and sentimental, more sympathetic and caring (in general), guys are not so selfless
Men are more hardworking and persistent, when a man falls into the ground he is almost always expected to get up, dust himself off, and keep walking, while women always get supported by men.
In relationships, how often do you see the girl asking the guy out? or buy him dinner? or propose?
Equality is just simply not applicable, both genders are entitled to certain rights that the other gender shouldnt have
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on February 26, 2010, 11:21:32 am
Men are more hardworking and persistent, when a man falls into the ground he is almost always expected to get up, dust himself off, and keep walking, while women always get supported by men.

Nope...Women are as hardworking as men are....and women are emotionally way stronger than men...it's proven..haha...we don't need nobody...we can survive by ourselves

In relationships, how often do you see the girl asking the guy out? or buy him dinner? or propose?

Times r changing :P My frnd told a guy she liked him only a few days ago :P
There r times when the woman is the breadwinner......
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on February 26, 2010, 12:20:29 pm
No one cant actualy win a debate in this topic   :-\
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on February 26, 2010, 12:28:05 pm
No one cant actualy win a debate in this topic   :-\

i also forgot to mention hte fact that girls are very good buzzers, they dont need to make much sense, but they will never admit to losing a debate  :D
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on February 26, 2010, 12:41:14 pm
Yes, I know.

Would we survive were they to have equal rights?

Men are not women, just like women are not men. Agreed, both the sky and land are important, but they are different. And here, in this world we live in, we NEED difference. We need a marking line somewhere.

Give whatever reasons you would want to, there is only one place for one type. No one can change that. Nature is nature; nature is beyond everything else.

i also forgot to mention hte fact that girls are very good buzzers, they dont need to make much sense, but they will never admit to losing a debate  :D

Silly basis.  :P That's so wrong. Women do accept defeat, men are just not worth it sometimes.  :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 01:06:40 pm
If you compare the ratio of male to female inventors, it would be something like 1:10. Women were not even allowed to sign cheques those days. They needed the signature of their husband or brother for that. God knows how many great minds were lost due to prejudice like this.

The prime minister of many countries are female like Bangladesh. If it were not for equal rights, they would be cooking silly meals for their husbands by now.

No nation or country can advance, depriving the right of half of its population.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on February 26, 2010, 01:17:28 pm
And no one can advance with both feet forward.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on February 26, 2010, 01:23:41 pm
Silly basis.  :P That's so wrong. Women do accept defeat, men are just not worth it sometimes.  :P

Vhatever makes you happy sis :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 01:23:46 pm

That is a generalized statement. I do not consider any girl to be my enemy because she is a girl. Nor do I think any girl considers me as an enemy cause I am a guy. Any girl who hates guys or any guy who hates girls requires mental treatment. The atmosphere is of cooperation, not competition.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on February 26, 2010, 01:24:18 pm
If you compare the ratio of male to female inventors, it would be something like 1:10. Women were not even allowed to sign cheques those days. They needed the signature of their husband or brother for that. God knows how many great minds were lost due to prejudice like this.

The prime minister of many countries are female like Bangladesh. If it were not for equal rights, they would be cooking silly meals for their husbands by now.

No nation or country can advance, depriving the right of half of its population.

I have to disagree about the leadership thing. Citing our country as an example is a bad idea. Them two bitches destroyed our country even before we could see a ray of success.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 01:25:14 pm
The last post was directed to Alpha not Omer . :)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on February 26, 2010, 02:29:00 pm
I have to disagree about the leadership thing. Citing our country as an example is a bad idea. Them two b*tches destroyed our country even before we could see a ray of success.


I'm proud to say though that we have had quite a few women in our political history....they've done a good job and are still doin so
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on February 26, 2010, 02:32:25 pm
Which country are u from ??
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on February 26, 2010, 02:35:12 pm
India :)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 26, 2010, 02:45:50 pm

Its not that women are at fault for this. Like one of my mama is an MP. His associates are more dishonest. In case of BNP, it was mainly Tarek, not Khaleda Zia. And I support AL. ;)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: MTerdon on February 26, 2010, 04:03:47 pm

While men and women are not the same, they should be given the same rights. I don't see why anyone should not be able to vote, work or study whatever he wishes.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on February 26, 2010, 05:29:43 pm

While men and women are not the same, they should be given the same rights. I don't see why anyone should not be able to vote, work or study whatever he wishes.

vote, okay, study okay, work, not all kinds of jobs, keep in mind that nobody will stop a woman from taking a maternity leave, and force her vacancy to remain for her until she comes, which can take ages
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on February 26, 2010, 07:33:28 pm
I got a new title, "sis", great.  :P 8)

Borakk, that was just a joke.  ;) Omer didn't really mean it (I suppose). Nor did I. Chill, there is nothing as such as competition.  :)


While men and women are not the same, they should be given the same rights. I don't see why anyone should not be able to vote, work or study whatever he wishes.

You agree first of all, they are not the same.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 27, 2010, 05:25:56 am
its ok.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 27, 2010, 04:41:03 pm
And no one can advance with both feet forward.

