1)compare the spacing,ordering and motion of molecules in ice at 0 degrees celcius and water also a 0 degree celcius (6 marks)
Spacing: The intermolecular spacing between liquid and ice are almost the same. In ice, molecules are present at fixed positions in the crystal lattice, leaving large empty spaces between them, much like the length of spaces between molecules in liquid state.
Ordering: In ice, there is short-range order and molecules are present at fixed positions in the crystal lattice. In water, there is long-range order and molecules are randomly arranged in short-range.
Motion: Ice molecules exhibit vibratory motion, oscillating about their mean position while as liquid, water molecules exhibit translatory motion. Average Ek of molecules is directly proportional to temperature for both states.
These are short-hand answers; do give some expression to them to score 6 marks
a) N (mas no. 14 proton no, 7) + He(mas no.4 proton no.2) ----> O <mass 17 proton 8> + X <mass 1 proton 1>
i) complete equation
ii) idenify particle other than oxygen nucleus produced in the transformation