(19:28:16) ChatBot: Heart_Hacker has been logged out (Timeout).
(19:28:41) the_winner: hiii
(19:55:40) ChatBot: master_key logs into the Chat.
(19:55:43) ChatBot: the_winner has been logged out (Timeout).
(20:19:22) ChatBot: Jaw@!r!a logs into the Chat.
(20:19:26) ChatBot: master_key has been logged out (Timeout).
(20:21:38) Jaw@!r!a: hellllloooo
(20:51:20) ChatBot: Jaw@!r!a has been logged out (Invalid IP address).
(20:56:46) ChatBot: $tyli$h_Executiv logs into the Chat.
(20:56:46) ChatBot: $tyli$h_Executiv logs into the Chat.
(20:58:31) ChatBot: Error: Failed to load sound file (Flash IO Error).