They will cooperate and advance, not compete as I pointed earlier.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on February 28, 2010, 03:58:45 pm
Debate section is dead without ~Alpha ::) ::)  :( :( :-\ No more fun ::) ::)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Saladin on February 28, 2010, 06:42:03 pm
People lend me your ears :P

Well, firstly, I believe that women and men, are equal. Women cannot live without men and vice versa.

So, this is what I have to say:

Dramatic change was what the 21st century promised, and that is what we are getting. Ever since the 2nd world war, women took great joy in becoming independent and ruling themselves, freedom is what they chanted and that is what the world got(the 2nd world war gr8ly influenced the war)

Now, my comments, will be general, and this is because men are created in a different way and so are women. Science proves that, females have a general trend and so do males. Outliers will always exist regard of whether the person is male or female.

Now, my last experience with a woman in a profession was not the best one. She was a math teacher of mine, and she took leave, because she was pregnant, for 3 months. This was a very difficult time, the class had to cover 4 chapters without a proper teacher, the substitutes were not consistent.

Now if it was a man, it would not be the same. He could not take a leave, and I would not be in so much trouble. But dont think I take that personally, and I have a grudge against all the women teachers. NOT AT ALL. I believe that women have every right to work for the right reasons.

Now, when the teacher came back. She had to leave the child at a day care center. Now imagine a just-born without its mother. As much I felt angry that she had to leave, if felt sad for the baby, because it was not getting its mother. The bond between a child and a mother is precious, and this bond is almost always stonger than the bond between a father and his/her child. No matter, how many time a girl says, well "I love my daddy much more", she does so either because she has forgotten the pain that a mother goes through during child birth, or because often mothers are neglectful of their children.

Now lets come back to the topic at hand. Women often claim that there are horrible acts commited by their husbands, it is a violation of their rights. I agree 100%. But also, some women marry simply to gain her husband's possesions. Some torment their husbands by being overbearing. I believe one side can do just as much damage to the other.

Also about jobs, a woman cannot always come 365 days a year. They have many 'things' that are different, and so have to be treated differently. I know that coming 365 days is near to impossible, but men have a higher chance of being there.

Do I believe that women have right to a job? YES 100%. But this job cannot hinder time with her child. A child can live without a father, but it becomes practially impossible especiallt for young children to cope. Sure you can get a nurse bla bla bla. But does that come close to a mother raising her child? Not even close, the passion that a mother has to her child (generally), outmatch every other. Often practicalities come up, and in this case, it is a different issue completely. But not when you have the responsibility for a child.

Now, for pay, I think it depends on the situation, if the woman does not have any leaves, then there is no justification for not equal pay. If the woman can get a substitute equally good, then why not?

Now you must say that well, dont men have responsibilities towards their child, its not fair they get to sit in an office...

Here are the problems,

A man cannot provide milk to the child

If there is a mixed male/female environment, there is always a chance of cheating

No matter what people say, if a woman has raised a successful child, then society looks at her with pride, I honestly will say, that I could not have come as far as I have today without my mom. Sure my dad was there too. But my mother is on a whole new level.

Now you might say, there there will be circumstanes, well there will be and that is called life. It is not fair.

Because people are now opting to be whatever they want, you will se specially in the west, that the families in which the mother work, their children are affected far more by the environment, if that evironment is bad, then the child turns out bad.

Families are being torn apart because the wife wants to work, we need to remember, if the man was the person taking care of the child, then where would he get his advice from, teaching passes from mother to daughter, it may be something that is perfectly fine to hear, but I believe that a man simply would not be able to compete, change is good, but changing the way that families have worked for centuries, may be a bad idea.

And this is showing in europe and america, where families have children, and the children just do not become as successful as theur parents, because they did not get the guidance they needed. Yes a dad is a cruical part, but a mother is fundamental.

Now, you might say well, then if all i am going to be is a house wife, why study so hard??

Good question, the reason, being that people have challenges that they overcome, academic excellence often is very helpful when a mother teacher her child. It teaches not only the subject but a lot of things about life. Just because I think women have a greater duty towards their child does not mean that they cannot participate in discussions, debates, and many other topics. Women are needed in all sectors, but I am afraid that a child comes before all.

Bottom line: Man and women equal, but have different duties.

I would go into far more elaborate terms, like if a friend of a woman works, then they might feel degraded, they might feel 'inferior'.

But that is for another time

Last line: Broken the rule of this forum, by insulting another member's country
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on February 28, 2010, 07:12:54 pm
Debate section is dead without ~Alpha ::) ::)  :( :( :-\ No more fun ::) ::)

Thank you for remembering me. But I won't be here for ever. :)
I was taken up with my studies.   :-\

They will cooperate and advance, not compete as I pointed earlier.

The search for equality itself is a competition. Cooperation requires one of them to bend for the other from time to time.
Men and women play their roles together; they don't replace each other.

Dude, good points. You illustrated them well.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 01, 2010, 03:52:11 am
@The Dude 321:

We have close alliances with Awami League. Therefore I support them. They are MUCH better than BNP and others. When it were for BNP, we had to pay regular extortions to stay in business. We don't have to pay that now.

I don't know if you are from Bangladesh too, but please, do a little bit more research before posting something like that.

