Hello everyone,
First of I am very glad I found forum like this and found it very useful. Nice work everyone!
I will be very thankful if some one guide me regarding this problem.
I completed AS (CIE) by giving 2 exams in June of 2010 but its still not fulfilled (missing one more subject).
I took Maths and Physics but due to some problem I could not take Computer. My aim is to become a software engineer, and the country I decided is Canada for further studies (Uni.)
The problem is I don't know which university will be best for me regardless searching I would like to know others opinion. (Bests in Canada).
And the second part of the problem is, when to apply for admission ? Do I have to apply after completing AS or possible during A2? If not, what I should do because I missed one subject in AS and do I need to do complete AS (the missed subject) while completing A2 because Computer is not available in October/November session because subjects with out practical can be only given this time.

And any extra qualification useful ? Like ILETS, TOFEL etc If yes which one?
Thanks in advance,