Author Topic: Who do you miss right now ?  (Read 242380 times)

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #915 on: July 25, 2011, 07:30:33 pm »
@romeesa, yea I'm a bit busy these days.

Yup, resela means a message but it's a Charity Organization. The biggest Charity Organization in the whole of Egypt.
I went for volunteering yesterday and it was AWWWWEEEEESSSSSOOOOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEE! I want to stay there FOREVER!

I know and I am lonely! =[ :P
OMG. That's great! ;D MA! So amazing! :D
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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #916 on: July 25, 2011, 09:50:52 pm »
Awww =[ You took some days off! We missed you here..the forum seemed dead. ::)

And yes it was so COOL. Many teens volunteer there and then I joined the 'street children' activity. I spoke to everyone about the importance of children and all they were very pleased and convinced! :D

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #917 on: July 25, 2011, 09:56:33 pm »
I was undergoing depression. :P

Aw! Amazing! We used to have charity events organised from school, so much of fun plus a great experience! ;D
Yes, yuh are the convincing type! :P
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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #918 on: July 25, 2011, 09:59:19 pm »
Rom  :o !!!
Why so ? Why feeling that ?

And lol yea...I mean they didn't expect that from me since it was my first time and I was just 'having a look'  ;D they clapped and all.
There was a very cute guy there, I think he likes me. ;D ::)

Imagine if he is reading this...bwahahahahaha..I'm screwed. :P

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #919 on: July 25, 2011, 10:04:46 pm »
Rom  :o !!!
Why so ? Why feeling that ?

And lol yea...I mean they didn't expect that from me since it was my first time and I was just 'having a look'  ;D they clapped and all.
There was a very cute guy there, I think he likes me. ;D ::)

Imagine if he is reading this...bwahahahahaha..I'm screwed. :P
Joking, my chere! :P ;)

Aw! Clapped? So cool. 8)
I am rather the 'shy' type who won't say a word! >_<

THAT made me ROFL!
Totally screwed! ::) :P
Hahahaha! Go post this on yer FB! :P Hehehe **
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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #920 on: July 25, 2011, 10:10:33 pm »
Joking, my chere! :P ;)

Aw! Clapped? So cool. 8)
I am rather the 'shy' type who won't say a word! >_<

THAT made me ROFL!
Totally screwed! ::) :P
Hahahaha! Go post this on yer FB! :P Hehehe **

Really joking? :-\

I was like that before. Never say a word..just keep the thoughts to myself until I changed. My thoughts are to be heard one day and I believe that's why I went to that Charity Organization. To speak, to listen and to make a change inshAllah. =]

LOOOOOOOOL yes..he is like REALLY cool. ::) The way he talks and what he was wearing all cool stuff. :P Meh..whatever. :P It's not my aim to go there and meet cool dudes. :P :P

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #921 on: July 25, 2011, 10:17:23 pm »
Really joking? :-\

I was like that before. Never say a word..just keep the thoughts to myself until I changed. My thoughts are to be heard one day and I believe that's why I went to that Charity Organization. To speak, to listen and to make a change inshAllah. =]

LOOOOOOOOL yes..he is like REALLY cool. ::) The way he talks and what he was wearing all cool stuff. :P Meh..whatever. :P It's not my aim to go there and meet cool dudes. :P :P

No! :P Lol. I was lil buh alhamdulillah I am great now! :D

Keep it up, sis <3
Don't forget me when yuh become all famous! Ok? =(
I will come running to yuh with my arms open to embrace and you'll be like: 'Romeesa who? ::)' :P

Sure sure. Keep telling yerself and you will believe it someday! :P
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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #922 on: July 25, 2011, 10:33:12 pm »
No! :P Lol. I was lil buh alhamdulillah I am great now! :D

Keep it up, sis <3
Don't forget me when yuh become all famous! Ok? =(
I will come running to yuh with my arms open to embrace and you'll be like: 'Romeesa who? ::)' :P

Sure sure. Keep telling yerself and you will believe it someday! :P

Man...don't let ANYTHING to get you down! Nothing..and I mean NOTHING is worth you feeling depressed. You have your health, your family, your religion and your AWESOME character so always say ALHAMDOLILAH.