Thank you.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Saladin on March 01, 2010, 02:52:10 pm
Broken the rule of this forum, by insulting another member's country. This is not allowed in this forum.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on March 01, 2010, 03:59:35 pm
When did Al bring independence to the country  ??? ?? I thght it was the people of the land  8) who fought for their mother tongue and then afterward AL openly taking credit for it.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on March 01, 2010, 04:00:27 pm
Cut it out peeps and get back to the friggin topic, i.e. Guys rock girls are the inferior ones :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Saladin on March 01, 2010, 04:39:43 pm
Broken the rule of this forum, by insulting another member's country. This is not allowed in this forum.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Monica on March 01, 2010, 05:09:45 pm
Let me see no more discussion about the Bangladesh and whatsoever issue. Get back to the thread's topic please.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on March 02, 2010, 12:47:34 am
Cut it out peeps and get back to the friggin topic, i.e. Guys rock girls are the inferior ones :P

Girls rap then!  :P  :D
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on March 02, 2010, 02:32:52 am
Girls rap then!  :P  :D

i shoulda seen her sayin that -_-

oh wait i got a good one: Rap = Retards Attempting Poetry  8)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 02, 2010, 03:19:48 am

Thanks a million times for cutting out the hassle about the Bangladesh issue. We sincerely hope Mr Dude 321 would never again, as a moderator, violate any of the rules of this forum.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 02, 2010, 03:25:27 am
GUYS, you are diverting from the topic!!!

Its 'should men and women have equal rights?'. NOT whether one is superior than the other. :P

Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on March 02, 2010, 10:22:16 am

Thanks a million times for cutting out the hassle about the Bangladesh issue. We sincerely hope Mr Dude 321 would never again, as a moderator, violate any of the rules of this forum.

damn i feel so invisible ryte now -_-
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 03, 2010, 04:42:40 pm
Thank you for remembering me. But I won't be here for ever. :)
I was taken up with my studies.   :-\

The search for equality itself is a competition. Cooperation requires one of them to bend for the other from time to time.
Men and women play their roles together; they don't replace each other.

Dude, good points. You illustrated them well.

LOL. Same situation in Mauritius!  :D

Imagine a woman working in a company. She has a male colleague, who works in the same position. After saveral months, she discovers that he is being paid a higher salary than her. When she wants to discuss it with her boss, he feels ashamed at first. Then tells her "Because he is a male and thus, can work better than you!". Put yourself in this situation and ask "Should women have equal rights as men?!". :D :D

Men and women play their roles together; they don't replace each other.

Absolutely. So, they should have equal rights! This is co-operation! ;)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on March 03, 2010, 05:26:43 pm
Yes I agree. Just bcauz I secret more testorene does not mean that I automatically get paid more for the same amount of job.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Saladin on March 04, 2010, 06:51:10 am
no its not that, women often have reasons for not being in the office, and because of this the productivity suffers.

So other companies which higher fewer females may do better,

So it depends on the absences taken.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: The Golden Girl =D on March 04, 2010, 09:36:52 am
women dont want sexual equality

who the hell told u that ?!?! ...cuz that ain't true with me !!
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: The Golden Girl =D on March 04, 2010, 09:56:08 am
in my religion women r more favoured in some cases but men r more favoured in some cases too .....but there r some punishments and sentences that r the same for both "lik havin sex while  being married ..etc"

but nowadays some people don't even follow our religion in the way they  r supposed to . therefore there is inequality in the way women r punished and treated , as well as seen by the public.

but if i speak in the point of view of real life without including religion ... then i say that inequality is smthn that all women seek including ME... cuz there r things which women r not allowed to do for ex in the country i am livin in girls r not allowed to be mechanical engineerers  cuz they r not even going to even find any job opportunity over here.

People let's face the fact , we WOMEN  r never going to be equal to men no matter what how many legistlations r passed by the goverment .

srry for being too serious  ;)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 04, 2010, 02:58:40 pm
in my religion women r more favoured in some cases but men r more favoured in some cases too .....but there r some punishments and sentences that r the same for both "lik havin sex while  being married ..etc"

but nowadays some people don't even follow our religion in the way they  r supposed to . therefore there is inequality in the way women r punished and treated , as well as seen by the public.

but if i speak in the point of view of real life without including religion ... then i say that inequality is smthn that all women seek including ME... cuz there r things which women r not allowed to do for ex in the country i am livin in girls r not allowed to be mechanical engineerers  cuz they r not even going to even find any job opportunity over here.

People let's face the fact , we WOMEN  r never going to be equal to men no matter what how many legistlations r passed by the goverment .

srry for being too serious  ;)

You would SEEK inequality as a girl?! :D I am surprised! ;D

Isn't it allowed in Dubai for women to become mechanical engineers?! I am again surprised! ??? ??? ???

