You cannot deny however, that communist nations are not allowed to rise by the west. What you see in raw is simply the manifestation of a lot of background work.
No, I do not agree to the "are not allowed to rise". The communist nation's government has an 'homeland' policy which means that it will not trade in any way with international economies. So, communist nations deliberately adopt a policy of no foreign trade and we all know that foreign trade is the main base of the link between economies. If they adopt such 'reserve' policies, the west are in no fault for this.
The free market system leads to Americans almost unable to afford healthcare. 40% of American wealth is owned by 1% of Americans. It is turning into an Oligopoly. You need to see that where the democratic approach is failing such as in Bangladesh, Kenya. Now if you tell me that this is not a democracy,then I can tell you that democracy is almost non-existent.
Inequality? Thats a good characteristic in fact. If it were not for inequality, we would not be wealthy, noone would. Now one question - is a market system better, in which an individual has the ability to be very rich, by whatever means, or a communist system, in which you are forced to be poor and have no chance of getting rich unless you're the son of the planners?
You need to see where the democratic approach is being successful. See the US, UK and any developed economy, even the Singapore! What you see in Bangladesh is mainly due to corruption, its not democracy therefore. There is NO citizen's poll for important decisions by the government. The
open budget index places BD on the bottomline, indicating that it is not a democratic nation, in fact. Corruption is not any part of democracy. In autocracy, the leader is bound and has the incentive to be corrupt, as like Hitler and many others. Whereas in democracy, you are bound to do what the consensus says.
Look at China, a centralized government system saved it from the Recession. Right now people in England and America are suffering unlike any other.
China is no more a centralized government. In the earlier days, people weren't even allowed to leave their city, this was the severity of communist rule there, which is
no more. Since the 1960s-70s it has made a successful attempt to move towards the market system. The trend is now in fact, towards the market system.
What you see in China, is due to its successful move
towards the market system!
For more details: in England and America suffering? The recession is practically over now. Yes, some investment banks are still in huge debts, but on a personal level, it is history. See the dow jones index, NYSE, NASDAQ, almost all have returned towards their pre-recession levels. They are not suffering in fact. You need to understand that you only see news of suffering in newspapers and channels, not of prosperity. When everything is booming, you only hear positive news. When everything is in recession, you hear bad and pessimistic news. Truth is, eventually, all will prosper again.
You were saying something about China being
SAVED from recession! I laughed at that almost!

The Shanghai Composite index (the MAIN stock market of China's index) has FALLEN from 6000 to a staggering 2000 in 2008! one third. Now in Dow Jones, it fell from 12000 to 6000 (minimum and max point) which is half. This signifies that China had in fact, MORE adverse effect due to the recession. Its economic confidence was fragile, with slowed growth, reflected by the drastically falling stock market..
And we are talking about extremes here, Capitalism and Communism. You need to get that straight, we are discussing which extreme is the best to opt for.
Extreme models exist only in theory, not in practice. Some services like defense will always have to be provided by the government, even in a market economy. So, its better to get straight what we are discussing here:
Command economy means >90% government control.
Market economy means <13% government control.