Qualification > Sciences


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~ Miss Relina ~:

--- Quote from: Abod on April 13, 2012, 11:13:20 am ---Yes, that's what I've studied.

plus the point from the syllabus says that you only have to know that there are other naming systems.
here are 2 questions as an example:
 i-Name any system of classification other than binomial nomenclature. (cladistics)
ii- what does the system you've mentioned in (i) use for classifying species. (dna and rna)

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can't also fossil fuels be a classifying tool

I'm not sure from that.
any articles about it?

~ Miss Relina ~:

--- Quote from: Abod on April 13, 2012, 11:24:38 am ---I'm not sure from that.
any articles about it?

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no but wikipedia I think
 Cladistics there is really  really HARD  ???

and I thought that the syllabus mentioned cladistics as an example so there may be others that's why I 'm worried  :-\

Cladistics is hard, but you don't need to know much about it. :)
Don't worry, these 2 are enough :D

~ Miss Relina ~:

--- Quote from: Abod on April 13, 2012, 11:41:17 am ---Cladistics is hard, but you don't need to know much about it. :)
Don't worry, these 2 are enough :D

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look at this website I am not sure about the fossils matter,though .


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