You can have equal rights as men. The world is changing fast. The all powerful tyrannical male no longer exists. In its place are men and women who share the world equally, by ensuring equal rights for both sexes.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on March 04, 2010, 05:09:17 pm
i shoulda seen her sayin that -_-

oh wait i got a good one: Rap = Retards Attempting Poetry  8)

 :P :P :P

Imagine a woman working in a company. She has a male colleague, who works in the same position. After saveral months, she discovers that he is being paid a higher salary than her. When she wants to discuss it with her boss, he feels ashamed at first. Then tells her "Because he is a male and thus, can work better than you!". Put yourself in this situation and ask "Should women have equal rights as men?!". :D :D

1) Is not a guaranteed source of labour--- maternity leave, household responsibilities, marriage, children, etc.
2) The employer has to find a suitable replacement for the, usually, 9 months period she will not be working during pregnancy.
3) Proven in many businesses: a woman does not have the same authority as a man, especially in management. Because of this inability to influence others, business policies cannot or take time to be amended.
4) Prejudices--- they exist, whether we like it or not. Common ideology: men work for bread, and women, for cosmetics. Women are not considered to be the financial backbone, no wonder they're paid less than men.

There are so many other reasons.
I don't think he'll be feeling ashamed anymore.  ;)

The question I ask after this short analysis: CAN women have equal rights??

Absolutely. So, they should have equal rights! This is co-operation! ;)

If you are talking about having equal rights in few particular areas, then, that's a possibility still. But if you are talking about equality as a whole, be realistic: there is one who secretly thinks, one who secretly makes decisions, one who secretly expresses them, and one who secretly accepts them. That's "co-operation".

There is no such equation that says, co-operation = equality.

Yes I agree. Just bcauz I secret more testorene does not mean that I automatically get paid more for the same amount of job.

Just a rhetorical question: why then don't you share in the painful process of birth-giving and carry the child for 4 1/2 months?

in my religion women r more favoured in some cases but men r more favoured in some cases too .....but there r some punishments and sentences that r the same for both "lik havin sex while  being married ..etc"

but nowadays some people don't even follow our religion in the way they  r supposed to . therefore there is inequality in the way women r punished and treated , as well as seen by the public.

but if i speak in the point of view of real life without including religion ... then i say that inequality is smthn that all women seek including ME... cuz there r things which women r not allowed to do for ex in the country i am livin in girls r not allowed to be mechanical engineerers  cuz they r not even going to even find any job opportunity over here.

People let's face the fact , we WOMEN  r never going to be equal to men no matter what how many legistlations r passed by the goverment .

srry for being too serious  ;)

Agreed. Being realistic does NOT mean being pessimistic. It's rather not falling prey to the idealists.

Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 04, 2010, 06:20:35 pm
The question is about equal *rights* Not a superficial 'equality' like 'why dont men give birth to babies?' lol. ::)

Thats not true. In many countries, women labours in garments and other industries are paid a significantly lower wage than their male counterparts. This happens openly. The women does not even have the chance to talk to her employer. Strictly autocratic.

Alpha, just accept it. You are still living in the stone age when 'the knights were bold!'. As I said earlier, the all powerful tyrannical male no longer exists. In its place are men and women who share the world equally and make it a more peaceful place. Maybe in some countries, women are still busy cooking for their hubbies ( ::) ), but the situation will change soon. This is for sure.

This will be a core foundation, for the development of those countries. Because, this will bring new entrepreneual skills. A greater labour force. Higher GDP. Higher economic growth. More investment. Higher standard of living. More average per capita income. And to sum it up, the country will be more developed, more resourceful and with a friendly business environment and stock market, due to the increase in the number of female investors.

Not to mention, a family in which both male and female member earns is likely to be much well off financially for obvious reasons.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 04, 2010, 06:35:27 pm
Oh and another thing, 'inability to influence others?!'. Remember that we are talking about the 21st century women, who are just as capable of assuming authority as their male counterparts. I know many girls (who are my friends) and can influence others easily (easier than some guys, lol) . They are even sometimes dominating! (I love it when they are like that, Haha. I am a naughty guy! ;D ).

If this is not enough, be aware of the fact that there are many women billionaires. Some of them are self made (though a lot less than men). For example Oprah Winfrey.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on March 05, 2010, 02:23:14 pm
Giving birth to babies involves so many rights--- the right to choice, the right of freedom, parental rights, abortion rights, etc.

The stone age, iron age, renaissance, history, prehistory, or any other period, the same story has been going on since ever: women are aimlessly fighting for "equal rights" while the rest of the world claim that everybody is 'free'; women too are, they're 'free' to move wherever they want to inside the cage.

That's a false dawn, just an illusion. We're in the 21st century; high time to stop roaming about the bush and face reality.

Okay, let's forget about gender for a while...
Imagine a situation where you work harder, are more qualified for a job, have the required physical ability, the mental capacity, the spiritual capability, perfect for the task. You wouldn't bear it someone else, who is in no respect "equal" to you, is granted equal rights.

It's the same situation here as well. Men and women were not created equal. They cannot be equal. Each gender has a specific role to perform, a specific reason for existence. Men are superior in some areas of life, while women take the reins in others. Not being equal does not mean being inferior or superior. It does not mean losing authority or being disregarded. It's preserving your individuality, your uniqueness.  Men and women are different. How can they be equal when they are different?


Inability to influence others... Yes.

Well, I was not talking about teenage girls influencing teenage guys. Adults have egos, their world is different. It's been proven, a built man does not favour the idea of having a woman bossing around, especially at work. They are resistant to change, company policies cannot be easily implemented. Progress fails, lower profits, lower GDP, lower economic growth, lower investment, lower standard of living, etc. 
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 05, 2010, 04:42:28 pm

Inability to influence others... Yes.

