if we only heat, wouldnt there be steam on the test tube that would be called condensation?
or is it the condensation that occurs after heating has been stopped?
no no no! this is how examiners can tell which centres dont do practicals with their students. have you ever tried to heat a hydrated salt? in lab? (i havent either but ive seen a vid lol)
what happens is that "water condenses on the cooler upper regions of the test tube". even while you're heating.
<half an hour later>
ive been looking for a video to show u for the past half hour, but i cant find any. really sorry. dont bother checking youtubbe or metacafe-i checked both. whatver... do it at home maybe... if u have a test tube and hydrated copper (II) sulphate crystals. lol... maybe you could make some other crystals? (most ionic compounds' crystals are hydrated)