Well let's clear this up, since you clearly misunderstood me.
When I said "Another conspiracy theory, like Illuminati trying to take over the world. ", I was referring to
d*ck probably has enough money to buy several biscuit factories by now.
Clearly you didn't get the joke when I was trying to compare that to illuminati. And I can't figure out how you equated it to the iraq attack.
Since this is cleared up, let me point some things in your posts that caught my eyes.
Well this was a better response than 'Another conspiracy theory, like Illuminati trying to take over the world'. Less 'pseudointellectual' at least.
Hope I've cleared this one.
There is no conspiracy. People are dying in Iraq, there is no sign of the war being over anytime soon, it's the tax payer's money are being spent in the trillions, and obviously these weapons of mass destruction were never found. America wanted to 'free' the people of iraq, but the place is even worse than before.
The oil case is considered as a conspiracy as well. Secondly, there's more to U.S's invasion on Iraq than oil.
One doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure who are actually benefiting from this war.
I hope your sarcasm is not needed anymore. Please preserve it for future use.