Well, I was not talking about teenage girls influencing teenage guys. Adults have egos, their world is different. It's been proven, a built man does not favour the idea of having a woman bossing around, especially at work. They are resistant to change, company policies cannot be easily implemented. Progress fails, lower profits, lower GDP, lower economic growth, lower investment, lower standard of living, etc. 

Any man who is ashamed of a female boss, is ashamed when a women drives a car or bus, is ashamed when a women orders him or generally thinks he is superior to women ought to do a lot more thinking. Times have changed. We could learn a lot from our American and English brothers and sisters. 'Ego' has no value in the modern world. Just do whatever it takes to achieve something.

I have nothing more to say about this. This point cannot be emphasized further. Personal views. This is just how I think.

Okay, let's forget about gender for a while...
Imagine a situation where you work harder, are more qualified for a job, have the required physical ability, the mental capacity, the spiritual capability, perfect for the task. You wouldn't bear it someone else, who is in no respect "equal" to you, is granted equal rights.

There is nothing as 'ego'. I only think about what I am or what is my position. Not what others are. In other words, I am not jealous of girls. I do not compare myself with others. At the creative plane, not competitive. As I said earlier, men and women should cooperate, not compete. Others may think differently. But as I said earlier, any man who thinks he is superior to women, ought to do a lot more thinking.

The atmosphere of cooperation will result in a greater labour force. Higher GDP. Higher economic growth. More investment. Higher standard of living. More average per capita income. And to sum it up, the country will be more developed, more resourceful and with a friendly business environment and stock market, due to the increase in the number of female investors.

It's the same situation here as well. Men and women were not created equal. They cannot be equal. Each gender has a specific role to perform, a specific reason for existence. Men are superior in some areas of life, while women take the reins in others. Not being equal does not mean being inferior or superior. It does not mean losing authority or being disregarded. It's preserving your individuality, your uniqueness.  Men and women are different. How can they be equal when they are different?

The stone age, iron age, renaissance, history, prehistory, or any other period, the same story has been going on since ever: women are aimlessly fighting for "equal rights" while the rest of the world claim that everybody is 'free'; women too are, they're 'free' to move wherever they want to inside the cage.

That's a false dawn, just an illusion. We're in the 21st century; high time to stop roaming about the bush and face reality.

Its should men and women have equal rights? Not 'does', or 'can'.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Saladin on March 05, 2010, 05:25:04 pm
I think we need to lock this topic, things seem to get a little well, out of control.

I like debates, but religeon and passions have co-incided.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: astarmathsandphysics on March 05, 2010, 08:16:29 pm
It seems to me that women have the right to sopend all the money and men have the duty to earn it.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 06, 2010, 03:06:53 am
This topic should not be locked. I am opening this. There is no proof of religious DEBATE here. Only The Dude 321 has broken the rules here by insulting another members country. His posts were edited by me and he has been warned by an administrator. The golden girl mentioned religion, but there is no proof of religious DEBATE. I do not want to see anyone locking this topic again.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 06, 2010, 03:31:10 am
@The Dude 321

Me and angell are the moderator of the debate section. And I would like to inform you that we are well aware of the rules and regulations of debates.

Therefore, it would be of our pleasure if you, Mr Dude 321, do not interfere in our duties without being fully aware of the exact rules and regulations in effect over here.

Thank you.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 06, 2010, 04:17:13 am
IN CASE a member mentions religion, AND it takes the form of a religious DEBATE with many members taking part in it, the relevant posts will be deleted and the members warned. There is no reason to lock the topic for this. Members should be free to express their opinions and viewpoints here in this debate section. After all, it is a debate with many members and many different viewpoints.

Topics should not be punished due to members breaking rules.

Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on March 06, 2010, 01:39:00 pm
Agree with you Borakk.

This thing about religion getting a grasp on debates is getting frustrating now...

Practically speaking, you cannot eradicate religion totally from discussions. A debate is an amalgam of diverse views: scientific, moral, ethical, social, political, medicinal, philosophical, historical... and religious. Religion affects life to a great extent, people ARE religious, their lives ARE influenced by it, society IS as well, so are our issues.

Whatever you do, religion is bound to crop up in some topics. Like here, we're talking of sex inequality, the backbone of this discussion being the famous myth/ story/ history of Adam and Eve. Sex inequality is to a very great extent 'guided' by religion.

Religion becomes a problem when any member insults the religious beliefs of another, or condemns any religion or faith.

If you keep the same grounds for banning religion in the discussions, then politics, ethics, even topics should be banned. What's the use of debating then?

And just something I would like to add. I don't think there is a need to rake up The Dude's 'mistake' again. It's over already. Move on.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 06, 2010, 02:04:55 pm
There IS a need to rake up Dude 321, 'mistake'. Because it IS A MISTAKE to insult our politicians who are highly respected over here (some of who are my family members). The fact that he has broken the rule of this forum AS A MODERATOR, is somewhat .......

If I say what Dude 321 said about Mauritius, I am sure you would not be pleased. So, NO further discussion about this. I know better than you about the rules of this forum. No need to 'teach' me regarding moderation.

