hey shoshou....hermione uses shortcuts just like me......how did you manage to decipher that??
well............i love maths...............its just like a game to me!!
i think by c1 and c4.....you mean p1 and p4....rite??
by the way hermione........where are you from???
hahaa.....deadly...ur r8...in fct..jus after postin dat...i ws thnkin...u guys knw it as P1 n P2....yea...they r, i gues, d same thng

..(n sry, if u dnt understnd moi, but i feel at ease typin in short-hnd !!!!hehehehe..ayway, teme wen u dnt get me!k?!!!)....m from outer space!!!!EUROPA!!!hehehe...and its damn cold ova here, around -260C....brrrrrr!!!!:P

and about maths, i used to enjoy the subjct soooo mch wen i ws givin my IGCSEs,..n i completely undstnd wen u refer it 2 a game...because i had d same feelings thn...but nw....well....i dunno wats gne in2 me...