LOOOOOOOL hahahahahah you think I'll ever DARE to forget my lovely soul sister? You are SO DREAMING. :P I'll always be haunting you and bugging you bwahahahahahaha..:P

Speaking of being famous..I'll be coming on the Radio soon inshAllah ;D

hahaha seriously's not my aim to get cool dudes. But oh can't be helped.. ::) He even kept following me to the door while I was leaving and he was talking to me...I was like ' ::) -___________-' to him... but deep inside 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH HEEE IIISSS FOLLOWING ME YAAAAAY ;D:P :P :P :P

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #923 on: July 25, 2011, 10:47:22 pm »
Man...don't let ANYTHING to get you down! Nothing..and I mean NOTHING is worth you feeling depressed. You have your health, your family, your religion and your AWESOME character so always say ALHAMDOLILAH.

LOOOOOOOL hahahahahah you think I'll ever DARE to forget my lovely soul sister? You are SO DREAMING. :P I'll always be haunting you and bugging you bwahahahahahaha..:P

Speaking of being famous..I'll be coming on the Radio soon inshAllah ;D

hahaha seriously's not my aim to get cool dudes. But oh can't be helped.. ::) He even kept following me to the door while I was leaving and he was talking to me...I was like ' ::) -___________-' to him... but deep inside 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH HEEE IIISSS FOLLOWING ME YAAAAAY ;D:P :P :P :P

Yes, Insha Allah. I am working on it! ;D
Like I said, I am OVER-SENSITIVE. I take small thins straight to the heart and become sad over it. :-[ I know, I am a paka. Buh, I am working on it! ;D
Alhamdulillah, for everything! :D

AWWW! *hugs* ;D
Hahahahaha! Please do! :P I am honored! :D

OMG. Radio? AMAZING. Sad, I am not in Egypt! I wanna see plus hear! :P

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! ;D Yuh is FUNNYkh! :P
What a jerk! >:( :P Trying to fool ya with his looks! Paka man! He should be looking down!  :P
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Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #924 on: July 25, 2011, 10:53:08 pm »
Mony  ROFL .... LMAO xD

Wallah that made me LOL XD
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #925 on: July 25, 2011, 10:59:35 pm »
Yes, Insha Allah. I am working on it! ;D
Like I said, I am OVER-SENSITIVE. I take small thins straight to the heart and become sad over it. :-[ I know, I am a paka. Buh, I am working on it! ;D
Alhamdulillah, for everything! :D

AWWW! *hugs* ;D
Hahahahaha! Please do! :P I am honored! :D

OMG. Radio? AMAZING. Sad, I am not in Egypt! I wanna see plus hear! :P

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! ;D Yuh is FUNNYkh! :P
What a jerk! >:( :P Trying to fool ya with his looks! Paka man! He should be looking down!  :P

Like for example..there is this best friend of mine ignoring me. Hmm..I always go and ask 'what's wrong' and ALWAYS be the one to try and fix things up. I would cry just because of that person but now..that person is being so cold for like the 100th time and tbh..I will not bother myself, this is life after all there will be those who will leave and you can't beg them to stay or care.
Make god your priority..this'd never feel hurt. =]

A wise man saw someone crying next to a grave so he asked him "What makes you cry?" The main replied "I cry on a loved one who has left me because of death." The wise man said "Your mistake is that you loved someone who will certainly leave at the end but if had loved Allah the alive who never dies, he would have never left you."

Live every second like it's your last one. Forget, ignore, stop worrying, smile and MOVE ON! Life is shorter than we can ever imagine.


Well, radio is just for listening. :P So you can't see
And hmmm it's on the internet. Maybe you can listen to it on the internet. :O

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL looking down?! hhahahahaha man...he is like always looking and stuff. After I spoke he said 'ALLAH ALLAH! No one can saying anything after what she said' and I was like ' ::) :-[' looool..
And's not his looks. He likes reading and writing also like me..he got lots of knowledge that's why he's different.
But oh well...don't worry..I won't marry him. :P :P

@Gigi, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahahahahha   ;D please don't change your idea about me now :P

If that guy is reallyreading life will turn into hell. :P

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #926 on: July 25, 2011, 11:07:28 pm »
Guest    10:02:45 pm   Viewing the topic Who do u miss Right now ?.
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Guest    10:02:32 pm   Viewing the topic Who do u miss Right now ?.
Guest    10:02:32 pm   Viewing the topic Who do u miss Right now ?.
Guest    10:04:12 pm   Viewing the topic Who do u miss Right now ?.
Guest         10:04:00 pm   Viewing the topic Who do u miss Right now ?.