Thank You.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: saifalan on March 06, 2010, 02:48:36 pm
Wow  :D now this is becoming a cat fight  :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 06, 2010, 03:33:52 pm
Lol! No!  We are still on topic. It is 'The Dude 321' for whom we went off topic temporarily. You must be having fun na? :P

Its just that I hadn't expected this kind of behavior from Alpha.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 07, 2010, 03:46:46 pm
I speak to myself...
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: O.T.13. on March 08, 2010, 12:51:57 am
You're both welcome :P
anyways, i just wanted to reply to duda's suggestion of locking the topic: dude, whoever is violating is to be dismissed from the topic but if we are to dismiss every thread that has religion into it then there will be no point whatsoever if having the debates section, which is one of the liveliest part of the forums
just a lil suggestion to the other mods: anyone going off the topic gets one and ONLY ONE warning, and nobody replies to him, if it persists then ban him from the section straight away for one or two days
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 08, 2010, 05:01:35 am
Thanks Omer! Yes, that is a very logical suggestion.

This issue has already been solved. Now me, Alpha and Dude 321 are cool. No problem.

Now Alpha, I replied to your last post about men and women having equal rights. Its on the previous page. You can reply to that now.

Cheers up everybody!
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: angell on March 08, 2010, 07:27:16 am
ok, frankly?

women and men have equally contributed to society as we know it.

all men were born because of women.

The very fact that there is a necessity to have a topic like this proves that somewhere, somethings VERY wrong.

Women and Men should be treated equally - not just because women are as good as men, but because we've EARNED our right to be treated as equals.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 08, 2010, 02:08:41 pm
I am debating for equal rights, like you, but I would like to correct you that all women were born because of men too. ::)

The first human being, Adam, was a man after all. ::)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: angell on March 08, 2010, 04:41:00 pm
we're not Adam or Eve..

so technically, unless and unitl there are men producing babies.. its the women who hold the title :D :D :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on March 09, 2010, 01:17:58 am
I did not call you a sinner. You should have read my post well before editing it.
Smart enough, I can't prove it; you already edited my post.

My humble request: please, refrain from editing my posts. I write them, and I know very well what I write in them. I am transparent. That's why I'm asking you not to obscure what I write.
If there's anything you don't like, then you have a better option: delete.

Okay, I'm replying to your discussion.

Any man who is ashamed of a female boss, is ashamed when a women drives a car or bus, is ashamed when a women orders him or generally thinks he is superior to women ought to do a lot more thinking. Times have changed. We could learn a lot from our American and English brothers and sisters. 'Ego' has no value in the modern world. Just do whatever it takes to achieve something.

I have nothing more to say about this. This point cannot be emphasized further. Personal views. This is just how I think.

Your American and English brothers live in America and England, you inhabit another society. And since you've talked about America, then tell me how the nation for which you say ego has no value, in all of its recorded history, has never never NEVER had a female President?

That's not something personal anymore.
All personal views = Social ethics

It's a reality. Running from reality by calling it "personal" does not help to bring any change.

There is nothing as 'ego'. I only think about what I am or what is my position. Not what others are. In other words, I am not jealous of girls. I do not compare myself with others. At the creative plane, not competitive. As I said earlier, men and women should cooperate, not compete. Others may think differently. But as I said earlier, any man who thinks he is superior to women, ought to do a lot more thinking.

The atmosphere of cooperation will result in a greater labour force. Higher GDP. Higher economic growth. More investment. Higher standard of living. More average per capita income. And to sum it up, the country will be more developed, more resourceful and with a friendly business environment and stock market, due to the increase in the number of female investors.

It's not jealousy, it's a superiority-inferiority complex. It's ego, self-respect. There is everything in trying to preserve one's ego. The world moves on ego. What you think, what I think, make no difference at all. Now I understand why poets call this world one for fools.

Cooperate, yea, but where is cooperation = equality? It's most of the time, cooperation = submission.

Its should men and women have equal rights? Not 'does', or 'can'.

We should do what we can. Besides, the past always influences the present, while we carry the generations forward.
I replied for a should (not) itself. They were not created to be equal.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 09, 2010, 01:58:00 pm
I spoke to myself...

Women around India are not allowed to choose their life partners. They HAVE to marry the one their parent chooses. According to me, a woman should be able to like and choose the one she will marry, just like males. It is unfair to restrict them in this way. I also cannot understand why a woman cannot be awarded the right to be a leader if she possesses the necessary skills. Could you please explain how men and women are required to 'bend down for the other' in order to progress? (leaving aside biological issues like pregnancy). I see no reason. Cooperation does not require 'inequal' rights. It calls for 'equality'. Like if women are not allowed to be leaders, how can it be cooperation? It is prejudice.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on March 09, 2010, 04:54:56 pm

Women around India are not allowed to choose their life partners. They HAVE to marry the one their parent chooses. According to me, a woman should be able to like and choose the one she will marry, just like males. It is unfair to restrict them in this way. I also cannot understand why a woman cannot be awarded the right to be a leader if she possesses the necessary skills. Could you please explain how men and women are required to 'bend down for the other' in order to progress? (leaving aside biological issues like pregnancy). I see no reason. Cooperation does not require 'inequal' rights. It calls for 'equality'. Like if women are not allowed to be leaders, how can it be cooperation? It is prejudice.

