Qualification > Sciences


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Arthur Bon Zavi:

--- Quote from: Amelia on May 23, 2011, 06:08:47 pm ---LOL. We've a new Mod, here.  :P

--- End quote ---

Who ? Okay, continue.

~ Miss Relina ~:
the syllabus mentions this point 2.1 which I would like to know about it :
              Know that here are other classification
                                      systems e.g. cladistics (based on RNA/
                                      DNA sequencing data)


--- Quote from: ~ Miss Relina ~ on April 11, 2012, 04:34:33 pm ---the syllabus mentions this point 2.1 which I would like to know about it :
              Know that here are other classification
                                      systems e.g. cladistics (based on RNA/
                                      DNA sequencing data)
--- End quote ---
Only 2 naming systems in IGCSE you have to know
1- Binomial nomenclature
2- cladistics

I'll assume you know what binomial nomenclature is.
and about cladistics, for IGCSE you only have to know the name (cladistics) and that it is based on DNA and RNA sequencing.

~ Miss Relina ~:

--- Quote from: Abod on April 11, 2012, 10:15:23 pm ---Only 2 naming systems in IGCSE you have to know
1- Binomial nomenclature
2- cladistics

I'll assume you know what binomial nomenclature is.
and about cladistics, for IGCSE you only have to know the name (cladistics) and that it is based on DNA and RNA sequencing.

--- End quote ---
so you're sure ,right ??

Yes, that's what I've studied.

plus the point from the syllabus says that you only have to know that there are other naming systems.
here are 2 questions as an example:
 i-Name any system of classification other than binomial nomenclature. (cladistics)
ii- what does the system you've mentioned in (i) use for classifying species. (dna and rna)


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