am drinking coffay ..
& jst 4 a fact : my bro. is drinking tea ..
i made'em .. lol .. sth to be proud bout ..
funny how Great Guys like me and boom bake, while y'all self-proclaimed gals feel so proud about a cop of coffe and tea 
it cud at least bin Cappuccino, on which case u shud share sum wid me
oh yea my drink ryte now, Tea with milk and mint 
eh, well yeah .. what u said is true 4 me ..

bt here u go, mana cooks so
fi 7ad byshrab laban 3ala shay bi ni3na3 ..
tayb, laban 3ala shay wi mashy
shay bi ni3na3 wi mashy
laken shay 3ala laban bi ni3na3 ??
ta3mo 7elw ??