This is lame. Generalizations wtf! Who says we, in India are not allowed to choose our life partners. Ur being too general. Well that not the point. But I do agree with you. Every woman has the rights to freedom, freedom of speech and freedom to practice what they believe(including religion). In terms of rights, we have the same rights but the society discards it most of the times and creates a chasm between the two sexes
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on March 09, 2010, 04:59:37 pm
Okay, I'll make it clear. I told you: The Dude made a mistake. You were making it seem like a SIN.

Pointing fingers aggressively at another member's personal characteristic is showing disrespect to him or her (keeping aside the accusation of 'SIN').

You're saying it yourself.

And for the debate, am tired already. Tired, tired.

Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Alpha on March 10, 2010, 03:07:36 pm
Women do have the right to freedom, some families are still pure traditionalists. Well, that's something that's going to change with time.
But the right to freedom does not equate men and women. Like what I said before, of course, women are free > They are free to move inside the cage.

Some people believe that by letting the knot loose, values will fall…

And personally, I don’t find it an irrational belief. Women, having too many rights, make an abuse of it. No sense of morality at all, no manners, no etiquettes…  No restrictions, which means they do whatever pleases them. So many women are smokers, drinkers, smugglers, promiscuous, irresponsible, vagabonds. Muslim women (covered with the veil) smoke hookahs on public beaches, and so many others are keen VOLUNTEERS to perform in pornographic films. There is a long list on not-to-do’s that women jump on when there is no supervision on their social behaviour.

Of course, every woman is not immoral. But there are too many exceptions in this rule for it to be ignored.

Margaret Thatcher was a leader, and because she was a woman, she was a failed leader.

Women may be having all the required skills for leadership, but they also have all the required commitments--- the house, children. The employer has to find a suitable replacement in case the woman goes on maternity leave--- which profit-motivated entrepreneur is going to take the risk?

Cooperation, in its simplest form, means working together to attain certain specific goals, of which compliance is an essential feature. Men and women cooperate, why not? It’s possible, just like employers and employees do, like the general and soldiers cooperate in wars, just like the law and the public does, and just like a government and a nation can cooperate. Is it equality?

Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on March 12, 2010, 01:35:45 pm

Margaret Thatcher was a leader, and because she was a woman, she was a failed leader.

Women may be having all the required skills for leadership, but they also have all the required commitments--- the house, children. The employer has to find a suitable replacement in case the woman goes on maternity leave--- which profit-motivated entrepreneur is going to take the risk?

I just had a glimpse on the [url]article on Margaret Thatcher[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_thatcher/url] on wikipedia. I must say, there is no conclusive evidence which proves that she was any less successful than Tony Blair, let alone being a 'failed leader'. She was the PM from 1979-1990. If I am correct, the UK economy was at a turmoil in the period between 1973-1980. Inflation peaked at 30% in 1976. Unemployment was high, due to powerful trade unions and therefore, business incentive was low. As far as I can see, during her leadership, inflation rate fell from the peak of 30% to much lower levels. She was an opposer of trade unions (which I personally think is a dirty word too). Industrial unrest became history. Trade deficit lowered. Influence and membership of trade unions fell from its peak in 1965. And many more...

As far as I can see Alpha, during her leadership, the UK economy enjoyed a good upturn as I just illustrated. Yes, maybe it was not (just) because of her. Maybe its because of the good policies of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the bank of England or the Royal Mint. Whatever it may be, this cannot lead us to believe that she was a 'failed leader' after all (if not any more successful than Tony Blair).

Women may be having all the required skills for leadership, but they also have all the required commitments--- the house, children. The employer has to find a suitable replacement in case the woman goes on maternity leave--- which profit-motivated entrepreneur is going to take the risk?

Lemme give you an example. I'm sure you know of PepsiCo. It's a $102 billion company. The CEO is a woman, Indra Nooyi. I am sure PepsiCo. is not a charity organisation. Their main objective is one that is common in all of us - Profit. How come, a woman with so many commitments like her husband, kids, pregnancy and all others, is able to handle PepsiCo. so successfully that the share price has enjoyed such a long uptrend. It wasn't much affected in the bad date of 2008. I am sure this is a great achievement on part of her. It just reflects how successful she is to ensure a good business health of her company.

If you are unsure of how much the stock market was affected in 2008, see the condition of Citigroup Inc. (the largest financial conglomerate in the world) (attached)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Angel Of Love on April 02, 2010, 02:41:44 pm
hey i am not writing in anyone's favor about this fight going on.
i am just answering the first question in the first post.
I agree that both the genders should be given equal rights.
there are many places in india where a lot of discrimination takes place between gnders, a lot of domestic violence too takes place.
We indians are trying our best to stop it.
We hope we will overcome this one day.
but nowadays there is no difference between any sexes.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on April 02, 2010, 03:52:48 pm
Oh hello, you think this is a 'fight'?! :P

Anyways, good luck for the equality!
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Angel Of Love on April 02, 2010, 06:55:20 pm
it's a kinda debate but here you are fighting but with words..!! :P :P
thanx..!! :) :)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on April 02, 2010, 07:30:21 pm
Refrain from making such generalized statements.
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Nobody on April 25, 2010, 03:51:51 pm
I just found this thing o0n internet!!!

