I have a nice large window near me.
I've tried. -,- Life loves me too much, I guess.

Imagine, you jump out of the window from maybe the 10th floor of a hotel, because you were tired of life and not finding your perfect partner. You start seeing everything in slow motion, with the scintillating shards flying around you in a funeral accompaniment to your fatal fall, glinting intermittently with malevolent glee. You pass the 9th floor's balcony, and there a man is standing, smart and sharply dressed, intelligent looking and handsome and in that moment, in a flash of blinding precognition, you recognize him as the only one meant for you, the other half to make you whole, the lost part of your soul. He sees you too, and recognizes you for who you are and what you mean to him. You start regretting ever jumping out the window in the first place, with him so near, in a fantastic twist of fate's cruel whims. He starts throwing an arm towards you, but its too late, too little. You speed downwards, tears of melancholy, tears of joy, but most of all, tears of nostalgic regret flying out of your eyes, for never having met the one you so wanted to be with, except in these final moments, when you lost all hope, found it again and knew that you were never to have it. The ground speeds towards you and he recedes far up into the black and orange blurs of the night....
Finish the story yourself now!!

My first time writing anything again after months of slacking off...