Damn! I'm really SCREWED!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #927 on: July 25, 2011, 11:13:02 pm »
Like for example..there is this best friend of mine ignoring me. Hmm..I always go and ask 'what's wrong' and ALWAYS be the one to try and fix things up. I would cry just because of that person but now..that person is being so cold for like the 100th time and tbh..I will not bother myself, this is life after all there will be those who will leave and you can't beg them to stay or care.
Make god your priority..this'd never feel hurt. =]

A wise man saw someone crying next to a grave so he asked him "What makes you cry?" The main replied "I cry on a loved one who has left me because of death." The wise man said "Your mistake is that you loved someone who will certainly leave at the end but if had loved Allah the alive who never dies, he would have never left you."

Live every second like it's your last one. Forget, ignore, stop worrying, smile and MOVE ON! Life is shorter than we can ever imagine.


Well, radio is just for listening. :P So you can't see
And hmmm it's on the internet. Maybe you can listen to it on the internet. :O

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL looking down?! hhahahahaha man...he is like always looking and stuff. After I spoke he said 'ALLAH ALLAH! No one can saying anything after what she said' and I was like ' ::) :-[' looool..
And's not his looks. He likes reading and writing also like me..he got lots of knowledge that's why he's different.
But oh well...don't worry..I won't marry him. :P :P

@Gigi, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahahahahha   ;D please don't change your idea about me now :P

If that guy is reallyreading life will turn into hell. :P
Awww! :( Yuh just gimme that person's name and address! 8) Rest, leave on me!  >:( :P
I was reading sum articles related to Islam and I immediately became fine. (:
Motto for life: Make Allah your 1st priority!
JazakAllah khair, sis <3


PM me the website, date and time! ;D :P

Ohooo. . . *whistles* :P ;D
He was trying to butter yuh up! :P
Be careful, he could be a stalker! :o
How do yuh know he likes reading and writing? ::) :P

Edit: WOAHHH! Sis, yalla. . . Go make new passport! XD
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 11:15:16 pm by ~ Fairy ~ »
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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #928 on: July 25, 2011, 11:20:15 pm »
Awww! :( Yuh just gimme that person's name and address! 8) Rest, leave on me!  >:( :P
I was reading sum articles related to Islam and I immediately became fine. (:
Motto for life: Make Allah your 1st priority!
JazakAllah khair, sis <3


PM me the website, date and time! ;D :P

Ohooo. . . *whistles* :P ;D
He was trying to butter yuh up! :P
Be careful, he could be a stalker! :o
How do yuh know he likes reading and writing? ::) :P

LOOOOL nah. It's not worth the energy. =]
Yeah, I'll be posting a new thread now about some statistics.

Date and time not decided yet. I just went once and so we didn't decide what is the program, what will it be about, when will it be on etc.. They said we better start it in Ramadan.
And I'll pm everyone the date and the website inshAllah when things get confirmed! :D

hahahahaha he was saying the what I was saying were just facts. :P

LOOOL I don't think he's a stalker. :P He's just a cool guy.
And he is a poet,well..when I went there..they were having this activity that everyone says what he/she likes in the above person, so everyone was saying he is very knowledgeable, a gentleman  ::) and like he studied communication skills so he is very good at talking. So yea they were saying he is knowledgeable because he loves poetry, reading etc..

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: Who do u miss Right now ?
« Reply #929 on: July 25, 2011, 11:25:39 pm »
@Gigi, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahahahahha   ;D please don't change your idea about me now :P

If that guy is reallyreading life will turn into hell. :P

Nah , We ALL have OUR moments ::) :P

Would you like "Stop" talking about the Guy :o  :P .... LOL My friends and I LOVE talking about the Guys in our school , Interesting Topic that we can't seem to avoid, you see ::) :P

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

Please, Don't forget to Include GG in your Prayers =D