One day, a girl, 16yrs old, heard from her mother that if she does a regular prayer for 4 yrs, a divine "Angel" would come to her in her dreams & give her 3 boons. So she decided to do it. She completed 4 years successfully, doing prayer regularly.

Now it was a day for "Angel" to come. So she slept earlier with thoughts in her mind to ask. And, really an "Angel" comes in her dreams. Now this is the dialogue between them.

Angel: O Girl, you prayed to me regularly within last 4 yrs, so I am very very happy with you. I will complete any of your 3 wishes. You can ask anything you like, but there is one condition.

Girl: Condition!, what is that?

Angel: You have a boy-friend?

Girl: Yes.

Angel: When you were doing a prayer, he was waiting for you, so he also sacrificed same as you. Moreover, he didn’t know anything about boon and all, so he is also eligible for the boons. So whatever you will ask, he will get 10 times more than that of you. If you are agreed, then proceed for the 1st boon.

Girl: (After thinking for some time …): Yes, I am ready.

Girl: 1st, make me 10 times richer than the richest person in the world.

Angel: But your boy-friend will be 10 times richer than you.

Girl: It’s OK.

Angel: Be as you wish!

Girl: 2nd, Make me 10 times more beautiful than the most beautiful girl in the world. Angel: But your boy-friend will be 10 times handsome than the most handsome boy in the world.

Girl: It’s OK.

Angel: Be as you wish.

Angel: Now the last boon remains.

Girl: O Angel, please give me a MILD HEART-ATTACK.

Angel: What? Are you sure!

Girl: Yes. Very sure!

Angel: Be as you wish.

Think friends, what happened to her boy-friend, he got a severe heart-attack & died at once, while the girl remained alive. Thus, the girl became the world’s most beautiful girl and the richest one, too.

Moral of the story: So intelligent the girls are! Girls are really more intelligent than we believe about them to be. So be careful boys!

Now, girls please stop reading … boys scroll down…









Dear boys, don't worry, actually what happened is something different than what you all think! Actually, the girl’s boy-friend got a heart-attack, 10 TIMES MILDER than that of the girl. So the boy-friend lived longer than the girl, being world’s richest and the most handsome boy.

Moral of the story: Dear boys, the girls are not really that much intelligent than what we believe them to be. So don't worry if you think that you have girl-friend, intelligent than you.

Hey….I told u girls not to read…

Just for fun with truth…
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on April 25, 2010, 03:59:49 pm
cool mahn!! :P
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: $tyli$h Executive on April 25, 2010, 04:30:54 pm
Hahaha! GREAT!! :D
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on April 25, 2010, 04:58:56 pm
Stylish u double posted...i'll have to take one off
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: Angel Of Love on April 25, 2010, 05:32:32 pm
Hey nobody a good one but the down part which was for only boys which i guess all girls would have read :P :P isn't true i mean a girl would never be so unkind...she would always think good for everyone 'cause we are all born with soft-heart... :) :)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: nid404 on April 25, 2010, 05:45:03 pm
I don't think most girls would do that...i used the word "most" cuz i know there can be some ******* who only want a guy with money,fame blah blah blah

But most girls are not like that...and they would never wish for this
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: SoONa on May 24, 2010, 07:48:36 pm

i think all this talk about men and women being equal is just a she said he said argument ... question is 2 women do u reallie wanna be equal with men i mean do u think we should be treated the samee... hmm im really againt the whole equality thingy between us becuz if u really think about it and 4get all the crap u hear about womens rights blah blah blah ... ull find out that women and man arent reallie equal!!!

men dont give birth 2 children and carry them in their insides 4 9 months!!1 is just a easy example of how were not equal... women should be treated with more respect and gratitude then men doo .... we should have the advantage over men reallieee common i think if u ask any undrunk, sane person on this planet theyll tell u women suffer and go through more in their life just 4 the ppl around them 2 be happieee..

so inequality nopeee against ... we should beeee Favorited over men and be treated like angels everysingle minute of our lives  :P ..lol !!
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: dodi23 on May 24, 2010, 09:06:03 pm
do u give bith to children nd carry them for 9 months???? cz i dont
lool jk jk
i disagree wid u,,, cz they should b equal,,,, women hv men as their protectors nd men hv women as their supporter nd guideor ;)
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: SoONa on May 24, 2010, 10:19:44 pm
do u give bith to children nd carry them for 9 months???? cz i dont
lool jk jk
i disagree wid u,,, cz they should b equal,,,, women hv men as their protectors nd men hv women as their supporter nd guideor ;)

lol i didnt get 2 that point bas eventuallie i will ou ba3dayn that doesnt mean theyre equal it means they complete each other!!.. bas 3ad every1 has different ways at looking at things  ;D
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: The Golden Girl =D on December 31, 2011, 07:52:54 pm
hehe =]
Title: Re: The battle of the sexes!
Post by: MiniLuv on January 24, 2012, 03:48:28 am
do u give bith to children nd carry them for 9 months???? cz i dont
lool jk jk
i disagree wid u,,, cz they should b equal,,,, women hv men as their protectors nd men hv women as their supporter nd guideor ;)

If men are protectors and women are supporters as you state, then they clearly are not equal because their roles in a relationship are not identical.