Qualification > Queries
The type of CALCULATORS that should be used!!
X Abdulrahman X:
Theres also a Casio calculator, cant remember the name, the one that has the little solar panels on the top right side, can be used to calculate formulas that inclued X in them like similtanious equations. they help alooot but im not sure if they are allowed in the exam even though i think they are, and will prob be used here. my math teacher didnt really say anything bout it even though he is very fair and quite strict.
casio webssite is also not so user frieddly
not all calculators are stated properly
--- Quote from: sgvaibhav on May 04, 2009, 10:11:57 am ---plz gimme link for fx-92 ms
did not find anything while googling for fx 92 ms
--- End quote ---
heyy ... i have no idea abt fx 92 ms but i used fx 95 ms & no 1 told me anything soo i think u r allowed to use it :D
Breakin news....
my friends say that their older brothers entered the exam with the fx-991ES.......and nothing HAPPENED!!
so i think anything like this one is OK....i wonder how its ok though, cuz this calculator can do matrices, simultaneous equations and other few things that i dont know yet...but COOL!!
so i guess that ur calculator sweetsh (fx-350ES) is allowed cuz its like the fx-991ES
one more thing...
i've been told that i should take 2 calculators with me....so if anyone of them crashed i use the other!
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